
Your New Home

Ashton Fleming has always been cursed with chaos occurring around him, his normal life completely changes when he finds out the truth about his curse, and the truth about gods

Lyychee · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Camp Demigod

Ashton rubbed his temples as he tried to process what had just happened

He looked back at his dad and asked "You mean to tell me, I'm a what, god?"

"Well, more demigod, I guess" Tony replied

Ashton brought his hand to his chin as he pondered about if this was real "I mean, a part of me thinks this is crazy and the other somewhat believes it, after all, this would explain my "curse" " He thought

His father started fidgeting with his hands "Son, I also need to apologize"

Tony took a deep breath and pulled out an oddly golden apple

"What the heck is this?" Ashton asked curious about the item in his hand

Tony's expression softens "This, This is the Apple Of Discord, Its a powerful artifact from your mother" He explained

Ashton observed the artifact, It was a bright gold apple and appeared to glow a strange neon yellow

"You want me to have it then I'm assuming?" Ashton asks

Tony looked at Ashton sadly "Consider this your birthday gift " He told in a depressed tone, handing Ashton the apple

"Alright I guess," He says, grabbing the apple out of his father's hand

The moment Ashton grabbed the apple, he felt an odd shiver going through his spine

Ashton realized this shiver was similar to the one he had during school "This is the same feeling I had in class!" He thought shocked

Once Ashton came back to his thoughts, he looked back down at the apple and to his surprise, it completely vanished, all that could be seen was a strange purple glow

"Wait where did it go?" Ashton asked confused

Tony looked at Ashton panicked "Son, listen to me carefully, I won't be seeing you for a while, so I'll make this quick" He told

"Dad? what's wrong?" Ashton asked confused at the situation

"Listen, I won't be with you for a while, so make sure you do these things for me okay?" He said leaning closer to his son

"Sure, what is it? and what do you mean, are you leaving or something?" Ashton responds puzzled

"Just remember that liking chaos is perfectly fine okay? Make plenty of friends" Tony says making Ashton even more confused "And most importantly, this is my final lesson for you so come closer" He said gesturing for Ashton to move towards him

Tony put on a smile and whispered in Ashton's ear "When you get knocked down"

He stepped away from his son and finished his sentence "Rise"

Ashton starts panicking "Dad what the heck is going o-" The black-haired boy blacked out before he could finish

Tony looked out the window "I hope you protect him, Eris"

Ashton awoke and realized he had a massive headache "Aaahhh! Damn, my heads killing me"

He looked around at his surroundings and saw nothing but endless amounts of sand "Where the heck am I!? How did I end up in a desert!!?" Ashton screamed

"Dad! Anybody! Is anyone out there!?" Ashton shouted hoping for someone to hear him

Ashton looked around and realized that he still had his backpack on "Maybe I have something in here" He thought hopeful

As Ashton rummaged through his bag, he noticed that he doesn't have any of my possessions, instead, he had strange items scattered through his bag

"Let's see, a purple sash, a dagger, amour, and a ball? What kind of stuff is this!?" He said, confused about the strange items in his bag

Ashton shook his head and reminded himself of his main issue "Never mind, my priority is to find my way out of this desert" He thought putting on his bag and leaving the stuff inside his bag alone

Before Ashton started walking, he noticed a rare sight in the corner of his vision

He looks closely at the structure and identifies it "Hold on, is that an oasis?" He said spotting a pool of water surrounded by trees

"Wow, that's not something you see every day, well I should probably head off," Ashton thought to himself walking off into the distance

After a few minutes of walking through the desert, Ashton heard a deafening "BOOM" in the distance

"Okay that's not a good sign," He thought worried

As Ashton turned around to check out the noise, he almost fainted after seeing the monstrosity in front of him

The purple-eyed boy looked up to see a beast 20 feet high surrounded by fire "Holy shit" Was all Ashton was able to say in response to the beast

"Mom, Zeus or whatever god is up there, please help" Ashton prayed

As Ashton was watching the monster, he noticed that it blasted a flaming ball from its mouth

Ashton watched as the ball hit the ground and appear to not do anything "Oh, maybe this thing isn't that danger-"

He was cut off from the ball exploding and sending sand flying everywhere

Ashton looked at the size of the explosion and groaned, knowing he was most likely about to get blown up "Well, this sure is a predicament"

Ashton closed his eyes and concentrated on a way out of his mess "All right Ashton focus, this monster is made of fire, I could hurt it if I just had some water! "

He suddenly remembered something he came across in the desert "Wait! I could've sworn I saw an oasis on the way here! Where was it!?"

Ashton frantically started looking around to find the oasis

"Hold on a sec," Ashton said noticing something in the distance

Ashton smiled seeing that it was the oasis he saw a while ago "Alright, I think I got a plan to defeat this thing" He thought formulating a plan

"You know, now that I think about it, this beast isn't any different from a bully at my high school," He thought cockily

Ashton waved at the beast and taunted it "Hey! burnt chicken nugget! Try making me go boom boom!"

The moment the monster turned around, Ashton instantly booked it and ran to the Oasis he saw in the distance

Ashton ran to the oasis and ended up in front of a large pool of water, he then waited for the beast to send one of Its bombs at him "Come on! tough guy, give me all you got!"

As Ashton expected, the monster shot another one of its bombs "Alright, I have to be quick about this" He thought

Ashton instantly ducked to avoid the ball and as he imagined it, the ball sunk to the bottom of the water "Now for the next part"

He took out the dagger from his bag and ran towards the monster

Ashton heard a SWOOSH! from behind him, the explosion sent the water from the pool high into the air, making the water rain down on the monster, causing the monster to crumble and decay

"Yes! It worked!" Ashton cheered

As the monster started crumbling, He started looking for its heart

"Come, on! where is it!?" He said searching through the remains of the monster

As Ashton was searching, a sudden glimmer appeared from the debris of the monster "Gotcha! Man, for once, I'm glad I paid attention in history" He said, walking to the shimmer smiling

Ashton took out his dagger and started to carve out the crystal from the debris, he held the crystal up and took a good look at it

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the heart of the monster, I'll keep it in my bag, who knows it could be useful later," Ashton said putting the crystal in his backpack, while going through his backpack he noticed the odd clothing that was in his bag

Ashton noticed the state of his current shirt and sighed "I guess I'm going to need a new look for this Ummm, new world?"

Ashton went into his bag and took out the armor and greaves, along with the sash "Looks like whoever put these in my bag likes purple" He thought examining the color of his clothing

He put on the clothing and began to head out until he noticed something else in his bag "What's this? I guess I must've missed it"

Ashton rummaged through his bag again and saw 2 purple wristbands "Jeez, what's up with all this purple? Maybe its and Eris thing" He said laughing as he put them on

Ashton began his journey again and after a bit of exploring he found what appeared to be a form of civilization

Ashton noticed the structure of the town and saw that it had a huge gate at the front "It looks like a town, also it's out of this stupid desert, so I should probably head there"

As Ashton walked closer to the gates of the structure, he noticed a group of people standing outside the gates

"Who could these people be?" Ashton thought curious as to what was happening

As he was at the gate he saw a girl with black hair and bright green eyes, almost hypnotizing speaking to the crowd

"It looks like all of you came here at the same time," The mysterious lady says, confusing Ashton further

"Okay, this is getting really weird now," Ashton thought

"Alright, allow me to introduce myself! My name is Kate, I am the daughter of Athena, This is Camp Demigod, it is also your new home" She says smiling

"You are here because your godly parents would like you to be protected while learning how to defend yourself against people who dislike demigods" She explained

"Godly parent? Could she mean Eris?" Ashton thought to himself

"Here at Camp Demigod, you will find out about your heritage, make friends and grow stronger" Kate continued

A boy with crimson eyes and oddly white skin and hair interrupted her speech "So are we going to fight soon?"

"Later, but first, let's get to know each other, after all, you will be living together for a while! We can start with some basic introductions" Kate says

"Later? As in we actually fight!? Just what is this place!?" Ashton questioned

A beautiful boy with chestnut hair, warm yellow eyes, along with nice tanned skin and wearing a white and gold toga spoke up first "I guess I"ll go first, My name is Bell, I am the son of Aphrodite, I love cooking, animals and making new friends!"

"Alright, you next," Kate says pointing to a slightly short girl with bright blue eyes along with very light blue hair, what stuck out about them was their slightly bird-like legs and white wings

"Well, for starters, you can call me Marsh! I am the daughter of Artemis, also part harpy, hence the wings! I enjoy fighting monsters and flying!" The winged girl said happily

Next, a boy with brown messy hair, jet black eyes, and very handsome facial features started speaking "I'm Alex, the son of Appolo, I enjoy music, archery and I hope to be close friends with all of you"

A girl with dark blue eyes, black and white clothes on, along with a black beanie covering their hair slowly started speaking

"U-umm, m-my name is Sall-ly, I a-am th-the, daughter of Poseidon, I-I like s-swimming and t-the ocean" The girl said cowering in the corner shyly

The hotheaded man went next "I'm the son of Ares, Tyrone, I only care about fighting"

"Fighting addict, add that to his list" Ashton mentally check off

Next up was a boy with his eye covered up by a bandana, from what Ashton could make out, he mainly wore black and chainmail, he only had a bit of silver on his armor but that was about it, he even had black eyes and black hair

"My name is Zack, I'm the son of Hades, but I don't really like my dad, I enjoy sword fighting and artifact hunting" The boy introduced

"Hello, My name is Angel, daughter of Aphrodite, I hope all of you enjoy your stay in this camp," The angelic girl said

The girl's appearance was really similar to that of an angel, her hair was a bluish apricot gold/platinum, she even had white angelic wings and looked beautiful

The next person had greenish orange hair, faint green eyes and wore an orange necklace "My name is Ava, The daughter of Harmonia, I like snakes and I hate chaos just like my mother" The green-eyed girl said

"We, won't get along then I guess," Ashton thought

"Alright, lastly, you, the boy in the purple" Kate says pointing towards Ashton

"Hello, I'm Ashton, but you can call me Ash, I am the son of Eris, I like to play card games and I enjoy having fun, I hope I can be fr-friends with all of you" Ashton said, stuttering at the thought of saying friends

"E-Eris, the goddess of -gulp- chaos?" Kate says shocked

"Yeah! What? Do you think that I"ll curse you or something?" Ashton questioned slightly offended

Kate frantically waved her hands apologizing "Oh, no, it's just, I didn't know they had a child"

"Ashton? The son of Eris huh? I'll have to watch out for him" Ava thought to herself

"Well, I hope all of you get accustomed to this place and meet the other campers," Kate says

"Other campers?" Alex questioned

"Of course, you aren't the only ones here, anyway just one more thing, at 8 am tomorrow we have a meeting in the arena, but until then be sure to decorate your cabins and explore the camp! Cabins are to the right of the entrance by the way!" Kate says leaving everyone to do their own business

Ashton went off looking around the camp "All right, I guess I should find my cabin" He thought to himself

"Let's see, Austin? Nope! Umm, oh! Ashton, son of Eris!" Ashton said spotting my nameplate

He went inside and was shocked at what he saw, he found a suitcase in the center of the cabin "Did they take stuff from my house or something?"

Ashton opened the suitcase and notice a note "Is it from dad?" He wondered while opening the paper

The note read "Ashton, if you're reading this, then you must've made it to the camp, at this camp, you will learn about your mom and be able to make friends if you're worried about your powers running loose, don't worry, those wristbands keep your powers in check, I hope you enjoy your new outfit and special little dagger, it has some perks to it that you will probably find out later, but most importantly, I hope for you to be happy here, also make sure you win plenty of trials for your dad okay!"

P.s If your wristbands ever glow purple, you can take them off

From the one and only! Tony Fleming

"Honestly, most kids would be terrified if they were brought into this world, and you knew that didn't you?" Ashton thought halfheartedly

He lied down on his bed and smiled "But, I'm not your average kid"

"I'm a demigod"