
Young Master And His Demon Army (BL)

Waking up as a noble baby is not what Yuta expected after falling down the stairs. His constant wishes are to have an exciting life, but he didn't mean this exciting! His peaceful life went south ever since. One mad father that is feared by most people, seven other older brothers, villains that are trying to kidnap him, and one pet demon. The only good thing about his new life is his kindhearted mother. Can he get through those tiring days every single day? ──────────────────────────────── Hello ladies and gentle-lads, before proceeding I would like to mention a couple of statements. This content has an LGBTQ+ content. Yaoi, BL, GL. If you're not up for it, simply just don't proceed reading the story ^-^ Thank you!

coffie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
116 Chs

Bitter Chocolate

Mother wouldn't allow me to eat any sugar, but father is easy. He held my hand as I waddle my way to the table. Naturally, the nobles that are around the table began to make way. They all watched me with so much interest.

Father lifted me so I can grab the strawberries from the bowl, then dip the tip of the fresh strawberry into the chocolate fountain.

I popped the strawberry in my mouth, then squealed happily.

"You're enjoying this too much," Father chuckled softly.

I looked at him while munching my strawberry. "Mhm," I nodded innocently.

In my original life, I don't like eating sweets at all. Maybe because I'm in a new body, plus I'm just a baby. Kids love sweets!

"Young Master Ezra is such a cute child,"

Father turned around and I peeked. Who's this man? he looked like he's around father's age. Silver hair, pale grey eyes, porcelain complexion; this guy is a vampire.

"Thank you Viscount Morven," Father replied. "He's the smallest and cutest among my sons. I thought he's a girl,"

"Oi," I muttered.

"Haha, don't say that. He'll grow up into a handsome man," Viscount Morven said. "Suddenly I got reminded me of the Crown Prince,"

"Right, he turned four last year correct?"

"Yes. And I understood that you couldn't attend the birthday party,"

"..." Father glanced at my way. I looked at him curiously.

I see, maybe the Crown Prince's birthday happened during the incident that happened to me.

After that father and Viscount Morven continued their chatter. Wow, this is so boring. Why do I have to listen to them? I sighed and hugged my father's neck while resting my chin to his shoulder.

I noticed a lot of nobles are still staring at me from Father's back. The ladies giggled and waved my way. I waved back lazily, they squealed. Then my eyes caught something else.

A person. He dressed up like other nobles, but he's been staring at me. Looking so determined and focused. His arms are crossed. When he realized I finally noticed him, a creepy smirk formed on his face.

All of the hair on my body stood up. I shivered down my spine. Is he? No, it can't be. I can't make false assumptions. I furrowed my eyebrows. Then the man's smirk turned into an innocent smile. He waved his hand to me.

I didn't respond. Instead, I looked away.

What a creepy dude. Why did father send an invite to that creepy noble dude?

I still feel him staring toward my way. When I stole another glance, he's gone.

Ok, that's creepy.

"Dadda," I called my father. His conversation with the Viscount stopped. He looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

I pointed at where the creepy man just at. I followed where my finger is pointing, just a wall. He looked at me again.

"Someone is there?"

"Is there something wrong?" Viscount Morven asked.

"Maybe he just saw a bug," Father replied.

No, you dummy crazy dad! there's a sketchy guy just there! Ugh, where's brother Juno?

I looked around frustrated. My eyes caught Juno near the pillar, blending in perfectly with the crowd. I bet no one saw him. I have a feeling he let himself exposed just for me because he saw how I've been acting strange.

His dark blue eyes met mine. I frowned.

How do I tell him?

I pointed at the wall again. Juno followed it. He looked back at me, then he disappeared. He reappeared right on the spot where I pointed. Yes! there's where the creepy man is standing!

Juno nodded his head to me before disappearing.

I knew I can rely on my brothers. I sighed in relief and rest my chin to my father's shoulder again.


I blinked when I heard a butler hurriedly running toward my father. The atmosphere has gotten quiet because of the face of terror on the servant's face.

Father looked concerned.

"What's wrong?"



I wide my eyes and straighten my back.
