
Young Married Love

Paige Sanchez just turned 18, only to marry someone she barely knew. If it wasn't because of a clear misunderstanding, she wouldn't have to marry . Her parents' concern was her only concern until that day. She only wanted to live a simple life with her family while slowly fulfilling her dreams. She wanted to travel the world, buy her mother a beautiful house, give her father his dream car, help her siblings finish their studies, travel with her friends, and roam every beautiful places around the globe. Fate must've been playing her life. Floods of problems entered her already-too-problematic life from the moment she met that man. Or so she thought. What could happen if thing works differently for her and new life? What could happen if finally things are working out well for all of them? What could happen if one day, she'll find out that everything beautiful things she's having was just another way of fate to play with her life?

CloudKisses · Teen
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8 Chs


"Paige, you have a visitor." Dad called me. Zack looked at me. He looks so sorry. I understand. It was not his fault alone. I have my mistakes, too.

Zack has been patient with me for the past two weeks. After our wedding and after finding out that we are going to have babies, he never left my side unless it about his job. He is applied for a job a week ago and got accepted. When he leaves my side he instructs me to my siblings and my parents because here we first live in our home for a while.

I smiled sparingly at Dad before leaving our room.

"Your Mom prepared food in the garden. That's where you talk... " Dad said to me.

I nodded. I followed the two of them down as if I were going to fall down the stairs when they did not support me. I started to step down the stairs.

"Paige." It even calls me. I turned here. "You haven't eaten much for a week. Please, eat. " Dad please. That was just the word of mouth and they begged me.

Now I am one and a half months pregnant. I just have no appetite. I always remember all my parents' suffering for me. I am always dizzy so I prefer to sleep instead of eating.

I smiled at them before continuing to go down.

Leah is the one I came to in our garden. It sat, and turned its back on me but I knew its figure very well even though it turned its back.

"Leah." I call it.

It turned to me, and smiled. I was surprised by what I saw.

"What happened to you?" I question worried. I approached him and immediately hugged him. Some bruises were still on his face. It also has a neck.

She's wearing a ripped blue jeans, high cut converse and a long sleeve top.

This is not her style. She hugged me back. I help it sit. I saw Aunt Lia talking to Mom on our Veranda. Why is she's with her Mom?

"How are you?" she asked me.

"No. How are you? What happened to you? " I'll be back here. Her cheeks thinned and her eye bags were obvious. Her looks is the epitome of the word stress.

She smiled slightly. I smiled sadly upon her. Here she goes again, trying to smile even though she is not fine. She always does this to encourage me.

"I asked first."

"I'm better than you..." my answer.

She laughed slightly. "I'm glad to hear that..." she said.

"What happened?" I ask here.

"Your Dad called me. You don't seem to be eating. " sabi nito. He sat down, he guided me to sit down too so I obeyed.

"Don't change our topic. What happened to you? " I asked again.

"I heard about what happened to you. It was my fault... I'm sorry. " She said with a nod. "If I had not left you that night, this would not have happened to you."

I shook"It's not your fault." No one is to blame but me and stupidity. It was my doing.

"It was. If I was there beside you, you could've not been drugged. " she held my hand. My eyes widened with her revelation.

"I-I w-was drugged?" I asked in shock.

That must be the reason why I feel high that night! It nodded softly.

"It was Mike and his group. They brought cocaine that day. They put those to the juices and liquor on the table we're in. " She told while tears welled up."Though it was not purposely for you, you still drank it. I saw you but I'm too damned to even walk towards you. Those juices were for Alyssa and me. Mike was hitting on me and I always reject him. They… raped us. "

My eyes widened at what he said. The lip was also pitying. This is not happening! I can accept that I'm pregnant but this is too much! Its tears began to flow. I can't believe that my cheerful best friend endure that kind of misery!

"They brought me into this dark place. I was drugged. I don't know what happened. I just woke up in the hospital. I have these wounds, cracks on my legs, these bruises... " crying it says. I approached her and hugged her.

"Oh my goodness, Leah. I'm so sorry! If I had accompanied you to CR it would not have happened... " I also started crying.

It was my fault! It's my fault why Leah is like this. What kind of friend am I? I should've not left her side. I closed my eyes and shed tears. She was raped. This the real world. The harsh and scary world.

"No. If I listened to you, I wouldn't be like this. If I listened to you, if we went home and if I did not drink, it would not happen to us... "She sobbed.

Leah also cried for a few minutes.

I just hugged it, and empathized with her crying. We both have swollen eyes. We are now sitting on the grass.

She sighed before speaking. "They drugged Anthony and Zack, too... They locked them into different rooms.. That's why there was a commotion in Zack's house... Mike was arrested after I gave a statement. They tried to kill me, too. But I survived, too bad for them. Zack was locked into his room. Anthony was beaten. "

Zack was drugged, too ?! So whatever happened to us that night was beyond our control because we were both drugged.

Something happened to Zack and me and we can't remember it because we both don't have it ourselves! It was all an accident. We were involved in a hideous crime. We were one of the casualties, the victims.

Zack never told me anything about this. His parents did not also tell me. Maybe my parents knew about this, even my brothers, they just keep the news away from because of my condition.

"Allysa? How is she?"

"She's still in a coma. Like me they hit it on the head of the tube... I was lucky, I wasn't hit hard enough to put me in a comma. "

I held its hand. She did the same to me.

"I was the reason you're pregnant. What if they saw that you drank Alyssa's juice?" it says sadly. "I overheard them talking when I was in the bathroom. About the juice. So even though I was dizzy, I went out. I need to check on you and ask for help but then I saw you drank that juice that's when they dragged me out to that place. "

"Are you okay?" I ask here. Although I know not.

She shook his head.

"I am pregnant, too..." she closed her eyes and trembled from holding back the crying. "I do not know what to do... I don't want this. I can't bear this thing...It makes me remember everything... "She said crying.

I feel sorry for my best friend. Fools did this to her!

"Shh…" I hugged her again. "It's going to be fine."

We silently cried in each other. How could fate be this cruel to us, especially to Leah? I was even lucky compared to her. I hugged Leah even tighter. I wish I could at least ease her pain.

"Be brave, Leah. You can conquer this challenge ... "I whispered to her.


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