
young vampire lord

dada_david · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

New friends

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" they were screaming

"We love you guys"

"They came together today"

"Cuteness overload"

"My heart is about to burst"

"Triple j I love you"

Those where the comment john and his two friends were receiving when getting to school.

Linda was not with him this time. After his dad left yesterday, he went back to his normal routine as usual.

They got to class and settled.

"My ear drum is about to burst open from the screaming" Jerry said rubbing his ear

"Come on, don't exergerate too much" james said "don't tell me didn't like it. We should be doing this more often guys" he said with a grin

"I don't think that's a good idea james" Jack said

"It will be a disaster." Jerry said shifting his glasses up a little.

"Come on. let's cause a little disaster" james said "you guys are no fun" he said now resting his head on his desk

"Mrs Sandra is 2 minutes late" jerry said

(Mrs Sandra is their teacher)

Few seconds later she walked in with a girl behind her.

The first thing Jack noticed about the girl was the tinted tip of her hair that was purple.

"Good day class" Mrs Sandra said standing in front of the class "a new student will be joining us today" Mrs Sandra then faced the new student and told her to Introduce herself to the class.

"My name Arianna Guero. You can call me Ari for short" she said with a smile on her face.

"If it isn't the hand breaking girl" James said to the hearing of his two friends

"Alright Ari, there are still some empty seats so just pick one" Mrs sandra said

Ari picked a seat and it happens to be just in front of Jack

"Another crazy crush"

"She thinks her face is pretty enough?"

"She is not going to last on that seat"

Those where the comments heard from the class. Most comment where from girls.

"Let's be nice to the new student guys" Mrs Sandra said "now that is that, let's get to today's work" she said beginning her teaching and the day went on till it was break.

Jack and his friends went to their normal spot. The roof.

Meanwhile Ari that was packing her stuff to get ready for break, when a group of girl approached her.

"Hi" Ari greeted, looking at the three girls standing in front of her with arrogance.

"Hiii" they all said in unison


( meet Nicky, Madison and Clara. Let's start with the introduction shall we.

Clara Sanchez, a girl that has both her parents in the music industry. Both her parents her professional musicians. They are one of the best their is, and clara isn't their only child. She has an older brother dre.


Madison Drew, a petite looking girl. Her mom is a stylist. Her father died at a young age so her mum have been taking care of her since then, her mother later became well known with her stylist work after few years after her husbands death. She has become quite successful and made a name for herself in the stylist world.


Nicky reign the most popular girl in this very school. She is popular because her mum is the principal of this school and her dad works in JL company, john's dad company )


"She isn't bad" Nicky said

"Yeah she is kinda pretty" Clara said

"I like your hair, Let's be friends" Madison said already touching Ari's hair

"Madison?!!" Nicky and Clara both said

"Sorry, I forgot we are here to intimidate you" Madison said with a frown that looks so cute

Nicky and Clara rolled their eyes

"I told you not to bring Madison with us" Clara said facing Nicky

"Don't blame me guys" Madison said with a frown "blame the pretty face with the cool hair" she said.

She suddenly face Ari with a smile "what's your name? My name is Madison" she said stretching her hand at Ari

Ari stood there speechless and dumbfounded "erm..." she said

"Back off Madison" Nicky said pulling Madison backward and standing in front of her.

She sighed "hi am Nicky, and this are my friends Clara and Madison" she said

"Holla" Madison waved at Ari

"We heard there was a new girl that sat close our idol, and we just had to come check who it is" Nicky said

"Your idol?" Ari asked confused

"Jack Morrison" Clara said

"Jack what?" Ari said even more confused "who is that?" She asked

"What !!!" Clara, Madison and Nicky all shouted

Ari just stood there a little startled

"You dont know the most popular family name in the history of segal?" Madison said shocked

"You are not from here are you" Clara said

"Yes am not, I came from Heracal, the East" Ari said

"That explains it" Nicky said folding her hands

"You must be hungry right?" Madison said already leading Ari to the cafeteria "come on, I'll tell you about the Morrison and any other thing you need to know here" she said with a smile

"Sooooooooo are we friends with the new girl now?" Clara said looking at Nicky

"Why are you looking at me, it's clearly out of my hand now" Nicky said "and besides, she as the looks to be one of us" she shrugged

"Soooo.." Clara was suddenly interrupted by Madison

"What are you girls still discussing about, let's show Ari around" Madison screamed with a smile

The students around heard what Madison said and started whispering

"Did you hear that" student 1 said

"New girl is now friends with the coolest kids in school" student 2 also said

"Her name is Ari" student 1 said

"Am so jealous right now" student 3 said dreamily

"What's so special about her. Hmp" student 4 said with disgust

More and more whispers could be heard

"I guess we are now friends we her now?" Clara said with uncertainty

"Let's get to know her first shall we" Nicky said with a smile. They both walked towards Ari and Madison. And four of them went to the cafeteria together.


Ari and her newly made friends got to the cafeteria and it was more noisy that it usually is.

"What's all the noise about" Clara wondered

"Can it be because of the new stunning looking Ari" Madison said giving Ari a playful look

"I dont think so" Nicky said "look over there" she said pointing at a table in the cafeteria.

This table was filled with a lot of girls, but you can see a glimpse of a guy in the midst of all this girls

"Who is that?" Clara asked no one in particular

"Am sure I haven't seen him before" Nicky said placing her hand on her chin

"He looks kinda familiar" Madison said squinting her eyes

"He does?" Nicky and Clara both said

"He is my brother" Ari suddenly said

"Really !!" Clara, Nicky and Madison all said

" yep" Ari said "my twin brother"

"No wonder I find his face familiar" Madison said "he looks like a Male version of you" and she smiled

"You both are going to be the topic of this school for a few days" Nicky said

"Nicky is right, it's not everyday things like this happen" Clara said

("So much for staying on a low key") Ari thought

"Come on, let's go find a sit so you can tell us about yourself" Madison said

Four of them walked to a special table of the cafeteria and it was empty.

"This is our table, no one dares to sit on it" Nicky said boastfully "Now tell us about yourself a little before we eat, like who are your parents" Nicky said

Madison rolled her eyes and said "come on Nicky, you cant know a person by asking them what their parents do. Dont you think it's kinda rude" she said frowning her face at Nicky

"It's fine" Ari said "my dad is an Engineer"

"What about your mom?" Clara asked

"my mom died when I was 5" Ari smiled

"Am so sorry for asking" Clara quickly said

"It's ok" Ari said

"Now for the grand finally" Nicky said with a mischievous smile "scream your name" she said

"Come on Nicky" Madison said "you .." Madison try to say but was interrupted by Ari's scream

" Arianna Guero !!!" Ari shouted

Everywhere suddenly became silent. Everybody looking at each other

"Noted, she is crazy" Clara suddenly said and they all burst into laughter