
Chapter 19: Awakening

Sora watched as a figure in white clothing walked slowly out of the dust cloud. His widened eyes recognized the male figure as the dust settled.

"That's the Head priest of the cathedral." He spoke as a man in dusty white robes walked into view.

'The head priest Hiruko Teuchi was the last man remaining after the others left. He claimed that the church was infested with evil spirits, causing fear to those who attended the church.'

'After he was declared insane, he was admitted to a mental facility here in japan. Throughout his treatment, he kept claiming that spirits were after him. A few months after that, he died from a heart attack.'

'They decided to cremate and bury him in his own church as some sort of honor to him. It's been a few years since all of that. Don't tell me…' He thought as he connected the dots.

"Hiruko kept saying that evil spirits were after him. I guessing that was your doing as well." He said out loud to the smiling Abbadon who inhabited the dead man's body.

"Of course. After I came to this world I needed a place to regain my power and this church was the perfect place. Although it isn't ideal, it was more than good enough to achieve my goal!" Abbadon said growing more confident.

"With this body's natural affinity for the mystic arts, my powers are ever growing! You may have stood a chance before but now you're finished." He said through the priest's mouth as he floated off the floor.

He stretched out his hand towards Sora as one of the large benches in the hall flew towards him at high speed.

He leaped high into the air, sticking to the ceiling to avoid it only to find another one coming towards him. Halting the flow of chakra to his feet, he allowed himself to fall as the bench shattered on the ceiling.

Upon descent, he weaved hand seals at high speed and puffed his cheeks and exhaled.

'Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!'

Multiple balls of fire shot out of his mouth towards Abbadon. Just when they got close, another bench flew in the way, taking the hit and bursting into pieces of burning wood.

Not letting the chance go, he pushed chakra out of his feet, pushing himself forward at greater speed.

Before he could get close enough to cut him with the knife, he suddenly tilted his head to the side as a small piece of wood shot past his face, leaving a small cut.

Right after that, the other burning pieces of the wood that was used to block his flames shot towards him.

'Even if I dodge, he could always adjust their trajectory midair to catch me.' Sora thought as he faced the incoming wave.

Moving expertly, he dodged each of them at the last second. Weaving through them with agility unexpected for one so young, he avoided getting struck.

Abbadon let out a hum of amusement and slight frustration while Sora clicked his tongue at that.

'He never used telekinesis before now. This is what he meant by 'growing in power'. Still, he's avoiding getting close.' He thought as he recalled when Abbadon passed through his fireball with ease.

'He's keeping his body safe while attacking from a distance. He's not as durable as he was before!' He thought as his eyes narrowed in realization.

'Then…!' He ran through seals, puffing his cheeks and shooting out a ball of fire at Abbadon.

As a bench came in the way to block it, Sora pushed ahead from the side. He jumped at Abbadon only for a bench to fly into him.

Instead of pushing him back, the bench went through him like a mirage. While he was still in confusion, the real Sora who was hidden out of Abbadon's sight behind a pillar jumped back into the fray from above.

'It's over!' He exclaimed internally as he fell towards the possessed priest with his knife aimed at it's head.

Just as the knife descended, Sora's entire being froze in the air. He tried to move his body but to no avail.


"Do you really think that's enough?" Abbadon's voice came out of the priest's mouth.

"What's wrong? Can't move?" He asked mockingly as Sora's body floated in front of Abbadon.

"W-what!?" He managed to struggle out. It took all of his willpower to even move his jaw enough to talk.

Suddenly he felt his body being squeezed from all directions as Abbadons's eyes narrowed.

"Did you really think you could stop me. You're only a human. Your species are going for nothing more than fodder. You're on…" His speech was tuned out as Sora was consumed by his own thoughts.

'Am I really going to die here?' He thought as he began to lose feeling in his body.

'I'm really going to die. Everything's been moving really fast. Am I really going to die without achieving my goal?' He thought as Abbadon continued his rant.

'Even with this template and Sasuke's skills, things are still the same. I'm still so powerless to the world. Is this really how far my resolve can carry me?'

It was then that it hit him like a truck.

'I never really thought of Sasuke's skills as mine. I always considered it as a separate thing than myself. Maybe that's why I stopped progressing.' He pondered as his mind started working.

'Maybe that was the wrong way of going about it. Who am I really?' He asked himself in his minor existential crisis.

'I can't remember my name before I reincarnated but it's a part of who I am. I am Makoto Sora, son of Makoto Asami and brother to Makoto Shinji. What I am is also Uchiha Sasuke, the last of the Uchiha.'

'I am not one or the other. I am the combination of all three existences. I am Uchiha Sora, son and brother to Asami and Shinji Makoto. I am the last descendant of the Uchiha!' He proclaimed as Abbadon had finally noticed his lack of attention.

Just as he declared that, a violent burst of wind blew into the room and crashed into Abbadon, sending him to the other side of the room.

"What!?" The demon exclaimed as he pushed himself to his feet with a snarl. He turned his attention to the source of the sudden burst of wind.

At the other side of the room stood a short girl with black hair and blue eyes and her palm stretched out. She seemed out of breath as she used the puller beside her for support.

Recognizing her as the culprit of the sneak attack, Abbadon prepared himself to kill her only to freeze in place.

Both Abbadon and the girl froze in place as the hair on their bodies stood on ends, at least for the girl. A sudden pressure filled the room, pushing down on them.

At the same time, they turned their head to the source of the pressure. Sora, who had fallen to the ground in an ungraceful manner, was on one knee as he held himself upright.

He pushed himself to his feet slowly with his hair shadowing his eyes. At that moment, Abbadon shook out the trance.

"Die!!!" He screamed as his beastly form shot out of the priest's body, ready to impale the girl with his claws.

Without resistance, his claws cut through her position as smoothly as cutting through paper. He let out a low grunt of victory only to pause as he looked behind him as it's demonic eyes widened.

A few feet behind it was Sora who held the girl in his arms in a princess carry. That wasn't the most shocking thing about the scene.

What shocked the demon and the girl wasn't his abnormal speed but his eyes which now took a red color with a single tomoe in the left eye and two in the right eye.

The demon from hell was shocked at the energy that the now red eyes was emitting. It was darker than it had felt from any human.

'It's almost like…' It's thoughts were interrupted as it pulled itself back into the priest body.

"Abbadon, this has dragged on long enough." He said in a deathly calm tone as he dropped the girl on her feet.

"Anything you do is useless in front of these eyes. Come!" Sora spoke coldly as the tomoe in each eyes seemed to spin ominously.

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