
Cursed Society

Society challenges me but I refuse to falter

For I shall remain strong for now and ever after

A world that wishes for me to be like itself

But no, for I am me nor do I wish to be anyone else 

I was once a target to your torment and pain

Now the tables have turned as I have promised myself you shall be slain

The never ending armies you sent to block my way

Broken and bruised I was each and everyday

You wished for me to fit in like a piece of your puzzle

Nah fam, grab this middle finger and look into the end of my muzzle

I refuse to be drunken by your alcohol, sex and money

Once I may have fallen but try that again and I'll just think you're funny

Come now, for our battle shall be legendary

I shall rip you apart and make you imaginary

I shall make this world a thousand times more fair

Your epistle of evil will be no more... I swear

I strive to be different for it is who I am

For even if I stand alone I still wouldn't give a damn

The big and rich who prey on the poor

Eating like royalty amused by them eating your scraps off the floor

The chaos, tears and blood derived from never ending war

Listen.. don't you hear? They are calling out from a far

The starved, they that thirst and those without a home

Come on, give them a helping hand! Why are you standing there like a freaking gnome??!

What do you mean its not your responsibility?

Shut the hell up and stop trying to justify your iniquity

Disgusting, you're what this world has built

Stock piled up just like a load of filth

Why judge that man by nothing but his color?

No matter what you say we are one people of every minute of every hour

Tsk, come you the disabled, the sick, the poor, the homeless and all the needy

Ill lend you my hand, take your time, you don't have to move too speedy

Everyone that's rejected by society  lets unite

And to this cursed world we shall take the fight

Fight for your beliefs, fight for your rights and most of all fight for who you are

Lets end this needless struggle and at the end we shall shine like a star