

I am trying to do my best while translating this work. Original-http://samlib.ru/m/metelxskij_n_a/ch01-02.shtml

TheTranslateMan · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 6.2

On the morning of my birthday, I woke up feeling incredibly light. I simply opened my eyes and realized that I didn't want to sleep anymore.

"Seven years already... damn," I whispered to myself as I got up. The day promised to be nothing out of the ordinary.

Shower, breakfast, jurisprudence as the first lesson. As always, it was boring and tedious, but damn it, it was vital because I strongly doubted that when Palpatine came to power, he would completely change the laws. He might add something, remove something, or amend something, but the foundation would remain the same.

Galactic languages class, where we studied Trandoshan - a language no more difficult than Wookiee. It's only interesting because Trandoshans, who look like bipedal lizards, are one of the most criminal races in the Star Wars.

Astronavigation. My mood was already gloomy that day, and now this. In the end, I couldn't even calculate the route from point A to point B, for which I was awarded a sad and disapproving look from my instructor.

Physical education, from which I left for Drallig. I thought that maybe here... I don't know... there would be something that would pull me out of the dumps, but no. The master seemed to sense that something was not right with me that day and sent me off to work on sequences, which the locals called "combinations".

Lunch. Well, nothing could have changed here. And I wanted, damn it, at least something different today. In general, as expected, an ordinary, unremarkable day. I could have celebrated, ordered some Dzik food, invited the boys, Ahsoka and her friends... but why disrupt the system? The Jedi didn't come up with it for nothing. I can't just ignore it with my adult consciousness... no, not like that. It's just that I don't want to ignore it. In my past life, my birthday wasn't a celebration for me. A special day, yes, but not a celebration. And here... I don't even know. Nothing like this happened last year, I celebrated with Dzik and went back to work. But this time, I want something... special. Not a celebration, no, to hell with it, but something to remember this day by. Maybe create some chaos? To hell with everything, I don't want anything specific.

After classes, I sat on my bed and meditated. Four crystals for the sword were tracing the infinity symbol in front of my face. I still hadn't decided which ones to insert into my future sword, but I'm leaning towards Kasha and Lorradian gems. After all, Krayt pearl and Luxum add attacking properties to the sword, which are already great with the lightsaber. So what if it's slightly less powerful? I won't notice the difference in battle anyway. But the ability to clear the mind with Kasha and better anticipate the opponent's actions, that's a real help.

Actually, you could insert a third crystal into the hilt, but as I read in the Archives, it requires more skill in sword assembly than usual. And since I'm not going to become a Padawan, no one will teach me this skill, and my limited abilities in Force-forging... I'd be happy to insert two.

However, these thoughts do not affect the infusion of Force into all four crystals. Maybe I'll change my decision and insert Luxum into the sword... why not? Extra damage to droids is also not bad. And knowing my character, I might try to insert a third crystal. Or create another sword altogether. However, Jar'Kai, though sounding cool, is quite complicated. And the downsides of the clumsy style, such as weak hits, are pretty significant. At least for me. I'm already small and weak, why make myself even weaker?

Anyway, that's enough for today. Without opening my eyes, I pulled the container with the crystals closer to me. I'm going to see Dzik. Today, the assembly of my second droid is completed, so we'll celebrate that too. Although it can't work yet due to the lack of brains, I mean control programs, which are also called personality matrices. It's a hassle, if you think about it. Although I understand local programming, I'm only an amateur enthusiast. I can't create something completely new on my own. But nothing prevents me from assembling a constructor from other matrices. Except, perhaps, their absence. But with a friend like Dzik, that's not a problem.

It took us about half an hour to complete the droid assembly, test its systems, and eat all the pastries that the bald technician brought us. Well, a maximum of forty minutes. And what to do next, I didn't know. Finding a job is not a problem, but I have no desire for anything.

- You know, Dzik, - I said, looking thoughtfully at my empty plate, - I think I'll go now.

- Already? - mustache man was surprised. And hesitantly added, - Okay.

- My mood today is just awful. I'll go to the Archives and read, I guess.

- Did something happen? - he asked anxiously. - You know, it's not normal to have a bad mood on your birthday.

- No, everything's normal. And as for my mood... I don't even know. It's my seventh already. The third in the Order, and yet it feels like a hundred have passed. My family disappeared, friends left, enemies never appeared... it's just emptiness.

- Friends are there to always be there for you. If you have them... And you do have them, - he put his hand on my shoulder, - you can always just look back.

- Dzik... thank you.

- Oh, come on.

That's how it is. The words were banal, but my heart felt a little lighter. Even when I left the second floor and the grayness started to weigh on me again, even then I knew, or rather felt, that "all I had to do was look back".

The Archives were empty. There weren't many people there to begin with, but on my seventh birthday there was no one there at all. It was completely silent. Sitting at one of the terminals, I started to go through the catalog. And I realized that I didn't even want to read. Heh, now what? Although... I should check how birthdays were celebrated in the past. Hmm. And also see what the Order was like a couple of thousand years ago. I've read bits and pieces before. Favorites. About Revan, for example. Simply because I remember that name from my world. About how the Order originated and what was before it. It's interesting. About... I don't remember anymore. In short, I've read a lot of things, but only briefly. Favorites. About the period after Revan, I only read with one eye. Just to know what happened afterwards. No, I'm lying, I read about Bane, or rather, about that time. But again, simply because I remember that name. Although here I didn't regret what I read, epic things were happening there. But again, I read specifically about the time, the chronicle of events, so to speak, and not about what the Order was like then. And I didn't have time to get into that.

- Are you interested in history, youngling?

Well, it's a good thing I'm only seven years old, otherwise I might have had a heart attack.

- M-Master Nu? - I swallowed, coming back to myself.

- Is something wrong, young Dakari?

- I... uh... you walk amazingly quietly, Master.

- Oh-oh-oh... - she placed her hands on her stomach. - That's years of practice, youngling. The Archives like silence.

- Yes, that makes sense. I apologize, Master Nu, but please don't sneak up on me like that again, or you might have one less visitor to the Archives due to death from fright.

- Oh... Well, next time, - the old woman smiled, - I'll try to walk louder.

- Thank you, - I muttered.

For a whole minute, Nu stood next to me and silently examined my body. After glancing at her a couple of times, I decided to ignore it. It wasn't easy, though, as anyone who has ever stood over a soul will understand.

- Do you need any help, young Dakari? - she finally spoke. In general, no one calls me "young Dakari" as often as she does. Yoda comes in second, the others from case to case.

- Please do, - I scratched my head. - Could you tell me how birthdays were celebrated in the Order, say, a couple of thousand years ago?

- Birthdays? - she was surprised by the question. - Before the Ruusan Reformation, the Jedi celebrated them universally. After that... - she pondered, - about two hundred years ago, this holiday fell into disuse.

- After that reform, it seems that many changes came to the Order, - I said cautiously.

- That's right, - she sighed about something. - A lot of things. For example, before it, Jedi could marry freely... ahem. Yeah. It's typical of the wise to change with the times, adapting to the times that have come.

- And how did marriage interfere with the Order?

- Attachments, - the woman sighed again. - You just believe me, young man, these rules are not adopted for nothing. As Master Dooku said, every Jedi has their own sword, every time has its own rules.

That Dooku again. She must have had a crush on him at some point. Anyway, I don't know how she feels about him now, but it seems that some of those feelings have remained.

- But the Order doesn't forbid communicating with your parents.

- Love... children... it's a different matter," she said, then hesitantly added, "I don't know if I should wish you something like that or not."

- Let it be what it will be.

- Let it be," she nodded. "I understand you didn't ask about the past for no reason?

- Well, it's my birthday today," I turned away from her to the terminal.

- Is something wrong?

- No, it's all normal," I shrugged.

- It's not good to lie to your elders, youngling. It's not good to lie at all.

- It's not good to pry into someone else's soul, Master." Damn, I slipped. At least I didn't raise my voice, but still. No, it's not okay, it was rude to answer the old lady like that, she didn't deserve it. "I apologize, Master. My mood is just not good today. However, it doesn't excuse my behavior," I said, standing up from the chair and slightly bowing.

To which she only shook her head and sighed, "Bad mood is not good. You know, I can make you a gift."

- A gift?" Interesting, how so?

- A gift, a gift," she nodded. "You've wanted to talk to the Keeper of the Great Holocron for a long time, why not?"

- Um...

- Did you think I didn't notice that?" Nu smiled.

- Is it that obvious?

- I don't know about others," another smirk, "but I do have some life experience."

Mhm. I'm quite the conspirator.

- I'm interested in him," I answered after a short silence. "Not so much his knowledge, as... I don't know... his thought process? I'll get knowledge without him, but to find out what the Jedi were like before... And knowledge... it's just interesting to extract it from him. Do you understand? Not the knowledge itself, but the process, so to speak."

- You're an interesting kid, young man. Just like your father.

- What, sorry?

- Your father," the woman smiled. "An amazing mind, with a lively and flexible mind. If he had more power, he would be another great Jedi in the Order."


- You speak as if you knew him well.

- I offered him to become my Padawan. But alas, he was a maximalist, and most likely still is. He's the only youngling in my memory who was able to out-argue Master Yoda.

Twice gobsmacked.

- Wow, - I whispered.

- Indeed. You remind me of him in many ways, just more reserved. But anyway... - she stopped, not finishing her sentence. - Never mind. Come on, young Dakari, I think you're eager to speak with the Guardian.

- That's right. - But I also want to hear something new about my father. But she ended abruptly, so I guess I'll have to wait a couple of days.

She didn't plan on leaving me alone with the Keeper of the Great Holocron, but she also didn't want to stay with me, occupying one of the nearby terminals. I, on the other hand, pressed the buttons shown to me earlier and witnessed the hologram that appeared.

- Good evening, Guardian. My name is Rein Dakari, - I introduced myself just in case.

- Yes... I remember you, young one, - the Keeper replied. - I didn't expect a youngling of your age to be allowed into the Great Holocron.

- Well... I'm not alone, - I glanced at the woman.

- Padawans also come in groups, - the hologram shrugged.

- But is it not customary to bring younglings here?

- No. It hasn't been for a thousand years. However, there are exceptions. The last one was Dakari... your relative, I presume.

- My father, most likely.

- You look like him. On the outside.

- And on the inside?

- I don't know you well enough to answer that question. But for now, no, you're not alike.

- That's okay, - I said, shrugging.

- Indeed, - the Keeper said with a half-smile on her face. - So, young one, do you wish to learn the great mysteries of the Force?

- The Force? - I pondered. - No, I think not. Another time. Can you tell me why the Order changed its policy so abruptly after the Ruusan Reformation?


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