
Your Perfect Imperfections

Raeniel Saki Rosales, a 17-years old girl who lives in Shibuya, Japan is living a normal life, schooling, befriending people, she is a foreign - a Filipino to be exact but due to her family having a job opportunity in Japan, she spent her life living and adjusting there and going home to the Philippines during vacations or special occasions. Along living a normal life, she met a mysterious but very gentle named Takashi Ryusei, everyday is a mystery for Saki especially to that guy but the warmth he gives off is something Saki keeps on finding, it is the warmth of when you are at home. Being a mystery to Saki, she did not expect the events that will turn out as she slowly unveiled the secrets behind the mysteries, will she stay? will she accept the world Takashi has?

kouniteru · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"And so! This conclude our lesson for today, get home safe alright?! Go home straight away!" our teacher dismissed our class and I jolted from my seat and fixed my things

"Finally, sleep!" I exclaimed

"Hey, let's go eat ramen" my friend, Clyde said

"Your treat?" I asked

He scoffed, "No, you go buy your own" he answered

I laughed, "Alright, alright!" I said and as we took our bags, we ran outside our classroom

"Raeniel Saki Rosales!" I heard someone shouted from behind

I stopped running and turned around to see my wonderful friend, Chiyu Tanaka

I waved at him and he ran towards us, "ramen?" he asked

Me and Clyde nodded and we ran again

"First to run to the convenience store wins!" Clyde exclaimed and then we ran faster

Clyde and Chiyu were pulling each other and so I laughed at them

By the time we reached the convenience store, we were catching our breathes

"No one won" I answered and laughed

"No, I won!" Clyde answered

"I won!" Chiyu exclaimed

"But you pulled me!" Clyde explained

"It's because you pulled me too!" Chiyu defended

"Now, now, let's eat" I said and opened the door to the store and proceeded to the noodles section

"Should I buy ramen and carbonara?" I asked myself

I took two instant carbonara and also took instant ramen

I'm undecided so my eyes keep looking at it

"Would the noodles get cooked by staring at it?" I heard a voice behind me

I turned to look at the owner of the voice and I saw a lavender-haired guy, with his eyebrows shaved on the middle, and with a black earring on his left ear

He also looked at me curiously

My face flushed red and I moved away from him, "I-uh" I was flustered and keep eating the words I want to say

He laughed, "you look weird" he then said

"Well! I don't know what to eat, I love carbonara but I love ramen too" I answered

His hands enveloped his chin and hummed, "Well" he muttered

"Huh?" I asked

"How about, you go buy carbonara and I buy ramen, and you can eat with me, what do you think?" he suggested

I was surprised by the sudden act of kindness, "W-what? Enlighten me?" I asked confused

He took the ramen from me and took 4 more noodles, "Let's eat together" he said

I blinked repeatedly, "Come on" he called me

I don't know why but my feet followed him to the counter, and I saw clyde and chiyu still debating outside

I scratched my head and the guy who is acting kind to me also turned, "Is that your friends?" he asked

I nodded, "I'll call them, pay for your food" he said

He took his noodles and went outside

I was still stunned by the sudden act but I shrugged it off and payed for mine

"Saki!" I heard Clyde's voice

I turned to him and he looked at me, "What?" I asked

He raised his eyebrows then I saw Chiyu talking with the guy

"Who's that?" he asked

"I don't know, he suddenly talked to me too" I said

We looked at each other and turned to look at the guy and said, "He's handsome" we said in unison

We laughed and I decided to cook my noodles because I'm hungry


It's weird for someone to be that nice, talking to a stranger

I saw my reflection on the vending machine

Do I look like a nice person too?

"Weird" I mumbled

"Who is?" I heard the familiar guy beside me and I was shocked

He laughed, "Sorry for that, I'm Takashi" he introduced himself and reached his hand to me

By that, I felt his warmth so I shook his hand and said, "I'm Raeniel Saki Rosales"

He smiled, "Your name fits your face" he said

Again, my ears reddened at the sudden act so I turned away covering my face

"Oh, sorry for that!" he apologized

"Don't be" I said and when I saw my noodles cooked, I opened the packets

"You go to the same school as Chiyu" he spoke

I nodded, "Chiyu is a childhood friend, also Clyde" I said

I turned to him, "How did you know Chiyu?" I asked

He blinked his eyes, "Haven't he told me to you?" he asked

I shook my head, "No, I don't remember Chiyu telling me about a guy named Takashi with a lavender undercut hair and shaved eyebrows with a cool looking earring" I said and took my food to the table

He hummed, "Well, then, do you want to know me?" he asked

"You're too nice, it's scary" I joked

He laughed, "You're giving off a friendly-vibes aura so I didn't hesitated to approach" he said

I was surprised, "Do i?" I asked

He nodded, "Yes, you do" he said as he then sat beside me and I didn't noticed that the ramen was already cooked

"Aaahhh! Nakaka-gutom!" I exclaimed (Nakakagutom in english is it's making me hungry)

"Na? What?" he asked

I laughed, "Sorry for that, it's a sudden change of language, well I'm foreign, you see" I answered

"You are? You look Japanese as me" he said

I laughed, "That's quiet the compliment I get a lot" I answered

"So, you are not from here?" he asked

I nodded and my eyes wandered at the glass wall of the store, and saw the environment of Shibuya, Japan

"No, I'm a pure filipino, my dad was offered a job here so I kind of grew up here" I answered

"Ohh, you live with your dad?" he asked

"Yes, with my mom, and my siblings" I said

"Hmm, that's nice, talking with a non-japanese, but you're fluent I must say" he answered

"Chiyu taught me well" I said and laughed

As if on cue, Clyde and Chiyu showed up and sat across

"Let's eat" we prayed and started eating

"I will never get tired of eating carbonara" I stated and they all laughed at my remark

"What? It's my favorite" I said and ate

"She literally eats carbonara everyday" Chiyu told Takashi

"Hey!" I called him

"Yeah, it's true, she eats rice with carbonara" Clyde answered

I rolled my eyes at them, "Shut up" I told them

And with that, meeting a new person makes our day the store lively

His warmth surrounded us three and this warmth got me so curious that I wanted to ask about his life but we just met today


"Thank you for today!" we greeted the cashier and went out of the store

"I'm full!" I exclaimed

"Yeah, you are" Chiyu sarcastically said

"Thank you for sharing" I bowed at Takashi and he laughed at me, "No need to thank me" he answered

"So, then, let's go home!" Clyde said and we all started walking to the near bus stop

Chiyu and Clyde were busy talking about schools stuff while I'm walking beside Takashi

"How did you and Chiyu met?" I asked him

"Well, I actually don't know, I just remembered us talking and being friends" he answered

I chuckled, "Honestly, same, he was the one who approached me back when we were kids, I already forgot what conversation made us friends" I answered

"He's pretty bubbly" he then said

I nodded in agreement, "He's loud, and goofy" I said

"So, you grew up here in Japan?" he asked

I nodded, "We would go home in the Philippines when it's vacation or at special occasions" I said

"Oh, explains why you're still fluent in Filipino" he answered

"Yes, we still speak in Tagalog when at home" I said

"You should teach me some" he pleaded

I laughed, "Well, do you have any word in mind that you want to know in Tagalog? Or any sentences?" I asked

"What's love in Tagalog?" he asked

"Mahal" I said

He tried speaking the word 'mahal' but failing at the pronounciation because of the letter L and it's funny

"Don't laugh at me" he scoffed

"Try putting your tongue in between your teeth at letter L" I taught him

He tried and succeed but the Japanese accent is still evident

"Whoah, that's cool" he said in awe

"Right?!" I agreed

"How about beautiful in Tagalog?" he asked

"Maganda" I answered

"Ahh, you're ma-gan-da?" he asked unsure and then I laughed

"You're learning fast, how'd you know to use it in a sentence?" I asked

"English sentence has the same construction of sentence like Tagalog, right? I remember our teacher teaching that" he answered

"Wow, you listen to your teacher?" I asked

"Hey! Of course I do!" he exclaimed

I laughed, "You don't look like someone who would listen to anyone" I said

He just laughed at my remark

"How many siblings do you have?" he asked curiously

"I have 4 excluding me, I have an older sister, I'm the second child" I explained

"They must look like you" he wondered

I laughed, "Well, I look like my father, and no, I don't really look like my sisters" then I remembered, "Oh, right! Well, the 4th sibling looks like me" I said

He nodded, "Then she must look like the cute version of you" he laughed

I smiled, "You love praising people, don't you?" I asked

"No, I'm just being honest" he said

I raised my eyebrows, "Really? Foreign people would think you're hitting" I chuckled

"If that's what you think, then do you want me to?" he asked

I was surprised by his question and stopped walking and he just laughed at my face

"Shut up, Takashi! We just met!" I exclaimed

He laughed and pulled me along, "I'm just joking"

"Yeah, right" I sarcastically answered

"We're here!" Chiyu said

Just as we arrived, the bus arrived too so we all took our card for the bus and climbed

"I call dibs on the back" I said and walked fastly

"No fair" I heard Clyde whined

I sat at the window seat just one seat away from the back and stared at the night view of Shibuya

Takashi sat next to me, his cologne is already familiar to me

I fished out my phone and took a picture

"Why are you taking pictures?" he asked

"Memories" I said and turned to him

"So, you have a lot of pictures?" he asked

I nodded and showed him my album of pictures ever since I started schooling in Japan

He laughed because I have pictures of my everyday life and it's complete

"See, I even have a separate album for the sunsets and sunrises" I said and showed him

"You can create an exhibit for this one" he answered

The bus started moving and on cue, my mother texted me asking where am I

I looked at the time and it's past dinner time so I must ready my ears for the sermon they have

I winced and typed my reply

"Chiyu" I called out

Chiyu, who's sitting infront of me, turned to me and raised his eyebrows, "Mama texted" I said

He made a scary face, "You're going to get grounded" he scared me

"Shut up, you're not helping" I said

He laughed, "Tell her we did the usual, we've been doing it for years so she won't get mad, plus, you're with me and Clyde and you met a new friend" he said and reached his hand to me

I shook his hand and he smiled at me and turned away again

I sighed, "You can't go home late?" I heard Takashi asked

I turned to him, "Being a Filipino means I have a strict household, I can't stay out late unless it's important, or unless I lie my way out" I chuckled

"Isn't it hard for you?" he asked

I shook my head, "No, it's pretty normal, and plus, I'm a girl, you know how girls attracts unwanted dangers especially at night, even though Japan is pretty much safe, my family overthinks, a lot" I said emphasizing the word 'a lot'

He hummed in response, "Do you want me to go with you and talk with your Mom?" he asked

"No, no, it's fine!" I answered

Clyde suddenly turn to us, "No, Takashi, go with her, her Mom would spend time scolding her" Clyde said and turned away

I groaned at him, "I'm just near the neighborhood, it's better than letting them scold you" Takashi assured

I looked at him, "You're so nice" I whined

He laughed, "What can I do? I'm born to be nice" he said

I saw Chiyu looking at him and made face. "Stop lying, you aiin't nice" he said

I laughed at his remark and they started bickering

"Stop, it's noisy" I said


As we got off from the bus, we started walking fastly because I need to get home soon

"There's your house" Chiyu said and pointed at mine, I playfully hit his hand and pointed, "That's your house" I said and pointed at the house next to mine

We laughed because we act like we live far from each other

As we're nearing the doorstep, the door suddenly opened revealing my sister, "Ma! Ate's here!" she shouted (Mama – Mom, Ate – Older sister)

I shushed her and she just ignored me, "She's with her friends!" she said again

I motioned them to come in and without even removing my shoes, I walked in

I saw my mom sitting at the couch, "Why are you home so late?" she asked

I smiled, "We ate at the convenience store ulit Mama, I'm with Chiyu and Clyde and we met another friend, he's Takashi" I said (Ulit – Again)

"Good evening, mom!" Chiyu stated and waved at mama

Clyde did the same and Takashi went beside me

"Ma, meet my new friend, Takashi" I said

He bowed to her, "I'm Takashi Ryusei" he introduced

I saw Papa walking out of the kitchen, "You should eat with your friends" he said

"Come, eat at the kitchen, I already know you're going home with your friends" she said and motioned us to come

Chiyu and Clyde patted me and I sighed in relieved

"You can place your bags here" I said and pointed at the couch, I put my bag on the stairs and removed my shoes

Chiyu and Clyde already went to the kitchen, "Don't be shy, look at Chiyu and Clyde, it's like they own the house" I told Takashi and laughed

"Your Mom is pretty intimidating" he said

"I know right? Asian" I said and chuckled

"And, you do look like your Dad" he said

I nodded and went to him, "But, he's tall, I'm not" I said and measured our height

He laughed at my remark, "Let's go" I said and pulled him at the kitchen

I saw Chiyu and Clyde talking with my third sister in Tagalog

I forgot, Chiyu can already speak and understand Tagalog due to him being friends with me for a long time, and Clyde is also a Filipino who happens to study here, too

Takashi was shocked seeing Chiyu speak Tagalog, "That's what you get when you stick with me, you speak in Tagalog" I whispered at Takashi and sat at the chair across them

He sat beside me, completely shy

"What's our food?" I asked

I saw sushi and exclaimed, "Sushi!"

"We have rice, fried chicken, sushi and ramen and carbonara" my third sister, Ren said

I smiled seeing carbonara and inhaled the aroma, "Let's eat!" I said

"Thank you for the food" we all said

"Don't be shy, this is your house now" I said to Takashi and went to put chicken on his plate

Chiyu nodded, "Her mom's cooking is very very delicious, it is because they're foreign so the Japanese food we eat, when they cook it, it's very foreign" Chiyu explained and put sushi on his plate

"You have to taste the Filipino food they cook too, Saki would call us here to eat when they cook it" Clyde said and put ramen on a small bowl, next to him

"Thank you, wow, you guys" he said and laughed

"Sometimes, I don't feel like I'm the real child" I joked

"Eat well kids, how's school?" I heard Papa's voice

"It's alright, we have an exam coming up soon" I said

"Study well, ha?" Papa reminded

I nodded, "If I didn't pass the exam, I can't dance on the event" I said

"Oh, right! You're going to dance!" Chiyu exclaimed

I nodded with full excitement, "I'm kind of nervous because it's a solo" I said

"You must watch her dance, she has a lot of guys falling for her moves" Clyde said to Takashi

I laughed, "Papa is a dancer too" I told them

"Come on! Pa! Show them your moves!" Chiyu said to my dad and he just laughed them off telling them that he can't move like he does back when he was a dancer


"Thank you for tonight!" Chiyu, Clyde and Takashi said to my parents and bowed

"Oh, you're always welcome! I'm glad seeing a new face, it's getting tiring seeing the same faces over the years!" Mama joked and I heard Chiyu and Clyde whined

"I hope I get to see the four of you wearing the uniforms of your chosen careers" Papa said

We all whined at what he said

"Come on, pa, we're still in junior high school" I said

"What? It's not bad to dream" he said

We waved at them as I walked with the three outside

"You sure you can walk home alone?" I asked Takashi

He nodded, "Thank you for the company, I really enjoyed" he said

"It wasn't like that before you know? But Saki is nearing the legal age so they decided to not be strict most of the time" Chiyu said

I laughed, "I'm getting old before you all" I said

"Go inside, we're going home" Clyde said

I waved goodbye at them and went inside

It brings me joy, being able to meet a new friend

What more can he bring us?