
Your Demon! | Naruto x Demon Slayer Fanfic

A girl named Sora from the sand village, unexpectedly gets turned into a demon while Kae and Mitsuri slay demons to find the one who transformed her while keeping her from devouring humans.

lobaFofii · Anime & Comics
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I Found a Demon Slayer

Third POV:

Sora was chased. She knew why, but she was used to it. She was in a small forest surrounding hills, and she only wanted to be there for peace. But this did not work out, because a shinobi was chasing after her fast as ever. Annoyed that he was still going after many hours, Sora was still followed. This ninja was too…annoying.

Sora stopped running and jumping, and stopped to stare at the ninja, who started to grin wildly. He thinks I'm weak, Sora thought. That's why he's chasing me. Well, the thing was, Sora was not weak. In fact, she was the exact opposite of that. She was powerful.

"You should be easy to capture. Heh..." Said the ninja, but in just a few seconds Sora had defeated the ninja, killing him with sand coffin. That was easy…

Soon after she was on her way, she heard a blood-curdling scream.

Sora's POV

The screaming was not far away, or so my ears told me. Of course, I was curious to see who it was and what was happening, so I quickly ran to where the voice was, wanting to help. In a few seconds I had reached the place where I saw a girl with white hair and pink, reddish eyes, and.. Orochimaru. I delt with him quickly, as he seemed weak from previous attacks, perhaps? After dealing with the snake, I looked backed to the white-ette. She looked unconscious, so I picked her up and decided to bring her to the Sand Village, Sunagakure.

Soon we were at the Sand Village (Sunagakure) where me and my siblings Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro lived. She was soon put in the hospital, but a few days later I received news that she was recovering well.

Her name was Kae Shin, and she was not a shinobi at all, despite what I speculated. She was something called a Demon Slayer. No one knew what that meant except for Kae, of course. We were still figuring things out.

It was actually kind of nice, having a friend like this.

One day, when Kae was healed, she was actually sent off on a mission to go collect information on the Akatsuki. Of course, I was sent on with her because I was one of the only people who interacted with her. The next morning we set off to go collect the intel.

It was a hard journey, but not the worst one I'd ever had. We soon got to a place where the Akatsuki supposedly used to hang out there as a hideout. By hangout, I mean like dark stuff. Plotting evil things…well, never mind that.

"You know, Sora, you're a pretty cool person, if I do say so myself." Kae said to me as we almost arrived at the "hideout."

"Thank you. I don't hear that often." I replied, trying to hide a smile.

In a few minutes, the hideout was in front of our eyes. No, it was not pretty, and yes, it was dirty, but that didn't matter…we needed to collect the intel.

We searched the abandoned hideout for a few hours, and then I started to feel this strange sensation. Something was off here, someone was here…

Just then a shuriken was thrown by my neck, almost cutting it. I turned around to find a guard there, getting ready a kunai. I felt off…

A few minutes later, I found myself laying on the floor, Kae above me watching me nervously. What had I done? Why was I on the ground? W-what—?

I looked to see blood on the floor. "Sora.. the guard.. You did something to him."


I shook my head, not able to believe this. What does she mean I did something to him?! Huh?!

Kae was sent into what seemed to be a panic. She hit the back of my neck, causing me to fall unconscious.

When I awoke, A bamboo muzzle covered my mouth. Kae sat next to me, looking worried.

"Good, You're awake. We need to leave, now." She said this, anxiety coming off her in waves as she held up a basket.

"Mmph?" I tried speaking, but the bamboo muzzle prevented it. I was confused, scared if you will. I am not easily scared, but I had no idea what was happening.

"Hey, it's alright, no need to be worried. Just please get in the basket, Sora," Kae said in a calm tone.

I, without thinking, suddenly shrunk to a small size and crawled in. I don't know how I did it, but I did...

"Okay, thank you. Don't come out until I tell you to. We are going to find a village to stay in for the night. I sense that a storm is about to hit." She said, picking up the basket.


We set off to find a village. For a while, we had no luck. By the time we found a small village, it began to rain.

Scared. I'm scared..

The village was sort of a nice place, with lots of inns and all. We checked in at a place and rented a room. It was quite peaceful, and then one day later a girl came to the inn. But not a normal one.

"Mitsuri!" I heard Kae exclaim as I inspected her from the back. A girl came in, hair pink and tinted with green. Her eyes were a vibrant shade of green, and she wore what appeared to be a black skirted outfit and a white haori with a belt around the waist that had a pink sword sheath on it. She had a kind, beautiful face.

" I haven't seen you in a while, Kae!" The girl said, smiling.

"Mitsuri.. This may seem sudden, but I met a girl from this place called the Hidden Sand. Her name is Sora. She did something to someone and…we need to get her somewhere safe."

Mitsuri, the girl, gasped.

"Are you carrying a demon?" Mitsuri asked, and Kae nodded slightly.

"I'm almost completely sure of it, but I need you to help." replied Kae. "But that's against corps rules!" cried Mitsuri in horror.

Yes, Sora was indeed a demon...