
Job hunting

The time is running fast,I should start going(Tiya said after checking the clock, she took her handbag and phone from the table in the kitchen,she went to the living room then walked to the door,she opened the door and came out).

      (She opened the gate and came out of the compound,she started walking,she went to different stores,shops,cafes,hotels and supermarkets,but they were not interested in a part-time worker,Tiya drank her milk after getting rejected in one of the supermarket she went to).

    (She continue to search,hoping to fine a job,she walked for a very long time)i am so tired,the time is already getting late,I should head home now(Tiya said to herself after looking at the time,she turned and started walking to the next bus station).

      Wait,what is that lovely aroma(Tiya asked then stopped walking,she started walking towards the direction the sweet aroma came from,she stopped in front of a cafe store,she entered into the store)what can I offer you?(a boy who looks like a waiter asked)hmm,I would love to have the food or snacks that has this aroma(Tiya answered).

        Oh you mean potato omelet?right away (the boy said then left,he came back with a plate on top a tray,he dropped the plate on the table(the plate contain a round yellowish stuff)here you go(the boy said) thanks(Tiya replied,then the boy left).

      (Tiya took her fork and she started eating) it tastes really delicious(Tiya said to herself, after eating she drank the glass of water on the table)please come(Tiya said as she rises her hand up,to get the attention of the boy,the boy came)yes miss(the boy answered and Tiya made the payment then left).

     I better catch the next bus(Tiya said after coming out of the store,the time was already held past six,she went to the nearest bus station there,she sat on the long iron chair and was waiting for the bus to arrive,she turned to her right and saw a poster on the pillar,she got up and went to the pillar,she took the poster from the pillar).

        (It was a job opportunity(there was only number on the poster)oh great,after all this searching,I end up with this(Tiya said staring at the poster,she put it in her bag and went back to the chair,in not less than a minute,the bus came,she entered into the bus and she payed the bus fee then she took her seat).

       Oh God,after all this struggle,there is nothing to show fort(tiya said as she rested her head on the window,feeling down and tired).

                   AT TIYA'S HOUSE

     (Tiya got home around 7:15pm,she opened the door)Tiya,you are back(Mrs Johnson said)yes mom,good evening(Tiya answered then greeted)how was your job hunting?(Mrs Johnson asked)stressful and tiring(Tiya answered)I know what you need(Mrs Johnson said then went to the kitchen,she came back with a cold glass of milk).

    Here you go,drink this then freshen up, dinner will soon be ready(Mrs Johnson said) thanks mom,you are the best(Tiya replied then drank the milk)oh so chilling and creamer than before(Tiya said and laugh).

      Yes,because I poured it into the glass cup with much love(Mrs Johnson said then took the glass cup from her hand)go freshen up now,we will discuss more about your hunting during dinner(Mrs Johnson added and went to the kitchen)okay mom(Tiya said then went upstairs to her room).

      (Tiya freshen up and wore her night wear) Tiya!Tiya!(Mrs Johnson called out to Tiya after about 30 minutes)yes mom(Tiya answered)dinner is ready,you can come down now(Mrs Johnson said)okay mom, am coming(Tiya said)Tiya dear,please set the dinning table,while I take my shower (Mrs Johnson said from the kitchen).

        Okay mom(Tiya replied as she opened her door,then walked downstairs,she went to the kitchen)I was about to say so myself (Tiya added as she collect the plate from her mom,Tiya opened the pot)oh,potato omelets!(Tiya screamed out).

     How did you know?(Mrs Johnson asked feeling surprised)because it has been long since i have prepared it(Mrs Johnson added)I ate it today,on my way home(Tiya said)really? (Mrs Johnson asked)yes mom and it was delicious but I know yours will be more delicious and yummy too(Tiya replied).

 Sure(Mrs Johnson said and smiled)it's alright now,go get your shower(Tiya said)I will take care of the rest(Tiya added as she push her mom out of the kitchen)okay,am on my way(Mrs Johnson said when she got to the door)be quick,I will be waiting(Tiya said then her mom left).