
Chapter 2: We Need to Talk

"Now entering, King Sylphius Drake..."

A court retainer dressed in fancy clothes spoke, and a regal figure entered the room walking gracefully.

A large fur cape trailed behind him, and a crown of gold embedded with jewels adorned his head, contrasting with his white hair. He looked to be in his 60s, with a kind, handsome face and smile lines from laughing in his younger days. He was the very image of a benevolent ruler.

A few steps behind him walked another figure, a tall man in a silver suit of armor with only his face exposed. At his hip was a sword, and he looked... unfriendly, to say the least. His face was scrunched up angrily as he scanned the room, the shoulder-length black hair atop his head swaying a bit as he did so. With a scrunched brow, thin lips, and dead fish eyes, the man wasn't exactly a fit for the handsome and regal king he served.

As the king entered, the retainers and guards in the luxurious court room fell to knees and looked at the ground. Princess Elena was no different, and flustered by the sudden actions Amber followed suit (though visibly clumsily). However, I remained standing.


Of course, this got the attention of everybody in the room right away.

"Why do you not kneel before your king?!"

The man in silver armor narrowed his eyes as he stepped before me, descending the stairs that led up to the throne and looking down at me. However, I just smiled at him silently.

"Calm down, General Alvus. Elena, who are these people you insisted I have an audience with?"

The man in silver armor, General Alvus, backed up slightly, clearly unhappy about having to do so.

"F-father, these two... are the heroes of legend!"

Elena smiled as she spoke, and the crowded courtroom erupted into loud murmurs. The King, who had been about to sit down on the large throne, nearly fell over in surprise.

"Heroes? Are you certain, Elena?"

Elena nodded in response to the King's question, a smile blossoming on her face.

"Yes, father, the mana surrounding them comes from a different world from ours. With this, the kingdom is saved!"

The crowd erupted into loud chatter after that, only for the king to wave his hand causing everything to settle down in an instant.

"Well... If it's your eyes, I suppose we have to trust them..."

The King stroked his chin as he spoke, though his elation seemed to be less than the others in the room.

"Tonight, we shall throw a banquet to celebrate the coming of the heroes."

"B-but your majesty, this man has no respect for-!"

Alvus tried to interject, but the King waved his hand once more.

"They are not of this world, we cannot judge them for not knowing our customs. For now, lead each of the heroes to the most luxurious rooms in the palace."

The King waved to several maids in the room, and they immediately came to collect us, however I shook my head.

"If possible, I'd prefer us to share a room."

I spoke calmly, refusing to be swept up in the King's flow.

"W-what?! What're you talking about, idiot?!"

Though Amber, of course, was shocked and blushing hard. However, this didn't seem to enter the ears of the King.

"I suspect splitting rooms would be more comfortable, though if you insist that cab also be arranged..."

The King's blue eyes looked at me with an odd glint, and I simply smiled back up at him.

"Thank you."

At my casual way of speaking to the King, Alvus clearly trembled in rage, but managed to control himself. As the maids once again came towards us, they guided us through the halls, leaving Elena and the King behind as Amber tried to stammer out protests.

Three hours later.

I repeatedly threw a small rubber ball against one of the walls in the grand room we were set up in, passing the time. It was an object I'd had in my pocket when I'd left Earth, one of the few things that had managed to make it through with me in the end.

The room was large, and just as luxurious as the King had promised. The carpets were soft and warm, the bed sheet were of the highest grade materials, everything seemed perfect. Well, except for one thing.

There was only one bed.

"Seriously, what's with you? Going and doing that on your own? Don't tell me you want to-"


As Amber looked at me with a horrified face, I ignored it and cut her off.

"Then why can't you just tell me why?"

"Because you'll ruin everything."

Amber frowned and puffed out her cheeks as she stomped up towards me. Her hair was still wet from the bath she'd taken after being guided by the maids, and a sweet smell tingled my nose as she leaned closer.

"How do you know that? You barely know me!"

I sighed, catching the ball with one hand and turning to face her. Since she was so close, our noses almost touched, causing her to blush a bit and back up.

"I've known you long enough to see you already mess up my plans by getting involved when you didn't need to. It's because of you're intervention that my supplies weren't able to pass through with us."

"Well, that's not enough to say that I'll ruin-!"

"Plus, even when you did try to stop me, you completely and utterly failed. Not only that, you got dragged with me."


Amber seemed to visibly deflate the more I pointed out, and she began to pout slightly. Honestly, it was pretty cute.

"Relax, everything will be fine. I'm not the kind of person that lets cute girls get hurt."

"C-cute?! What're you saying, idiot?!"

Amber's cheeks reddened further as she turned away from me trying to hide it.

"F-fine! I'll let it slide this time, but you're sleeping on the floor!"

I could only sigh in response, and nodded my head.

"Mhm. Cheer up, seems like we're going to be stuck here together for a while."

Catching the ball once more as I threw it against the wall, I tossed it again. This time, the ball accurately flew towards Amber and bonked her on her forehead with a soft "thunk."

"What was that for?!"

Amber exclaimed as she rubbed her head, causing me to laugh. However, my vision was soon caught by an unexpected message.

[Basic Skill "Throwing" Lv. 1 is acquired...]

[Displaying Status...]

[Name: Jonathan Moriarty

Gender: Male

Job: None

Titles: [Pity of the Gods], [Otherworlder Without a Cheat Skill], [Self-Proclaimed Hero]

Age: 20

Level: 1

Vitality: 12

Strength: 15

Agility: 15

Stamina: 8

Mana: 100

Intelligence: ??? (Status Concealed)

???: ??? (Concealed)

Basic Skills:

Throwing Lv. 1

Evolved Skills:


Unique Skills:


Cheat Skills:


Looking over the messages that filled my vision, my eyes immediately turned to Amber.

Manifestation of "Cheat Skills" should be due to absorption of the force [mana] during world hopping. If I didn't get that mana, then that means...

Picking the ball back up again, I tossed it accurately at her forehead once more.

"Hey, we need to talk."