

I am trying to do my best while translating this work. Original-http://samlib.ru/m/metelxskij_n_a/ch01-02.shtml

TheTranslateMan · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 7.1

- Honestly, I'm also inclined towards the same thought: programming is just not my thing. But at least I have to finish this matrix.

- That's true from a certain perspective," nodded the technician with his bald head. "Since you've started, you should finish it somehow," he added at the end. "What's not working for you, at least?"

- Behavioral flexibility," I sighed. "I'm working on a training droid, but it's turning out to be too protocol-oriented." And I can't get the protocol to validate properly. But it's better not to talk about that.

In this universe, there's a downright paranoid attitude towards AI, which is not surprising considering that despite all precautions, droid uprisings occur here and there. Both isolated cases and large-scale ones. In my previous life, I had no idea about this, but here, while digging through the Archives, albeit rarely, I come across such information. That's why droids' memories are often wiped. For your reference, Indastrial Automaton, the creators of the legendary R series, is famous not only for the droids themselves but also for their astromechs' incredible loyalty to their owners. So, it's not surprising to see this characteristic trait in R2-D2, but his astonishing problem-solving abilities are truly his achievement.

- I'm not good at this, but wouldn't it be better to use an existing matrix as a foundation?" the man asked me, thoughtfully examining the parts on the workbench.

- Well, I've tried that, you know. I'm not an expert in this field either. But it still doesn't work.

- Any assumptions about why it's not working?" he asked, while pondering the details.

- I don't even have any assumptions. It's because I'm using several matrices as a base, plus elements from others.

- Like a construction set," muttered Dzik.

- Exactly," I nodded.

- What processor are you using?

- What do you mean? KR847569.

- I see... Hold on," he turned his head towards me. "That's the standard processor for Jedi training droids.

- Well, yeah," I was slightly surprised.

- But isn't it...?" Dzik scratched his bald head. "It's specialized. I don't know much about programming, but I do know that you can't use this processor in other droids. Or rather, no other matrices can be applied to it.


- Hey, hey, youngling, watch your language.

- Sorry," I slumped. "So, it means... crap.

- I don't know what that last word was, but I'm sure you're cursing right now.

- Damn, so much time wasted," I ignored his words. "It's frustrating.

- Why wasted? You still gained some experience. Just take a general-purpose processor this time. Something like the Isaac Oni 774. General-purpose processors are usually quite expensive, but you can afford it.

- How expensive are they?

- Starting from a thousand credits.

- Wow! That's impressive," I was amazed.

- Yeah, I agree with you," the technician nodded. "But they are versatile.

- Okay," I rubbed my face. "Never mind, it's a silly question. I'll start over, then. We'll survive," I said, taking a pause before asking, "What are you working on now?"

- Well, I received an order from Master Kenobi. I need to improve some things on their new ship with the Padawan.

- Where's the ship?" I asked, looking around.

- In another hangar.

- I don't understand, Dzik. The ship is there, but you're here?

- Little one, I have plenty of work even without Kenobi. Another team is handling their ship; I'm responsible for certain components.

- And that team can't handle all the work?

- They can," the man said, "but I'm the best technician in the Temple, apart from a few gifted ones. So occasionally, they come to me.

Wow. I already knew he was one of the best, but to this extent?

- Impressive," I said.

- Huh? Well, I have a little bit," he smiled in response.

In the end, everything ended with me getting back to my new project. Relatively new. Don't think I spend ALL my time programming a new matrix, you know? Sometimes, to clear my mind, I work on designing new droids. Nothing too special, just schematics. I need to relax sometimes, right? My latest project is a universal combat droid. I wanted to design something that could attack and defend. I even had a matrix ready for it. A few months ago, a batch of completely destroyed GX-1 combat droids arrived at the Temple. If you don't know, GX-1 is a premium-class security and combat droid produced by Trang Robotics. It was a powerful, over two-meter-tall, three-legged droid, which, according to Dzik, was quite good. However, he also listed numerous downsides to that machine, and considering its high cost, it's not surprising that the GX-1 didn't gain widespread use.

So, from the wreckage that was dumped on the hangar floor, Dzik's team managed to restore only five, and there were only small parts left from the remaining seven, like processors. And removing the matrix from them in the Temple, according to Dzik, was quite a challenge. I would have missed this moment if Paratus hadn't noticed later that the software in those droids was simply excellent. After that, the Chief Technician of the Order regretted for half an hour that he had said something unnecessary within my hearing range. It took me that long to extract the information I was interested in from him. Actually, that's what sparked my desire to create something similar. Not as big, more versatile, but similar. So, I've been constructing bit by bit since then.

I stayed with Dzik long enough to go straight to my lessons with Drallig. Where, once again, they puzzled me.

- But, Master, - I looked at myself demonstratively, - I'm only seven years old.

- So what?

- They'll just crush me physically in that tournament. Most of the younglings there will be fighting.

- Well, don't exaggerate, it's far from the majority, - he put one hand on his hip.

- Yeah, sure, - I nodded. - Just half of them. Everyone who is ten or older. Don't tell me you haven't seen last year's tournament?

- Nevertheless, you will participate.

- As you wish, Master, - I sighed.

Drallig frowned slightly.

- And you won't even ask why you need this?

- I completely trust your training. Whatever you say, that's what I'll do.

- No, that won't do, - he shook his head. - If you continue like this, you'll turn into a mindless soldier.

- Master, - I looked at him like a child. - I have fully entrusted myself to your training. And only that. Fencing lessons are one thing, but when, how, and where to apply them is completely different.

He remained silent for twenty seconds. He was silent and looked at me. I was starting to wonder if I had offended him.

- It's good that you understand that, - he finally said. - But let's get back to the tournament since you're so passive. I'm sending you there for two reasons - new experience and, - he snapped his fingers, searching for words, - seriousness, the desire to win. Even if I add a punishment for each loss in sparring, it won't be the same. You need a fight that resembles real combat. Some goal at the end. And it would all be fine; I wouldn't even think of explaining all this to you if it weren't for a certain youngling who apparently doesn't care about the tournament.

To which I shrugged my shoulders.

- Well, sorry. Victory for the sake of victory doesn't really appeal to me. And this tournament doesn't offer anything else.

- It's good that it doesn't appeal to you... - Drallig said thoughtfully. - And it's bad that you need something else.

- It's a paradox, - I muttered.

- Exactly. A Jedi's life is filled with paradoxes. Just the control of emotions alone is worth it. Well, never mind. Luckily for you, the tournament offers more than just self-satisfaction. If you win it, you will be granted access to the Great Holocron. You will have a whole hour allotted to you, during which you can ask any question. What? - he noticed my hesitation. - Just don't tell me you don't know what the Great Holocron is.

- No, I just... how can I put it... I already have access to it.

Another pause, after which Drallig said:

- Dakari.

- What? - I didn't understand.

- I said Dakari. You're just like your father, - he shook his head.

- You knew my father?

- Yes, - he looked away and sighed heavily. - Who didn't know him? This youngling made many people know him.

Strange, he speaks as if he was already his mentor back then. And yet, if they're not peers, they're close in age.

- Did you study at the same time? - I asked for clarification.

- What? Heh, no. I was his mentor for a while.

There's definitely some Sith blood in him, definitely.

- And how was he as a duelist?

- Pathetic. He mastered the Shii-Cho basics, but... let's just say he shouldn't be trusted with a lightsaber.

Well, yeah, I can't imagine him with a lightsaber either.

- And how did he end up with you then?

- Oh, don't remind me. - He rubbed his forehead, but after a while, he still answered: - Your father pursued me throughout the temple for two weeks. He appeared even where he wasn't supposed to. I even dreamed of his "please, please" a couple of times. Luckily, he was not devoid of reason, and when he realized he couldn't handle it, he left on his own.

Damn, my father was persistent. I didn't know he could be like that.

- Well, well, - I responded to that. And not knowing what else to add, I said, "However."

- As far as I know, - he continued, - only Jocasta Nu could resist him, and he obediently listened to one of the technicians at the time. I once saw him tormenting Master Yoda, - Drallig shuddered. - But I didn't tell you that.

- He's like a fanatic, huh? - I muttered.

- He was a good child. Kind and cheerful, stubborn but not to madness. I think he's still the same, - he smiled at the end. - Such people don't change.

- That's true, - I confirmed. - He's like that.

- Alright, let's get back to the tournament. Do you understand what is expected of you?

- I understand, but it's not up to me, after all. I don't really care who wins it.

- Oh ho ho, - Drallig turned away and after a couple of moments shouted, "Ashanta! How many times have I told you - keep the saber closer to your body! This is Soresu, let the Force guide your head, not Shien!" - And then turning to me, he continued in a normal voice, - You say you need a stimulus? You'll have it. I mentioned the Great Holocron, and beyond that, there's almost a hundred percent chance of getting a mentor. It's not the main criterion, of course, but surely the winner of the fencing tournament will appeal to someone.

- Well, I'll feel great in the Corps, too, - I shrugged in response. I wasn't going to tell him that I plan to leave the Order.

- Yeah, you can't please everyone. And what about an excursion?

- Thanks, but I had enough of that last time with our group.

About four months ago, Lairi took our group on a tour of Coruscant, and it was tough. At first, everything went well, but over time, the boys got out of control. I quickly put my neighbors in line, and there were no problems with others, but then the girls got involved, and I simply couldn't handle them all. Three of them managed to get lost. It's a good thing our curator had the sense, or rather, the Force sensitivity, working well. They were found quickly, but I can't imagine how she would have managed without me. No wonder she was so edgy a couple of days before the excursion.

- To one of the planets where Jedi obtain crystals, - Drallig continued, ignoring my words.

- And what am I supposed to do there?

- Well, you... come on, you got it, - the fencing instructor waved his hands. - Alright, - he rubbed his earlobe. - Maybe... something came to mind. - If you win the tournament, let's say, up to the age of ten, I'll grant you one wish. - And seeing how I perked up, he quickly added, - Within reason.

- A vacation back home, - I said immediately after his words. - I mean, a break. I mean... it doesn't matter. I want to go home.

- Which planet are you from?


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