
He asked much about me


    Tiya,I will meet you at the flower garden  (Sofia said as she gets up from her seat)no problem,I will wait for you there(Tiya said then she took her lunch box)ok,see you later(Sofia said then left,Tiya kept her bag in the desk locker,she walk out of the class, suddenly all she could see was darkness).

    (A hand covered her eyes so she could not see)who is that?(Tiya asked bit their was no response)Sofia I don't like this joke,you are playing(Tiya added,thinking it was Sofia) maybe she hid herself at the other end of the class,so she(tiya)make this joke(Tiya thought).

   Sofia!(Tiya said as she trying to remove the hand from her eyes but she couldn't) this hand is too stronge to be Sofia's own (Tiya thought again after feeling the hand on her eyes) you are not sofia,who are you?(Tiya asked,but still there was no reply).             Please stop(Tiya said with a soft voice, immediately the hand was removed from her eyes,she turned to look who it was)how dare you close my eyes?(tiya said as she turned, but was surprise)justin(Tiya said) hi(Justin said with a soft smile on his face).

      Hey(Tiya replied still in shock)sorry,I didn't mean to make you feel shock(Justin said as he saw the expression on Tiya's face)it's nothing,I was not expecting you (Tiya replied) but who then,you knew after touching my hand that I was not Sofia,do you have any other friend?(Justin asked).Not really,but seriously I was surprise to see you(Tiya answered)alright,were you heading to the garden?(Justin asked)yes,I was before you played a joke on me(Tiya replied with a smile)okay,let get going then (Justin said then they both left).



       Have You seen the person?(Justin asked)who?(Tiya asked back)the one who have been given you those packages (Justin explained)oh that,I forgot about it,no,not really(Tiya replied)what will you do now?(Justin asked).

    Well,I wrote him a letter yesterday,telling him to stop bringing me those packages (Tiya replied)so did he give a reply to the letter?(Justin asked again)not really,he only dropped an okay card as a reply(Tiya said) wow,so you don't know who he was,cool (Justin said then chuckled)i rest my case (Tiya said as they continue to walk).


     (Tiya and Justin finally reach the garden) have your seat(Justin said pointing to the chair)thanks(Tiya replied then sat down,she opens her lunch box, and brought out a cupcake,she handed it to Justin)thanks (Justin said but didn't collect it).

     Don't even think of not collecting it from me (Tiya said and forced the cupcake in his hand)thanks(Justin thanked her and sat down)it's okay, I should be the one thanking you(Tiya said) really?I thought you forced it on me because I gave you a can of milk (Justin said).

    Yes,I really should be the one thanking you,and no i didn't force it on you because of that(Tiya replied)then why?(Justin asked then smile) well it's because you have been so kind and caring towards me(Tiya said) hmm,let's say the cupcake is a thank you fare from me to you,my treat(Tiya said with a smile).

    Really?your treat,I don't think so(Justin said then stood up from the chair)I don't understand(Tiya said)you will go out with me then the treat will be on you(Justin said and sat down)what!!!(Tiya screamed).

    You want me to go out with you and the treat will be on me?(Tiya asked feeling surprise) huh,yeah (Justin replied)all treat will be on you(Justin added)alright,but I will be the one to choose the day(Tiya said).

   No,I will be the one(Justin objected) really? (Tiya asked)yeah(Justin replied) alright,do i even have a choice?(Tiya asked and chuckled)nope(Justin replied then ruffle Tiya's hair,Tiya was still holding her lunch box).

    (So she brought out a pack of an already made noodles,she opened it and begin to eat)if i may ask,why do you like noodles alot?(Justin asked because he usually sees her eating noodles(the ones the unknown person usually jeeps for her).

     I have notice that you only take noodles  (Justin added,staring at her)me?not really  (Tiya said with her mouth full,feeling shy) hmm,are you sure?(Justin asked with his hand on his jaw)Alright,well,it's yummy and easy to make too(Tiya answered)that's true(Justin said).