
You started it

" What your name ?" " Isabella " " Isabella who ?" " Yang " " YANG!!!!!!" he had finally lost the last brain cell he had " "NO!!!! NO!!!!!!! NO!!!!!, this cant be happening. WHY?!!!! " he yelled in his mind. Isabella Yang is the owner of the yang corporation, due to her mother's nagging she agreed to have a fake relationship with Alex Zhang, the owner of the world biggest company, the Zhang Enterprise. Will this fake love forever be fake, or is there more to it than just " FAKE LOVE. " .......................................................................................................................... Please this is my first book and lets...... my first time writi g here. please do check the book out and please comment ( i really wanna know how you feel) hope you enjoy the book

Precious_Canon_0715 · Urban
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This Has Mark Written All Over It

"WHAT!!!!!" Zoe shouted.

"I know. Right??"

"Okay so what do you want from me????"

"I need your wonderful, beautiful bluetooth."he said


"So i can here my self, and its only your magic spy bluetooth that people can't see when in the ear."

"Okay, but on one condition."

"If its to allow you to tag along then yes. Now can we go get the bluetooths???"

"Sure." They both went to Zoe's "SECRET LAB"and got the bluetooth.

2 hours later.....

"Um.....okay....soooo..ah..whats the plan??" She asked after entering the car.

"I drug her"Mark said while starting the engine.

"DRUGGG!!!!!"Zoe shouted.

"C'mon, its my homemade special."

"Ooooooh. The one and only MARK YANG, the science devil, the LORD of chemistry, the GOD of physics, is back??"

"Not really, soo heres the thing. I swaped all water bottles in Alex fridge with my production."

"Drugged water production."

"Yep. All i need you to do is the hacking aspects and computer parts."

"You know you're a very mean boy. Right???"

"Awwwww, i'll take that as a compliment."


Alex and Isabella were watching a movie in his living room.

"I need to advance, i need him to touch me," Isabella thought. She moved her hands to the inner part of his thigh and rubbed him lightly. Alex noticed something was happening down there but decided not to look down.

"Oh. My. Gooosh!!!!! Doesn't she know shes turning me on?? Alright Alex breathe in....breathe out," he took deep breaths.

"C'mon crack already, its not that hard." She shouted in her mind. She tugged on his shirt to get his attention, which worked. She gestured him to come close.

"Closeer"she said in a seductive tone. She seductively

gestured him to bring his ear close.When he finally brought his ear she seductively whispered

"Can't your poor girlfriend have a little fun tonight?? You know, workouts," Immediately after she said that she was pinned to the couch with Alex directly on top her. Finally, its was Alex turn to sound seductive.

"Is this fun enough??? Or do want more" He nibbled on her ear.

"More f-" Alex crashed her lips with his. They kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed until.....

"Don't worry the party can now begin!!!" Mark barged in. Isabella immediately pushed Alex off and arranged herself before glaring at the nosy assistant.

"Why such a face did i disturb something." Mark asked while giving Alex the YOU FOOL smirk .

"WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING HERE???!!" Isabella shouted.

"Offcourse i'm here to celebrate the new MRS ZHANG," he walked to her and stretched his hand for a handshake but Isabella left him hanging and asked

"Fistly, you are so rude that after this i'm sure you would be fired and secondly, even if i was having a celebration of being the next MRS ZHANG. Why would i invite a mere ASSISTANT LIKE YOU???" She emphasized.

"Oh no honey, did he tell you i'm his assistant ??? Do not mind this silly boy. I'm his father's brother's neighbour's uncle's sister's cousin's son and his father is the one who hired me soooo...."

"....." Isabella was speechless.

"....." Alex was confused and speechless at the same time. Mark took advantage of that and took a seat before saying

"Sooooo....drink???..anyone???I think i'll go get you both a drink."

"We'll like some water thanks," Isabella said.

When Mark got into the kitchen he checked for cameras. Lucky for him Zoe had already disabled all the carmeras

"Pssss...pssss...Zoe you there?"


"Okay i need you to call Alex and act as if your in trouble and then throw your phone as far as you can. Can you do that for me??"

"Got it."Mark left the kitchen with three glasses of water and a glass of orange juice.

When Mark got to the living room he was greeted by a very unpleasant sight. He saw a lady whose upper body was naked and a man sucking on the naked ladies nipple. It was Isabella and Alex.

"What the hell is going on here??" He shouted in his mind. He then took a very good look at her from head to toe.

"Compared to Zoe she is nothing. Zoe got boobs she got pancakes. Zoe got a nice smooth baby face and is so cute without make-up but Isabella on the other hand got.....um....ummmmm....a face. Okay i need to break this LOVEY DOVEY NONSENSE!!!!" he thought

"Oh. My. God. Should i get my camera?? I seriouly can't wait for you to loose your virginity. I got to get it on camera . OH MY GOSH!!!!!" He was jumping up and down in excitment while squealing like a teenage girl.

Isabella immediately pushed Alex and then hurriedly tried to cover herself up. Lucky for Alex he wasn't undressed.

"Say CHEEEEESSE!!!" Mark shouted while taking beautiful pictures of the couple.

"....." Isabella was lost.

"Oh darling, such a beautiful masterpiece. The cold Ceo ALEX ZHANG and the one only...drum roll please," he played a drum roll track on his phone then said, " ISABELLA YANG the SLUT of the nation."

"C'mon baby give me the good side show the camera those little flat pancakes that you use to seduce me-"

"ENOUGH!!!!!!" Alex shouted.

"Never in your life call my GIRLFRIEND a SLUT!!!!" He said coldly while glaring daggers at Mark. Isabella was so happy she knew "JUSTIN" was going to run along like the little assistant he is but to her dismay....

"Okayy, okayyy. Sheesh you don't have to look like that." Mark said nonchalantly without sparing any of them a glance.

"Okay so you know who i am right?" Mark said after taking a sip of his orange juice.

"Yep. You're Alex friend."

"Almost there duper, but NO Alex friend is MARK YANG .I'm his business accompanist. "

"Sorry Mark WHAT!!???" She shouted.

"C'mon, you should know him, your cousin, MARK YANG. Doesn't it ring a bell ?????"

"I-i-i-i thought he was d-d-dead."

"Noooo that was fake news."

"What but i killed-i-i -killed him myself. How is this possible??? No, it can't be maybe his just messing with my brain," she thought

"Alex baby, who's your best friend??" Alex looked at Mark in the eyes, mark gave him the TRUST ME eyes. Alex stared at Isabella and then said,

"Mark Yang."

"WHAT!!??? It ca-"

"Bzzzzz" It was Alex phone. Alex offcourse didn't want to pick the call but when he saw the caller id he had to. It was his cousin, Zoe.

"Aaaaaaaaah....please, please don't hurt me,"

"C'mon baby girl, we wont hurt you. We just want to explore you inside out. Now keep quiet." A guy with a very hoarse voice said.

"Please let me go pleeease...aaaaaaaah"

"Don't you love the good sensation down there???" Another guy with a very clear deep voice said.

"Mmmmm.....yeah thats the spot." The hoarse voice guy said

Alex was so angry he felt like breaking his phone. Mark on the on other hand had mixed emotions.

"Oh. My. GOOOSHH!!!, she is such a good actress but who is the GUY

is she really in danger??? I swear if they touch her they gonna die. Cool down mark, its just a game, we are just fooling the fool."

Alex immediately rushed out of his house before going he told Mark

"Take care of her. "



"Ugh....oookaayy." Then Alex left. When Alex left Mark took a glass and walked straight upto her and said

"You know when i saw those pancakes and him kissing them, it turned me on." He said in a very hoarse voice.

" is that soo??" She licked jer lips. About to drink the water she stopped and laughed

" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Do you really think you can drug me ???"

"Wooow!!! I'm so surprised the nation slut knows when a drink a drugged." He said in a cold sarcastic tone while clapping.

"But aren't you thirsty after that shocking news that MARK is still alive." Mark gave her his evil smirk then laughed hostilely and said

"Welcome to hell darling should i reserve a cage for you???" He laughed.

" Give me your glass of orange juice now." She coldly commanded him.

"No. Its mine why should i give you??" He changed back to his nagging gossip monger self.

" I wanna check if you drugged my drink, cause you know drugging is illegal and i have eyes everywhere."

"Is that soo ."

"Give me."


"Then i'll just take it myself," she snagged the glass from the table and drank it in one gulp.

"Now who the bigger fool?? Did you think you could drug me?? Ha ha ha ha, very funny."

she laughed hostilely.

"Well apparently you are and one, offcourse i can drug you. I just did that. Didn't you see???? And two i'll like to introdue you to the family. May you welcome ZOE ZHANG!!!!"

"Oh. My. God. This is wonderful, im so grateful to be here all thanks to my patner in crime MARK."

"MARK!!!!!" Isabella shouted

"Thank you, thank you. You know it wasnt easy thinking of a plan to get back at you but luckily i had God and my friends by my side." Isabella's vision was blurry it was hard for her to see the figure and the face of Mark, who was so close to her.

"We gotta be fast Alex might be home soon." Zoe reminded

"Isabella kindly follow us please." Mark said while walking out the door

"Wooow!!!! All thanks to the drugs. It made her so obedient.

Ever thought of going back to science??" She asked Mark

Mark knew Zoe wanted him back in the lab but just wouldn't say it because she doesn't want to spoil his joy.She was the only one that supported him throughout his life no matter what choice he made and he loved that about her, but sometimes it just gets so annoying.

"Noway, i'm staying where i am." He said without sparing Zoe a glance.

When they entered the car they started driving to Isabella's house. The car was quiet, Isabella was sleepimg thanks to the drug, Zoe and Mark where staring at different places in silence until.

"Mark," Zoe called him but he didn'tanswer her

"Mark you dont have to get angry okay. I know you don't like it when i ask that question and i'm sorry. Be what you want to be don't let anyone change your mind not even me. Please dont be angry with me you know i cant bear that.

"I'm not angry. Its just- just ah... anytime i hear that question it leads to me down to bad memory lane. You know most of my memories are bad the only good ones are the ones i have of you, you're family and Andrea."

"C'mon stop locking it up. You can't get rid of the pain if you never share the pain. Its time to open up. You can trust me. You tell me everything soo this shouldn't be exempted.

"Okay i'll tell you but first things first, we call Alex with her phone." Zoe got her purse and brought a phone out of it and said

"Already done that."


"What?? I learnt from the best," after saying that Zoe hacked her phone open and then called Alex.

"Babe." Alex said on the other side.

"This ain't Your babe its Zoe and Mark. We wanna borrow your babe and dont worry we'll return her back to you bye" she cut the call

Alex immediately rushed home and when he got there he saw an empty house.

"This has Mark written all over it." He said before going back to his office to ginnish some work and also wait for Mark.