
Spare him

In a place above the the heavens, 1000+ beings could be seen surrounding a beautiful woman who was holding a new born baby in her arms.

This woman seemed to be crying for some reason as she was holding her baby in a protective embrace.

The other beings surrounding her seemed to have disgusted expressions on their faces and some looked like they pitied the beautiful lady.

A handsome looking male being with red hair and red eyes stepped closer to the lady, "Siyionme, we have to try to kill that 'thing' right now before it reaches 5years and unlocks it's monstrosity "

When the lady heard the man's words, she looked at him with a pleading expression. Her face was filled with tears and snot. "Please don't kill my baby, he was just born today and doesn't know anything!!!"

The man who had spoken before looked at the other beings surrounding the lady. Some of them were handsome men and some were women of great beauty but if one were to compare the beauty of the crying lady and all the other women around, it would simply be like comparing heaven and hell. The crying lady was just too beautiful even in her current condition.

The man then asked the opinion of the others, "what do you think? "

The other beings opened their mouth's and started giving their comments:

"No way, we can't let the child of a monster like Gelbius live, he will bring disaster everywhere he goes!"

"Yes!, he is a monster and should be killed!"

"Letting him grow will only bring us trouble, kill that filth!"

"Yes, kill him!"

"That's right kill...."


All the beings in the place shouted out their comments approving the death of the newly born child, well, except for one woman who remained quiet and looked at the woman with pity.

The being with red hair then looked at the woman with cold eyes, "Siyionme, you heard what everyone said. Give me that little monster "

He reached his hands and grabbed the baby's leg and started pulling without clemency.

Well, his objective was to kill the child so even if he somehow ripped the little baby, it won't matter.

The woman saw that if she kept on holding the baby, he might break so, she immediately let go. "Please!!!, don't do this to my baby, I promise he won't do anything bad. I'll teach him the noble way of living"the woman looked desperate as she extended her hands for the red haired guy to give her back her baby.

But the guy didn't the baby back, rather, he took 10 steps away from her and lifted the baby with one leg, holding him upside down.

A 1meter long sword materialized into his hands and he pointed it on the small baby's stomach but surprisingly or unsurprisingly, the baby didn't make a sound.

"Waaaaaaaaa!, please have mercy, I promise to make sure he doesn't do anything bad, please!",The beautiful lady cried and begged as she tried to stand up but she couldn't, probably because she had just given birth recently.

The red haired being wasn't moved even a little bit and so were the others surrounding her. They looked like they would never be convinced otherwise.

"Siyionme, this is all your fault. Despite knowing the rules for us celestials, you went on and broke them. First, we celestials don't perform sexual activities yet you went on and did just that. Second, never befriend yourself with Gelbius yet you went even as far as falling in love with that monster and gave birth to this creature. Third, never fight one another yet, you released your killing intent on me several times. If you weren't as weak as you currently are, you might have tried to kill me"The red haired being spoke with a righteous tone as he looked at the pitiful lady who was trying her best to support herself to stand up but failing miserably, "After the death of this nefarious soul, you will be punished for breaking the rules"

He then started moving his sword to pierce the baby's stomach.

"PLEEEASE!"The beautifull lady pleaded sounding even more desperate than before.


However, just as the blade touched the skin of the child, someone snatched him from his hands.

"Here is your baby"

Everyone was surprised and turned to look at the one responsible but when they saw who it was, all the surprised expressions on their faces instantly vanished like it wasn't much to be surprised of.

The red haired man looked at the lady who had snatched the baby from his hands and released a sigh.

"Asnemiola, the goddes of love and mercy, do you wish to serve punishment with her?"

Yes, the woman who had saved the baby was the goddess of love and mercy. She is the same person who was looking at Siyionme with pity in the crowd. For her love and mercy surpasses any other in the universe, she could not bear to see a baby getting killed and someone in despair so, she made her move.

"Spare the child for he has not done wrong"Asnemiola spoke with a slight bow.

Everyone there knew her and her super naive nature. She will always stand on the pitiful side. She never has any enemies or hates anyone, she forgives even those who try to kill her (not that anyone can...maybe).

"Asnemiola, we all know that you are kind and merciful but don't misplace that mercy on that little creature, "The red haired man spoke pointing at the baby in Siyionme's tight embrace "Once that little monster grows past 4years old, his power will not be something anyone can control. But by then, it will be too late for us to do anything. Just leave the baby and we will cancel yours and Siyionme's punishments"

Siyionme looked at Asnemiola with a desperate expression. She knew the punishment was tough and was afraid she would change her mind. She became slightly wary of her and hugged her baby tighter making sure she doesn't leave a spot for them to grab him again.


Asnemiola sighed and asked, "Is there really no way for you to deal with the matter without killing the innocent baby?"

Everyone shook their heads without even thinking for a second.

Asnemiola released another sigh, "Well, too bad, I can not let you kill the baby especially because you 'assume' he might do bad in the future"Asnemiola walked closer to Siyionme and placed her hand on her shoulder.


"STOP HER, SHE IS TRYING TO USE 'THAT' FORBIDDEN SPELL!!!!", the red haired man was the first to realize Asnemiola's intentions and told everyone to try and stop her

However, before they could cast their magic, Asnemiola along with Siyionme and her baby disappeared like ghosts. There was no trace of their existence left.

The other celestials tried to close their eyes and search for them with their power but they couldn't detect anything.

"I can't feel them! "

"Me too"

"Me three"

"Me... "

No matter how hard they tried, they still could not find a trace of them.

"Using your divinities to search for them is impossible, "The red haired man spoke attracting the attention of the 1000+ celestials, "Asnemiola used the forbidden spell and her divinity will be sealed for a few years and Siyionme might have used some cursed artifact given by that bastard so called husband of hers 'Gelbius"

Everyone looked defeated and turned to the goddess of knowledge 'Knowlledge' for advice.

But the woman ignored them as she sat on a pile of floating books busy reading a scroll in her hands.

The red haired man sighed, "She pretends to be busy when he doesn't know something ".

Everyone nodded in agreement making Knowlledge's brows twitch a little but she did not say anything.

"Those three could be anywhere in any random world and the only way to find them is to descend and look manually without using divinities cause they are useless in this case"

The red haired man spoke.

"I guess it's the only choice we have"

"Yea, we must find and extinguish that abomination"



Everyone agreed to descend and look for the three and started preparing.

However, they all suddenly felt a chilling bloodthirsty aura coming from above.

"There is an intruder!" The red haired man yelled with alert.

"My oh my, you fools are trying to hunt my child and wife. Let this handsome, super cool, mighty, awesome daddy teach you about morals"The being said as he cracked his knuckles with an evil grin on his face.

When everyone saw the face of the intruder, their hearts almost jumped from their chests and fear was apparent in their eyes.

"It-it's Gelbius, t-the destroyer!!!"


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