
Are you?!?!

Kazuki greeted her with a sweet hello and a pleasing wave when she start introduced herself

"Name: Akari Araya

Age: 9"

Kazuki's mom told them to go to his room so that they can talk or play games in his room, both of them then decided to go up into his room. He asked her directly if she played computer games and replied "yes". he was so hyped that she also likes games and both of them had a really nice long chat, then Araya suddenly asked permission that she was gonna get her laptop downstairs so she went out of his room to get it. Kazuki went his computer desk and started playing his favorite rpg game. he tried to look at the list of his best online friend is online and he was so glad that they were online then his sister knocks on the door to get inside. he told his online friend to wait for him. "I'm gonna help my sister" his sister entered the room and put the laptop beside his computer and the time he looked at his sister's screen it was the same name,character model as his best online friend and out of curiosity he asked her are you "Tehran " <- (game name) and she was confused and she decided to look at his monitor and she was shocked and said "don't tell me you are...."


His mom heard that loud scream and rushed upstairs to check and when the time she open the door she was kazuki and his sister talking with smiles while playing and ask "why are you guys shouting a while ago?" and he replied " she is my online friend that i told you about!" and he continue his talk with Akari, then the mother leaves the room and go back downstairs. Akari saw his artworks on the floor and decided to look at it and said "so cool" and he replied "thank you, but I'm still practicing" with embarrassment. "Let's practice together " thats what Akari said and so both of them practice drawing

"Few hours later"

Both of them got bored and thought of things that can entertain them. he suggested that they will go to the arcade to play there and she agreed with it so both of them went downstairs to eat and went tothe arcade. While on the way to the arcade they decided to stop at the shop thats hes working at a workplace and asked permission to not attend and spend time with his soster but luckily sensie agree to make his leave and spend time with his sister.

Kazuki and his sister finally arrived at the arcrade place and he saw Yuki standing in front and he didnt expect that she will be here. Yuki ask him "who is this girl" in serious face