
Calling Your Own Sister 'Baby'

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The item she had picked up was the jade pendant, and Jun Xiqing smashed it against Lu Yeming's forehead in anger.

Surprisingly, he didn't duck. The jade pendant fell onto the soft, sheepskin rug, while his forehead bruised and bled.

Glaring at him angrily, Jun Xiqing's chest was heaving. She had never hated someone so much before!

She didn't want to get pregnant.

Why must he get her pregnant?

Why should she bear children for him?

The atmosphere in the room was suffocating. One could clearly hear Jun Xiqing's heavy breathing as she stood there, fists clenched. In contrast, Lu Yeming appeared calm, controlled and completely emotionless.

"What happened?"

The door to the room was pushed open as Fan Men and Ping Ping hurried in.

"Oh my goodness, my Lord. You are injured!"

On seeing Lu Yeming's bleeding forehead, Fan Men rushed toward the first-aid box.