
Yours, Always and Forever

Leonor Navarro is forced to marry the grandson of the Villanueva family, an alliance that is vehemently against her will, not because the other party involved is not to her taste, but because she had always had a secret crush on his uncle. Amidst unravelling nerve wrecking secrets, will she be able to pull through her world of deciet, betrayal and be with the love of her youth or will she drown in the ocean of lies and a forced marriage?

goldenprecious31 · Teen
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3 Chs

The Investigation.

I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once – John Green.

Seated at the backseat of a very luxurious car, Leonor Navarro, leaned slightly on the windows with a sorrowful look on her face while stroking the pendant hanging on her neck, it was given to her by her late mother. If one didn't know better, they'd think she was mourning her husband rather accompanying her father to see her future husband.

She gazed absentmindedly at the passing scenery, the night lights reflecting through the window, pouring down on her face, enhancing her beauty and the melancholic aura around her.

Mr. Navarro, seated beside her took in all of these but turned a blind eye to it. He was well aware of his daughter's opposition regarding this marriage alliance, but alas, it can't be helped, the Villanueva's was not an ordinary aristocratic family, they controlled the affairs of the whole nation, and besides, his supposed son-in-law had something against him, something he would rather die than reveal, so even if he couldn't bear to watch his daughter like this, there was nothing he could do about it.

Finally, when he could no longer bear it, he spoke up " What now Leonor? You've been sitting there like the world owes you money. You'd better fix that frown before we arrive at the Villanueva's."

However, he received no response from her which made him to get slightly agitated.

" You really want to anger me to death don't you? Your brother is already too much for me to handle, do you really want to add to my misery?" Mr. Navarro continued.

Leonor stirred slightly in her sitting position before turning to look at her father, however before she could say a word, the phone resting on her legs rang rather loudly. With a frown, she reached out to see the caller ID, she turned stiff when she saw who it was, this person never calls unless it's something extremely important.

Mr. Navarro on the other hand, after seeing the caller ID, froze completely. His daughter was still in touch with this person?

" You're still in touch with him?" he asked when he saw she was about to accept the call.

" Yes" she replied curtly, and was about to accept the call when the ringing stopped.

"Why is that?" her father resumed his questioning, turning slightly to face her.

" I thought you were too heartbroken to investigate the issue of Mom's death so I reached out to him to help with it."

" Leonor, it was clearly a hit-and-run case, besides, the culprit has been apprehended."

" Dad do you actually believe that? All of the witnesses at the scene said the culprit was a woman, why was a man apprehended then?" she said raising her brows in disbelief.

" Leonor this was two years ago." Mr. Navarro said agitatedly.

" The more reason the investigation should go on, the culprit has been out there for too long." She said, getting slightly irritated at her father's words.

" You shouldn't keep in touch with him or go on with this investigation."

" That's not entirely for you to decide dad."

" Leonor she was my wife, don't you think I have a say in this?"

"She was my mother too, besides, why are you so adept on restricting this investigation, do you possibly who the culprit is?"

Mr. Navarro turned stiff the moment he heard his daughter's words " The culprit is already in jail and you will not go on with this investigation unless you're directly rebelling against me, your brother has already gone astray, you might as well go ahead and act recklessly, let me know I am a man with no descendants." He roared angrily.

"Dad…" Leonor's tone softened at the mention of her brother.

"Fine, I'll ask him to stop the investigation." She said resignedly.