
Young Demon

Daniel a handsome genius boy reincarnated in a novel world called The Strongest Magic Emperor. But not as a protagonist nor as a side-character but as the true antagonist a cruel and handsome talented genius boy who controlled and overlooked world and many races . but there was a problem--actually a very big problem , how should he survive and win against the heaven-blessed child who known as the protagonist ? He was smart , had heaven-defying talent and even terrfying background but could this things stop the heaven-blessed child who has the help of the long river of fate and even heaven-defying protagonist halo ? Of course the answer is a big no When he was in a desperate situation and looking for a way to escape from his fate [Ding .. system activated] [Congratulations for activating Ruler of Fate system] [As long as you succeed in stealing heaven-blessed children luck and fate You can receive heaven-defying rewards] [System Hint: The main and Biggest part of protagonists luck is because of their women] Follow Daniel on his journey to see how he becomes a supreme being who is not bounded by fate and death but who controls the long river of fate and the bridge of Saṃsāra. And at the same time he embraces beauty ***** ~ English is not my native language, so there will be grammar problems ~ Discord : https://discord.gg/8m4GKAnP ~ No Yuri - No Yaoi - No NTR - No Betrayal-Cruel Mc ~ Cover does not belongs to me

LazyBlack · Fantasy
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71 Chs

a Scary Father ( Edited )

"Show my stats," said Daniel in his mind.

[Ok, host.]

[Daniel Hudson Profile]

[Name: Daniel Hudson]

[Age: 16]

[Sorcery Level: Magic Master]

[Swordsmanship Level: Sword Master]

[Charm: 100 (highest mortal level)]

[Destiny: 3550]

[Personal weapon: ???]

[Magic: Fire Control<B >-Wind Control<B >-Water Control<B >-Earth Control<B >-Healing<A >-Cleaning<F >-Devouring Demon Art -Teleport<A >-Flying<A >-Destroying Star<S >-Buddha's Palm<S >-Divine Senses<B >]

[Swordsmanship: Celestial Wrath Sword<SS >-Sword Shadow Death Art<A >-Void Destroyer Strike<S >-Soul Destroyer Strike<S >]

[Powers obtained from system: Hands of the God of Lust-Aura of the God of Lust-Eyes of God]

[Titles: The Top Genius of the Era-The Young Prance of Hudson Family-The Crown Prince of Paradise Empire-The Most Attractive Man-Heartless-Apathetic]

[Harem: Dorothy <190 >]

Daniel started checking his profile, and some questions came to him, firstly, it was his personal weapon, but after thinking for a while, he realized that after he entered the academy, he could get his special weapon.

"Next to powers, it's written S, A, or etc. I wanted to know if this is the level of spells and techniques or the level of how much I've mastered techniques and spells?" Daniel had finished reviewing the sword techniques and spells section; he asked in his mind.

[It's both; it's the level of techniques and magic as the level you've mastered them,] the system responded with its usual cold and emotionless voice.

Daniel nodded his head and didn't continue. Naturally, as a genius, he understood the meaning of the system. If Daniel wanted to explain more simply, he could say, for example, consider the technique of the celestial wrath sword, which is an SS-level sword technique.

This technique is a powerful SS technique and remains so even when Daniel learns the technique completely or even only half of it.

But if Daniel reaches a certain level of power and sword comprehension, he can improve the celestial wrath sword and bring it to a higher level.

Naturally, until Daniel reaches a certain level of power, he cannot use the full power of an A-Tier technique, let alone an S-Tier technique.

The next example can be considered cleaning magic. Cleaning magic is a simple F-level magic, but as long as you have enough magic comprehension and mana, you can raise the level of this technique.

"Explain the levels of techniques and magic," Daniel asked his next question.

[F--C--B <Created by Magic King Sword>--A<Created by Magic Sword Sovereign>--S<Created by Sword Magic Emperor>--Z<Created by Magic Saint Sword>]

which is like this - we can say that each level is a tier. For example, A has levels A, AA, AAA, and the same is true for the rest of the tiers.

Daniel looked at his status again; except for the techniques he got from the system, the Devouring Demon Art technique is also without a level. Or it can be said that its level cannot be measured by the current system.

Naturally, he knows Devouring Demon Art technique, according to Daniel Hudson's memories and his knowledge from the novel, this is an evil technique created by the evil god.

The evil god is a magical swordsman god who has unimaginable and terrible power, and this technique was created by him.

This technique has the ability to absorb the essence of beings and can turn it into the power of the person who uses the technique.

Although a person has to pay a very high price to use this technique, Daniel realized after asking the system that all the complications of the technique were solved by the system.

An evil grin appeared on Daniel's face as if he had discovered a faster way to get stronger.

"Using the Eyes of God, I scanned my father and Dorothy last night, but I didn't have time to see their status. Show my father's status," Daniel, who remembered something, asked the system to show him his father's status.


[William Hudson Profile]

[Name: William Hudson]

[Age: 147 years old]

[Swordsmanship Level: Peak Sword Emperor]

[Attractiveness Statistics: 72]

[Destiny: 5730]

[Personal Weapon: White Divine Sword]

[Sword Techniques: ??? <visible on the second level of system>]

[Law Comprehension: ??? <visible on the third level of system>]

[Titles: The Strongest Being of the Era-The Divine Emperor of the Sword-Paradise Emperor-The Ruler of the Heavenly Continent-Invincible-Respected by Dragon Ancestors-The Divine Emperor of War-The Conquering White Emperor-Demon Slayer Monarch]

[Wife: Patricia Collins]

[Interest in Host: 97 <Paternal Feelings>]

[Ways to Defeat William Hudson: ??? <visible on the third level of system>]

Daniel was naturally shocked when he saw his father's profile. Although he expected such a status, it still shocked him. After all, the novel is from the protagonist's point of view, and the memories he got from the previous body owner have only a few memories of William Hudson.

He only knew that William Hudson was powerful, but it was really shocking to see such titles. "The Conquering White Emperor? The Ruler of the Heavenly Continent? The Most Powerful Creature of the Era? Demon Slayer Monarch? His father is very scary!"

He sighed and calmed himself, then he started to check the rest of the status. His father's destiny is more than his, but this is not shocking; anyway, his father lived for 147 years and was the best genius of his era.

While Daniel is just a villain, although Daniel also becomes a magical swordsman emperor, and his destiny becomes more, that is for the future.

Another thing that caught his attention was his father's age; naturally, living more than a hundred years in this world is not so strange, and it can be said that his father is young compared to other magic/sword emperors.

Wizards and swordsmen can comprehend the four natural elements known as water, Earth, fire, wind from the level of a magic/sword apprentice, and when they reach the level of a magic/sword king, they can comprehend the four laws known as time, space, destruction, creation and use the power of these laws.

Although an emperor still has many limitations and they cannot use even 5% of the power of the laws, it is still enough for using the power of time and live a little longer.

A king and sovereign can only add twenty-eighty years to their life, but even the weakest emperors can add one hundred and twenty years to their life.

And the strongest emperors can live up to three hundred years.

Leaving this aside, the last thing that caught Daniel's attention is the "How to Beat William Hudson" section.

With the help of this part of God's Eyes technique, it will be easier for him to defeat his enemies in the future, but he still has to wait for the system to upgrade.

After checking his father's status for a few minutes, he put it aside. "Show me Dorothy's status," he requested, deciding to check Dorothy's status.

A robot-like voice responded, "[Confirmed]."