
Chapter 9


"Siyi, when are you going to finish?, I feel like I'll die any moment if I don't eat"

"Only 2minutes left, why are you so hungry anyway?" Siyionme looked at her friend with a questioning gaze. She has been nagging her for the few past hours.

Currently, they were in the kitchen. Siyionme was busy cooking them some food while Asnemiola was lazily seated on one of the kitchen chairs while holding the little cute Twilight.

"It's all your fault"Asnemiola accused, "If you had not screamed like that, I would not have gotten so anxious like I was"


When Asnemiola came back to the mansion, she heard Twilight crying and rushed to where he was. Upon arriving, she saw Siyionme holding him with some tears of her own rolling down her cheeks.

She got really worried thinking that something bad might have happened to the little baby. She had gotten infatuated by the little baby that If something bad were to happen to him, she did not know what she would do.

"D-Did something b-bad happen to t-the baby Siyi?" Her lips were trembling as she asked and the nervousness she was feeling almost made her lose the feel in her legs.

Siyionme turned and looked at her with a tear flooded face but what surprised Asnemiola was that, she was smiling.

She seemed happy and proud making Asnemiola dumbfounded.


"He cried" Siyionme said as she started unbuttoning the green shirt she was wearing with one hand.

"...." Asnemiola was confused, what exactly was going on?

Why does it seem like she was happy because he cried?

Not being able to control her curiosity any longer, Asnemiola opened her mouth and asked:

"What exactly do you mean Siyi?"

Siyionme didn't immediately answer, she first finished unbuttoning her shirt and removed her breast cover.

"Say Ahhhhh" She smilingly spoke pointing her nipple at Twilight's mouth but the baby did not do that, rather, he continued crying.

Asnemiola: "....?"

"Disobedient baby, if you don't drink mommy's milk, baby won't grow" Siyionme playfully rubbed the little baby's face with her nipple and then finally put it in his mouth.

Hng hng

Little Twilight maid weird sounds as he sucked milk for his mommy.

"Now, can you tell me why you were crying Siyi?"

Siyionme looked at Asnemiola with a smeil and answered her question:

"I was just happy and proud for my son"

"Why were you happy and proud?" Asnemiola asked with a confused face as she looked at her friend.

What's there to be proud about?

Siyionme's smile "It's his first time crying, so, I was happy"

"...."Asnemiola was speechless.

But after a while, she finally opened her mouth :

" I'm hungry"



"Come on, can't you just forget about it?"

"Hmpff, you expect me to just forget like that, in fact, I don't think I'll ever forget" Asnemiola said as she turned her head to the side with a cute pout.

It's not that she was angry at her friend or something, she was happy that little Twilight was growing and showing more reactions other than his cute smile which is only shown when he is tickled on the face

But, she had a plan. She wanted Siyionme to bribe her with lots of food

In other words, she was greedy wanted to take advantage of the situation to satisfy her greed.

Siyionme's cooking was the best she had ever had.

"Ohh, so that's how she is gonna play" Siyionme thought as she looked at her friend who was still pouting while looking sneaking glances at her and making Hmpff sounds every few seconds probably expecting her to say something.

"OK, how about, I make you the best dish I can make"

Asnemiola reacted to Siyionme's words a little but controlled herself afterwards. She did not want Siyionme to find out that it was what she was really after.

"Hmpff, I guess that might make me forget" She pretended like she was still angry but Siyionme saw the happy smile on her face.

She then went back to her cooking....


Below the clouds

The middle aged man who used the golden sword of Scathach was seated with his two companions Hestince and Connor surrounding a fire just a few feet away from the crater under the night sky.

A little distance away from them were dead bodies wearing different armors with different insignias but the three did not look at all bothered by the gory scenery.

"So, I heard that the king will be sending more troops here tomorrow to aid us in our mission" Hestince was the first to speak.

"That's bad" Connor spoke.

"What do you think we should do?" Hestince asked the middle aged man.

"We should just kill them all" A strange glint passage the middle aged man's red eyes as he spoke.

The two did not get scared of the man, they both started thinking.

"That was a good idea but, I'm sure, the king would send spies and shadows to watch us" Conner spoke with his hand on his chin.

Although, they were some of the strongest subordinates of the king, that did not necessarily mean the king would trust them with something so big.

He would surely send spies to watch them and if they were to do something he deems suspicious, he would get them killed.

Despite them being strong and capable of wiping out a small army from Kramesh, they weren't the strongest in the kingdom of Gelhan even with Scathach's sword.

"We'll just have to plant parasites in their heads, no" The middle aged man spoke with an evil smile that could send chills in the spines of millions.

They were sure that whatever treasures were going to pop out from the Xion energy emanating from the crater was gonna make them the strongest beings in the world and they might even use it to go to other worlds.

That's if other worlds exist that is...


Somewhere in the same

Kt Kt Kt Kt

The former queen Kselia was still riding her horse trying to get far away from the kingdom as she could.

But, it seemed that she could not do it today as her horse started slowing down.

It was tired

Well, she could understand it since she had been forcing it to run for the past hours without resting once.

She then got of the horse and went to its face. She then started caressing it with her gentle hands.

"Sorry for abusing you buddy"

The horse made a strange sound and closed its eye enjoying the gentle caress from Kselia.

Kselia pulled her horse under tree where they both slept.

She was tired too.

"Well well, look what I found Connor"