
Young Master Ye's All-Rounder Wife

Her mind resist all kind of emotions for her childhood experiences. Happiness, sadness, pain... She felts nothing. But for some reason she felts happy for him,felts the longing for wanting to being close to him. So her brother made some arrangements to make her stay close to him and requested him to help her to get ride off this Knot of her heart. But he never cared, neglected her, did whatever he wanted to do. Repeated disappointment made her heart to close for him too, her mind started to resist emotions even more. She distanced herself from him, but still stayed by his side for a chance to repay the favour. She got the chance very soon. After replying the favour, she left decisively. By the time he sorted out his feeling for her, before he could do anything she left his world without a trace. He almost gone crazy in order to find her but still could't find her. He found her again after many years later.But her eyes lost the beautiful smile she used to have whenever she saw him. Even if he beg her for it, she doesn’t smile at him anymore. But it doesn’t matter, he will remain persistent. He will make her smile again one day. (English is not my first or second language. I have never written English like this before, so I believe there might be many mistakes. I have tried to revise and correct it multiple times. If anyone feels that this book is written poorly, please overlook it or avoid my work. Thank you.)

WinterMorningDew · Urban
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56 Chs

Chapter 12 Meeting

Huo Yao received a call from the principal of Capital University at noon. Principal Rong urgently requested her presence.

In response, Huo Yao informed Principal Rong that she could only join the university the following day.


After some time, Ye ZhengYu made his way to the old Ye mansion. Upon arrival, he discovered that his parents and younger brother were engaged in a discussion about his children.

When Huo Yao left, his parents and younger brother had been away from home.

Among all his family members, his younger brother had formed the closest bond with Huo Yao.

Ye ZhengYu remained puzzled about why his brother had suddenly developed such profound respect for Huo Yao. His brother even shed tears upon hearing of her departure.

Ye Zheng Wei, eager and curious, stood up and asked, "Brother, Grandpa mentioned that sister-in-law has three babies with her. Are they your children?"

Ye ZhengYu smiled, appreciating his brother's affectionate way of addressing Huo Yao. He replied, "Indeed, they are my children," and then turned to his grandfather.

"Yaoyao called me and asked if you'd like to meet our babies. I told her to bring them here this afternoon," he explained.

Grandpa Ye expressed his surprise, saying, "Is she willing to do so so soon? I knew Huo Yao would allow them to meet the children, but I didn't expect it to happen this quickly."

Others in the room also shared their amazement at the swift arrangement.

Ye ZhengYu took a seat and clarified, "Yes, she mentioned that, after all, their father's family is also their family."

Grandpa Ye slapped his thighs in approval, saying, "Excellent, excellent."

Meanwhile, Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye remained silent, their emotions a complex mix of joy and remorse.

They were now grandparents, not just of one or two but of three grandchildren.

Just two days ago, they had been concerned about their son's solitary life, but today, they were elated to hear about their three grandsons.

They also felt a deep sense of guilt toward Huo Yao, especially Mrs. Ye.

She had never paid much attention to her eldest son's nominal fiancée, even ignoring her daughter's harsh treatment of Huo Yao.

She had wrongly assumed her son didn't care, but his actions had proved her wrong. She had seen the agony he endured during his desperate search for Huo Yao, spending countless nights in her room, chain-smoking.

She had even visited temples to pray for her son's reunion with Huo Yao and regretted her previous indifference.

When she later learned that Huo Yao had been just nineteen years old at that time, Mrs. Ye felt even greater remorse. She was deeply ashamed of her past behavior.

Now, discovering that Huo Yao had been pregnant with triplets at the age of nineteen added to Mrs. Ye's complex emotions.

She couldn't help but empathize with the pain Huo Yao must have endured. The thought of a nineteen-year-old girl with a belly larger than two or three footballs weighed heavily on her heart.

This girl was an orphan with no family to support her.

Mrs. Ye observed her eldest son's cheerful mood and suggested, "You should apologize to Yaoyao sincerely and make an effort to win her back."

Ye ZhengYu smiled faintly at his mother's advice.

However, Mrs. Ye gave him a disapproving look and chastised, "Why are you smiling so happily? You made a nineteen-year-old girl pregnant, and with triplets. The pain of giving birth to one baby is excruciating, let alone three. Your demeanor is inappropriate."

Whenever Mrs. Ye thought of a nineteen-year-old Huo Yao with a belly larger than two or three footballs, it filled her with sympathy.

She realized that this young girl had been through a profoundly challenging time, and her son had not been there when she needed him most.

Mrs. Ye had now completely shifted her favor towards Huo Yao over her son.

Ye ZhengYu's faint smile faded, and he appeared crestfallen after hearing his mother's words.

Mrs. Ye also recognized her mistake in the timing of her comments. She quickly tried to make amends, saying, "I shouldn't have brought this up now. It wasn't entirely your fault anyway. Regardless, you can't change the past. But you must treat Yaoyao better in the future."

Ye ZhengYu simply nodded, already committed to treating his wife well.

In fact, he had begun to think of Huo Yao as his wife.

As the family moved forward, they all busied themselves in preparation to welcome their new additions to the family.

Grandpa Ye had already instructed his butler to prepare a room for the children and another for Huo Yao.

He proudly informed all his friends about his three great-grandsons.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye also went to select gifts for their grandsons, with Ye Zheng Wei accompanying them.

Meanwhile, Ye ZhengYu remained calm, having already gathered everything they would need.

He was researching the experiences of pregnant women on Baidu. The more he read, the more he felt overwhelmed by the informations.