
Rules and powers

I woke up in complete darkness. No light came through the window and behind my closed eyes, I remembered my last dream. I remembered it pretty well, after all, and only two or three dreams in my life had that kind of impact.

I was shrouded in darkness and black. It was a little comforting, I always had trouble sleeping when there was light in my room. But something was missing. I couldn't remember what, but something wasn't there.


My phone.

It didn't ring my alarm clock. Did I wake up before that?

I reached my left arm out to the side, looking for the able headboard, trying to find my wristwatch, to see what time it was. I must have gone to bed early because that was the only time I woke up early. Well, either my alarm went off, but that wasn't the case.

My left arm didn't find my wristwatch. Or my table. He fell onto the bed, his entire forearm sticking out.

I swallowed, keeping my cool a little, and moved my hand toward the wall, looking for the light switch, but finding nothing.

But the room lit up when I thought of the word "light."

It was some kind of candlelight, or at least that's what it looked like behind my eyelids, dancing wild with a sliver of purple. Only then did I work on the courage to open my eyes.

It wasn't a dream.

I was in bed inside the lamp that floated in space near the... Moon? The lamp wall was now transparent to me and what I saw was...

"Wow ..."

I exhaled, looking to the side, transfixed by what was one of the most magnificent spectacles nature has to offer.

I was no closer to the moon. No, it moved overnight and my bottle didn't. And now I was looking at the scene of the Sun, in all its glory, rising over the Earth.

It was a fiery sphere of plasma, that I knew, but it was also this breathtaking force of nature that I couldn't help but look at.

Now I could see the Earth with all the magnificence that our planet had. It was a true gem in the entire Solar System, the green and blue blending seamlessly, shimmering in the morning sun. I recognized the shape of land masses and it looked like morning had arrived on the Eurasian continent now.

I think I could see the shape of Italy, still wrapped in the shadow of the night.

I watched this show until the morning spent trying to organize my thoughts.

Point one: I wasn't in a dream.

Point two: I didn't know if I would see my family again, if I'm just a copy, a Doppelgänger of a version of me that still lives out its days in my home zone, or if I'm dead, but if she's dead that means...

I cut those thoughts off hard, took a deep breath, twice, and let the thought go. It wasn't over, obviously, it wasn't, but I could think about that later. When I'm more... emotionally stable.

Point three: I didn't know if I was in my universe or somewhere else. If I were on mine it would be more complex, although it would be simpler on some accounts. It would still have its complications, my very presence could be a sign of good things or not, it would depend on an outside observer's perspective, or even how bad fate might want to screw me over.

if not, well I'll have to see how far I can go.

Point four: I had magic.

Last night I couldn't feel it, but now I could, it was this energy bubbling and churning inside me, eager to be used, failing and shaking around like a shaken soda bottle. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time.

There was so much!

Spells, magical tomes, and ways to bend/alter the very fabric of reality!

Time to know my limits!

Phenomenal cosmic powers! Come to Mom.


Smokeless. Scorching Fire. The world goes in and out of focus for a few minutes until it fixes itself, nausea ensues, and a mild migraine sets in.

Dizzy I get up from the floor, supporting the small table on which were some books and tomes that I gathered for research...

"Note to yourself, don't use that word. I really hope it only works for me, because if it triggers this reaction whenever I hear that word used..." I shuddered. I was a Djinn, not a…this…and I could be a cripple for all I knew.

the reason for such a scene was easily explained, it all started after the resolution made that day, Erika researched the place and discovered that there was a door behind the curtains that leads to a chamber that looked like a bizarre version of the famous painting of the stairs by Maurits Escher.

Note: that falling down the stairs can result in an infinite fall, where you always go back to the top when you're near the end, that's how she lost her magically summoned cupcake.

in the library from which she gladly enjoyed the knowledge stored there.

She had the pleasure of discovering some of them, among them 3 things stood out:

1- There was a hierarchy among the Djin, the oldest and most experienced were part of the council: where they dictated the universal rules, punished the younger ones, and chose their favorites.

In addition to them, there were moral laws, something personal to each Djin, a code of honor that each one follows, that gives him limits and that can attract allies with the same concepts to help him when necessary.

2-The Djin personified concepts, their whole existence was based on that, because of that, there were 3 classes (Good, Neutral, Evil) each with a faction (Order, Chaos).

3-There is a fixed amount of Djins, one is only born ("comes into existence") if another one ceases to exist.

I walk around for the next half hour cursing whoever my predecessor was, it seems he should have at least given me a tutorial before he threw a fuck put me in the command chair, and set sail for the afterlife, but not now I was ignorant of the universal laws, it is vulnerable to attacks from evil class elders since in addition to all the above I was also one of the few good class djins with more than one concept. Something that only the mighty can be...


I'm fucked...

or not, I didn't think so, at least I had some chance for a while to train and strengthen myself, I didn't exactly have a measuring stick, did I?

If she weren't something equivalent to a cripple...

Because being equivalent to a fetus for djins she necessarily needs an anchor to perform major spells, which means that even if she is free she will still need a master to be her anchor, and because of the basic laws of exchange equivalent, this would only be done if said master wishes.

In this case, the way to make the said wish is up to the interpretation of each one, and that explains both the myths and legends about them...

In that case, you would have to perform a test for any master you have, a way to find a compatible and reliable partner...

Let's go, better focus on the next point on the list, magic training...

Reaching out and snapping the fingers of my right hand.


I tried to snap the fingers of my left hand. Anything.

I wasn't a magic prodigy, it seemed. I was doing something wrong, but what?

A child who plays with the world and hopes to bend it to his will. very well I will help

The gesture was there, I don't know if necessary, but it all helps. What was missing?

Well, I didn't think of anything. And my magic didn't budge either. So perhaps it has lost direction and intention?

After all, the pamphlet said something about Innate Magic...

Sharpening myself, I raised my hand again, before stopping and looking around, realizing exactly where I was.

I think it would be a good idea to do this somewhere else, it's not a good idea to test your limits in the same place that has the answers to my survival, is it?

Maybe my first trick is something effective...

Deeply concentrating she thinks about getting out of the lamp. the magic bubbled, stirred, excited, and rushed.

then I snapped my fingers.


There was the sound of a crystal bell and purple smoke enveloped me, the sensation of floating and I was out in the cool absence of air.

My clothes were on me again, especially the jacket.

"I didn't leave it on the table?" Okay, so the clothes were perms good to know.

Also, my shoes got back on their feet, along with everything else.

"That... is a sign of something. I don't know what, but something. Of that, I'm sure."

My eyes gravitated to my bottle, looking at it curiously. It looked quite fragile and I didn't know if its destruction of it caused me destruction.

Aladdin says yes, but other legends...

Can I change that with my magic? Maybe an oil lamp?


Anything. Still a bottle. It's not an oil lamp. Hmm...Maybe a ring?


Not. Another object like a gem? Or a dagger? Or maybe a vase?

clap! clap! clap!

Aaaaaand.....no. Anything. Okay, no transfiguration on the lamp.

Can I raise? Or smaller?

clap! clap!

Jackpot! I could make him change his size. It looked like something I could put on a bracelet or necklace.

.... a necklace, uh?

Interesting ...

I took off my necklace. It was a gold chain, exquisitely crafted (to my untrained eyes) and there was a large jewel in the center.

Maybe I can reshape the gem, paste it in gold and add a hook or something... Or I could just snap my fingers and...


Done. A pendant-sized bottle for my necklace is ready to wear!

I felt better knowing I could keep my bottle close and pretty safe. Besides, I could give the bottle to whoever I wanted. After I studied them, of course.

Now, let's see... How could I come down to Earth?

Well, I could try to move towards that, but there's a little thing called Gravity that can make me a pancake when I get into the atmosphere again. Another idea was to launch the bottle towards the planet, enter the bottle, and wait to stop, then repeat until it hits the ground.

It took me a few seconds to imagine the face of whoever monitored this sort of thing and what a bottle would look like reaching Earth from space.

Then this idea crystallized in my mind and I knew I had to do it. Was it suicidal and completely crazy? Yup. After all, I was feeling pretty suicidal, so I magnified the bottle again, grabbed the neck with my right hand, and aimed it with my left.

Adjusting the scope a little, I put my hand behind my back, trying to use as much strength as I could, and then threw.


I reappeared inside the bottle, seeing that everything wasn't on its side. Apparently, the interior is a stable room, regardless of the vessel's position.

The bottom of the bottle became transparent, allowing me to see the course of the journey toward the planet. Then something appeared in front of me. It was brown and gray and...


The bottle hit the mini asteroid right in the center, and instead of becoming a pulverized mist of glass, the rock became a cloud of shrapnel that flew in all directions.

It will take more than this regrettable impact.

With my hand on my chest, I tried to calm my heart, which was beating furiously.

"Okay, the bottle is stronger than the rocks. Good to know...This way of traveling is not healthy for my heart. Or anything else, it seems. Well, now it must be m- SATELLITE !"

Changing the direction of my trajectory. The bottle passed just below her. I started to relax again, then another one appeared in my line of sight.


I walked over it, barely scratching the ink and sending it somewhere.


I completely hit. And completely destroyed it too, pulverizing metal and circuitry and whatnot around him, not even slowing down.

Then I got to the atmosphere, seeing the air overheating outside the fragile-looking glass, it was an interesting sight and apparently not hot enough to melt or damage my house.

"Because it's a spun glass bottle, it's quite resistant."

I was on my way to the US and it looks like everything would be pretty smooth. My course headed towards a mountain, seemingly devoid of life, and I relaxed a little, letting the moonlight shine on the glass, when...

"Oh, come on! Plane ahead!"

And that meant passengers. People. Living people.



With a snap of a finger and my spaceship/bottle changed course, redirecting itself towards a city shrouded in purple smoke, silencing the shrill whistle of the air a little.

I had my power less than 24 hours ago, I don't know why, ok?

However, this time my trajectory was towards a city, specifically towards what looked like a destroyed building so no one would get hit. So, there was someone to beat. Many people.

And one came back, seeing me at that precise moment. So him.

I closed my eyes and covered my face, not wanting to see what pulp would be left of it.