
your first love always hurts the most

Young love is always so fleeting yet scars us the deepest . A young girls many previous relationships and her journey through them all . (the novel and the content might become somewhat explicit after the 50th chapter or so )

VanillaBean16 · Teen
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1 Chs

being 13

At the age of 13 I had just started high school I was naive back then, I still am ,but at least I can say I learned something.

I had just broken up with a boy that Christmas after dating for 5 months ,but back then I concluded i didn't like him nor did my best friend. Well that's what we both agreed on ,after 2 weeks of discussions and many pros and cons listings .I realised Dr I didn't like him I just liked the idea of being in a relationship .

I remember my friend going to church every Sunday and every Monday she would complain and tell me of how my boyfriend gave her the "death glare". I also realized his personality wasn't to warm nor kind and I would rarely see him smile, it eventually became clearer and clearer .

A few weeks after I left him my best friend told me they had kissed ,in normal situations my reaction should probably have gone in the direction of negativity yet instead of dying inside of sadness or atleast anger ,but I was dying inside of laughter . I couldn't believe after weeks of her complaints they eventually came together .They where the most unlikely couple

At first I thought this would blow over soon ,but the days kept passing and their relationship only grew stronger and I was so happy for them . There was never an awkward moment between him and I .On days that he would tag along when she came to visit me ,on weekends or after school even, at school we all hung out .

It was nice .

Finally the fist 2 weeks of grade eight were over and we were finally done with our horrible "right of passage " .It wasn't that horrible it was embarrassing at most but I enjoyed every moment I got to laugh at my friend and she got to laugh at me .

(I realise you must be very confused by the book title and everything I have written so far ,but no he was not my first love even though I felt empty after leaving him and almost never left the gym for a few weeks . My real first love will be made clear later on until then you'll just have to wait and see what happens.)


When we got to high school I realized how much appreciation I owed my best friend and how grateful I was to have a true friend like her .

Since grade four I believed in qaulity not qauntity .I believed having one true friend was more important than having many fake friends that lie and deceive.

I then had a realisation . Up until grade eight I had neglected my one and only true best friend .

I hated that it took me more than 9 years to realise.I am still so grateful for how patient she was and still is with me .

I truly appreciate and love her so much for it all.

Only sad part is that I wasted 9 years on girls who thought too highly of themselves and by doing so looked right past the beautiful amathyst right in front of me patiently waiting to be noticed.

We would spend so much time together she would even sleep over in the middle of the week.We would sometimes even decide to skip school the next day just to hang out .

She is always there for me even more than my own twin sister .She doesn't really like me that much probably because I stole her thunder and started getting better grades than her . She even gets mad at me after I save her butt from getting into heaps of trouble and get her out of trouble when she does .She also yells at me when I try to give her good advice .

oh well there is only so much you can do .

Highschool's a lot different .When you're absent ,teachers expect you to know exactly what you missed and if you don't you get demerits .My sister used to miss school a lot and since we're in the same classes I would usually try to catch her up with everything.Yet she would always ignore me .

Once in physics class after she missed a day of school the teacher was checking homework and asked her why hers was not done . (this

teacher is also the schools vice principal)

Instead of explaining (scared her laziness might get demerits)she said "My sister did not tell me anything about any homework" emediately shifting the teacher's attention to me .

Witch I found unfair of her and I could not believe my own sister would try and throw me under the bus like that just to save herself .The next morning during administration period he called both of us in to his office. Just as my sister left his office full of fear that he might phone our mom I calmy walked in and stood in front of his desk .

He then asked me to explain the whole situation to him and so I did . I said "Her homework was not done , because she did not ask for it I gave up on giving her her homework since she always ignores me "

The teacher then showed me out and as the three of us were walking to his classroom he only said "Just don't let it happen again ".

That was the first and last time I ever saw the teacher be merciful towards a student .

Luckily he retired three years later ,it was his time anyway.He taught my mother and now me ,it would have been weird if he taught any longer .

I also dropped physics ,I mean I'm not dumb or anything ,just lazy .

Besides I was determined to become a teacher .A primary school teacher .I wouldn't need physics for that .Well first I actually wanted to become a lawyer ,but I don't have it in me to become one .Teaching seemed to be the easiest path and I was right ,three years later and everyone I know is becoming one .

Naturally I am changing career paths .

To whomever read this ,thank you . I started writing this chapter when I was only 15 and now 3 years later I have finally completed it .

If I get even a single comment to write more I'll be motivated to actually do it .so please comment and vote

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