
You Stole My Heart, And I Stole Yours

******* Updates will be when I have time, may become more often once summer hits and I'm off of school ******* Jameson Cooperation: A international car company. (Brianna's sister is the heiress of the company)  B. J Empire: A national insurance company, soon to be international. (Brianna is the CEO of the company)  Harrison Cooperation: a shopping mall international company. (Silvia is the heiress of the company)  Jay's Empire: a billion dollar international company for shopping malls and hotels. (Jason is the CEO of the company)  Brianna Jameson, a CEO of a new company. She is from a wealthy family and was the heiress. She didn't want to rely on her family, she always wanted to be independent. She gave up her spot to her younger, less mature twin sister and left to go start up her own company called B. J Empire.  Jason Jay, a CEO of an international company (Jay's Empire). The exact opposite of Jenna. He is chill and relaxed and a total playboy. But he has yet to find his first genuine lover.  **Volume One: Brianna and Jason ** Learn about Brianna and Jason, including how they first met, what they do for a living, and meet Jason's family. Go with Brianna and Silvia as live and move in Los Angeles to expand Brianna's company into something bigger.  **Volume Two: First Everything** There is always a first to everything in life. Travel with Brianna and Jason as they experience the first part of their relationship and having some jealous girl, following the couple and waiting for the right time to expose them to the public eye. It is unbelievable who the culprit is.  **Volume Three: Playing Detective** Follow Brianna and Jason as they dig deeper into the case. Help them find clues to help lead the couple to the culprit, the mastermind behind the little scheme. Will the two find all they need to prove Brianna's assumptions and will they bring the culprit to an end, or will the culprit live another day in the open.  *************  “Bri baby, what are you doing- aaachooo - this early?” Silvia asked with a sneeze, interrupting her in the middle and a few sniffles in between. “I’m pretty sure Jason has plans to kill me after what I did to him yesterday. I want to be wide awake for when he does so I can hopefully get it on camera and post it on social media.” “If he is going to kill you, then how can you post it.” “Well, that is going to be your job. I am going to send you where the phone is so you can post it for me.” Brianna said matter-of-factly. She turned around to look at her sick friend who was sitting in the bed, “How do I look?” She asked flashing a charming smile and dramatically flipped her hair. “If you are going to be dying… why does it matter about your appearance?” “Well, if this is going to be going on social media, then I am going to need my last impression worthwhile.” Silvia rolled her eyes, “Well, you look great Bri.” She yawned. “Now rest. Keep your phone on because when I send you the location, I am going to need you to wait for Jason and then go to the location to post the video.” Brianna explained and Silvia nodded her head. “Bye bestie.” Brianna said, turning around and walking out the door.

Miss_Pokerface · Urban
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26 Chs

How Dare You

"About the culprit." He responded in a nonchalant tone.

"Oh! That reminded me." Brianna exclaimed, "I have some more proof to prove my case."

"That is useless." She dropped her shoulders, giving him a puzzled look, "I hired some private, professional investigators to deal with this."

"WHAT!" Brianna screamed, standing up while slamming her hands hard on his desk. Her chair flew backwards, making a screeching sound.

Jason was taken aback at Brianna's sudden actions.



Jason covered his ears because of all of Brianna's yelling. "Chill my Bri, I didn't see no harm in doing that."

"That doesn't matter, Jason, I had this all handled. You didn't need to call some stupid 'professionals' to do the job." She snapped.

"Brianna, calm down. I am sorry that I did what I did, please stop yelling." Jason said in a calm tone. He stood up and walked around to hug her from behind, "please Bri baby?"

Brianna took a deep breath in and out, closing her eyes. "Why did you do this?" She asked, looked at his eyes.

"Because, I didn't want you to handle more things that you had to. You are already focusing on building your business here."

"But I already had everything handled. I didn't need you to do that Jason." She explained.

He nodded, "I'm sorry my Bri, I will have them stopped so you can continue doing what you were doing before."

"Thank you." She smiled at him.

"Anything for my baby."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Brianna stood up and gave him a quick kiss on his cheeks before running out of his office and back downstairs to her friends.

He didn't expect her to kiss him like that, it really caught him off guard. He felt the spot where she kissed him and he smiled. That was something that he could get used to.


"Bri! What happened?" Asked Abigail, who noticed Brianna just coming in.

"Bri baby!" Exclaimed Silvia who turned around to look at Brianna.

Aside from Silvia being sick, she ran to her friend to make sure that Brianna was okay. "Me and Abby heard yelling from upstairs. Did he hurt you?" Questioned Silvia as she started inspecting Brianna to make sure that there were no cuts or bruises on her. She sighed in content.

Brianna giggled, "yes Silvia, I'm fine." She assured her friend. "Jason is just an idiot."

"Doesn't surprise me. He seems like the idiotic type." Admitted Abigail as Brianna and Silvia walked over to the couch.

As the three were laughing, Selena came up to them.

"Wow Bri, I'm hurt." She admitted, "you don't even invite me or introduce me to your friend."

Brianna looked at her, "oh Selena! I thought you were going to be out late."

She chuckled, "I honestly did to… until I got ditched." Selena sat on the couch on the right of Silvia because Brianna was surrounded by her friends.

"Want to watch a movie?" Asked Brianna.

"Sure." Responded Silvia.

"I don't see why not?" Answered Abigail.

"Of course!" Exclaimed Selena.

Brianna nodded and turned on the TV before she looked for a movie on Netflix.

"I say we watch If I Stay." Suggest Selena, "I'm in the mood for a tragedy romance."

"No! Fallen is the one we should watch." Silvia argued.

"Hell no, that movie is a piece of trash, Brianna put on If I Stay!" Demanded Selena.

"No! The Last Song is the right movie to watch." Abigail budded in.

"SHUT UP!" Shouted Brianna, causing the room to fall silent. "I am putting on Twilight whether you like it. Not stop talking."

Brianna still had her dominating side.


By the end of the movie, the four girls were passed out on the couch.

Jason went downstairs and noticed them.

"... "

Jason had somewhere to go and needed to tell Brianna so she won't worry. He sighed and left a note on the coffee table before leaving to where he needed to go.

Jason planned with his friend group a night out tonight.

They were going to be going to the local club.

"Finally, you are here!" Dylan exclaimed.

Dylan was one of Jason's best friends and was a brother to him. They had the same interests and hobbies; they were both also CEOs of big companies.

When the two boys were younger, their parents decided that the two companies should become close and work together. Dyan's company was an entertainment company called "The Legends Rise."

"Here." Dyan offered Jason a cocktail.

Jason took it and drank a sip from it with a small smile on his lips.

"So, what have you been up to Jay?"

"Nothing much, just chilling with my girlfriend. How about you, Harry?"

Jason and Dyan prefer to call each other by last name because they have grown up together, and it is what they prefer.