
Young Twilight

"Aww, he's so cute"Asnemiola's eyes were filled with shining stars as she looked at the small baby who was drinking his mother's milk.

Siyionme agreed with Asnemiola. The small baby looked cute. He was wrapped in a blue baby blanket, his eyelids were closed as usual, and his head had a single strand of black hair like Gelbius'.

One look at the small baby and you would immediately fall in love with him...


Siyionme released a soft moan when Twilight's toothless gums bit on her nipples.

She took out her breast from his mouth.....

"Naughty boy, trying to bite mommy?"She spoke as she tickled his cute face and the baby smiled revealing his toothless mouth.

"Let's go outside, for some fresh air"Asnemiola spoke.

"Yea", The two goddesses went outside.

The mansion did not only consist of a building only but there was also a forest surrounding it. The two ladies stood somewhere near the forest letting the winds brush on their beautiful faces.

They were truly enjoying themselves.

"Oh, Siyi, what is Twilight's last name?"

Siyionme facepalmed and spoke, "I'll think of something"

"eh?, why not give him Gelbius'?"

"He doesn't have a proper last name, he can call himself however he wants, Gelbius Super strong, Gelbius the all-powerful, Gelbius the most handsome, Gelbius the unrivaled, etc"Siyionme spoke with a tired look on her beautiful face. She remembered the day, she asked him about his last name.


"Since you want to marry me, you should tell me more about yourself, "Siyionme asked Gelbius who was stroking her head with a stupid smile on his face.

"Hm? what is it that my sweet darling wants to know about me?"

"Something like your last name and family perhaps"

He stopped stroking her head and stood up, he then went to an open area and stood there facing her.

"..." She got confused, why did he go there?

He then made a funny pose and said:

"Gelbius Super strong, Super handsome, The unrivaled, The one who conquered Siyionme... "

"Stoop! "Siyionme yelled with her hands in the air. Her face turned completely red when she heard the fourth name, 'Gelbius the one who conquered Siyionme'.

"Heh?, What's wrong babe? "He asked with an innocent face as if he did not know what he had just done.



"Well, your husband is the most arrogant man alive. He probably must have ditched his family name for some arrogant reason" Asnemiola commented when she heard the story.

"Whatever, I'll make sure this little guy won't be like him, "Siyionme said as she looked at the cute baby in her arms.

'Aww~, he's so cute'


Below the clouds

Skyla and Romeo were riding on horsebacks heading to the crater. Behind them were 150 men, 50 of them were decked in white armor while 100 were wearing silver armor.

Those in white armor were known as Integrity knights and those in silver were just normal soldiers.

"What kind of weapon do you think will appear Skyla? "Romeo asked.

The tanned man put his hand on his chin and tried to make a guess, but in the end, he could not come up with anything.

He opened his mouth and replied to Romeo:

"Can't make a guess considering that this is the first time something like this has happened"


"Well, it's fine, whatever weapon the Xion energy there gives birth to, I'm sure it will be a divine tier or even more"

The two nodded with smiles on their faces. In their minds, whatever weapon or artifact that is given birth to by the Xion energy there will surely benefit their country and make it one of the strongest in the world.


"STOP!" Romeo suddenly commanded everyone to stop. Skyla's face also turned serious.

The integrity knights and the soldiers followed his order and stopped. Although they were curious as to why they had been told to stop, they did not dare to question those above them.

Skyla squinted his eyes looking in a direction and if one were to see his eyes, they would see that they had changed color from black to gold.

Romeo remained silent and waited for Skyla. Skyla's eyes were known as the 'Golden eyes of the seventh Lucifer', they could see something miles away, x-rays, etc. He got them when a similar event to this one had happened in the past.

Though at that time, the Xian energy was below 60.

"Someone is already here and with an army of over 400 soldiers," Skyla said as his eyes reverted to their normal color.

Romeo was surprised to hear what Skyla said but he did not show it on his face and asked:

"Do you know which country they are from?"


"Judging from their amour, they appear to be from Gelhan but their aura is different"

Romeo looked behind him and said:

"We can not turn back now, otherwise the king will remove our heads for cowardliness"

Skyla nodded. The king of Kramesh was a scary and unpredictable person. One of the things he hates is cowardliness. If they were to return now, they were sure that the king was going to kill not only them but those who are with them too.

One may ask why he kills those who follow orders.

Well, the king has a rule, 'When you deem an order to be cowardly, do not follow it'

Skyla looked at the knights and soldiers behind them and spoke:

"Prepare for battle"


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