

Ye liqiu turned her head when the door was pushed open and saw her cousin's dumb expression as she entered the room, then he nods her head towards the maid.

"Cousin, how are you? Why are you so pale, are you sick?" Jiali asks worriedly as she grabs her hand.

"I am alright, why are you here?" She asks coldly, the bitter experience in her previous life keeps on repeating in her head as soon as she met this woman. While she was oblivious and stupid before, now she had learned her lesson well and won't do the same mistake as before.

"Did you forgot, already? You called me last night, what happened, did that bastard bullied you? Are you hurt?" Ye Jianli sounds really worried, it was the very same reason why Ye Liqiu fell on their trap before.

"Ye Jianli, can you be more careful? the 'bastard' you are calling is my husband and this is his home."

"So what? Did he threaten you last night? Why are you like this, I told you before and I will tell you again, don't fall for that man, he was a bastard that only cared for money and himself. Where is he now? This is the first day after your marriage and he left you all alone here. Is that a good husband? Cousin, don't be a fool, alright?" Ye Jianli said forcefully, instilling her with negative thoughts against her husband. Ye Liqiu bit her lips as she looks straight at her cousin. What comes to her mouth was not the same as what her mind was saying.

This dumb girl is sure stubborn. Why can't she just divorce Li Weicheng so that I can get my chance to marry him?

Ye Liqiu's heart was squeezed hard inside her chest. She felt as if she was being stabbed by a knife straight to her heart, making it bleed profusely. So this is what she really thinks? In her previous life, she blocks everything that she heard inside her head and only believes what she heard externally. She can hear thoughts before but she chooses not to listen to them.

Jianli was only good to her because she was still of use to her. If not for the fact that she was her cousin, she had long perished in the Ye Family after her father's death.

"Liqiu, do you understand me?" Jianli nags at her when she remained silent and just looking at her.

"I understand, I'm tired, I need to rest. I won't see you out."

"Alright, before I forgot, Lan'jie gave you this. She's afraid that you might run out of stocks, so she had me bring you this." Jianli said before handling a bottle of pills she usually takes to make her sleep at night.

She smiled and nod her head. After Ye Jianli left the room, she looks at the bottle of pill in her hands. Come to think of it, She always had this pill ever since the day of her father's death. It helps her fall asleep at night, keeping the nightmares from disturbing her sleep.

It was already noon time when Li Weicheng returned home. He passes his coat to the maid and went to look for Auntie Wu who happened to be in the kitchen preparing food.

"Young Master, you're back." Auntie Wu was surprised to see the man before her. He had clearly told her before that he will be back in the afternoon and he came early as she expected him to be.

"Where is she?"

"In your room, sleeping. She looks exhausted and stressed. She didn't eat well either. Ahh, that was because her cousin came when she was having her breakfast, after that she remained in your room and the last time I checked, she was already deep in sleep."

Li Weicheng knitted his brows tightly as soon as Auntie mentioned Ye Liqiu's cousin. He didn't like that woman and he felt she won't do well either. He had to warn his wife about it.

"I'll check on her, prepare some lighter food for her." Li Weicheng said before leaving the kitchen. He walks back to his room and pushed the door open. Inside the room, a sweet fragrance lingered in the air as soon as he entered.

He saw a small frame of a girl sleeping rather uncomfortably on his bed. She was curled in the bed, hugging the pillow between her small arms, her brows knitted as if she was having a nightmare.

Last night, he had been rough on her and took her until she passed out. He sat beside her and brushes some hair on her face tucking it behind her ears. Her skin was soft under his fingertips. Even though he just touch her lightly, she still felt it and woke up. Opening her eyes she saw her husband sitting beside her on the bed, looking at her intently.

"You're back." She said softly, rubbing the sleep on her eyes. Getting up, she looks around to find a clock.

"It's only noon, why didn't you eat earlier?" Li Weicheng asks, his voice undeniably gentle soothingly flowing on her ears. Ye Liqiu looks at him in his eyes and found that the words he has spoken are pure.

She looks at him in a daze and felt surreal. In front of her now is the same man she despises in her previous life. This was the very same man she let go without even giving him a chance to prove himself.

"What's wrong, did you have a nightmare?" Looking at her sorry state, Li Weicheng felt a tug on his chest. But what shocked him more was when the little girl throws herself into him. She hugs him tightly as if she was too scared he would leave her. The warmth on her body made him relaxed and he felt an indescribable happiness.

"It's alright, I'm already here." He rubs her back as if soothing her. After they were engaged, this girl could hardly take notice of him. Up until they got married yesterday, she was cold to him as if she really doesn't like to marry him at all. But today, her behavior pleases him.

Was it because of what happened yesterday night?

"Let's go eat downstairs, Auntie Wu must be waiting for too long."

"Alright." Ye Liqiu felt light. After that hug, she felt as if all her worries disappeared.

Auntie has already prepared the dishes on the table when they reach the area. Liqiu smelled the light fragrance coming from the food making her stomach grumble. She seated beside Li Weicheng and took her chopstick eagerly.

"Do not eat yet, have this tea first. It will help you digest your food later." Li Weicheng passes her a cup of tea. She looks at him in his eyes and turns her eyes on the tea before taking it in his hand. The warmth coming from the cup instantly spread on her hands. She took a sip and found it slightly bitter and sweet.

"Don't finish it all, you can eat now." Li Weicheng said in a gentle voice, making her heart flutters. She felt her eyes sting as she took a sip on the cup. This was the man she wasted. Tears fell unceremoniously on her eyes, making Li Weicheng panicked.

" What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?" his voice is worried sick, it stabs her heart more than Ye Jianli can stab her. This kindness, she felt it before but she was so stubborn to accept it. He cared for her more than her own family does. And she was overwhelmed by it.

She shook her head and grip the cup in her hands like it was some kind of treasure.

Li Weicheng didn't know what to do. This was the first time he saw Liqiu cried in front of him. Back then, she always tried her best to ignore him. None of his gifts were taken. Not even his call picked up.

She only treated him like a shadow. But today, he felt surreal, he was as if in a dream, a good dream. Not only did the girl took the initiative to hug him, but she also talks to him.

As they were eating, Li Weicheng's phone rang, excusing himself for a while, he took the call and answer it briefly. Liqiu pauses and looks at his handsome face while talking on the phone. His voice was cold and clear. It carries a hint of dominance in every word he utters.

He was talking in a foreign language but she easily knows it was German. She was once studied in the best university in London after she got married to Li Weicheng, At that time, she had slowly fallen out with everyone in the Li Family and she ignored Weicheng's plea to come back home. Though she didn't finish her study, with her good memory and studying capabilities it was enough for her to learn a lot.

At this time, she has yet to finish her university and she was planning to finish it, not in London but here in China. Because that time when she was in London, Ye Jianli did all her best to seduce her man and put negative thoughts in his head. She wouldn't allow it. Not in this life. She had learned her lessons well and she will change everything.

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