
You owe me that much!

"I don't know how to fight! How am I supposed to protect you?" K exclaimed whispering at me with worried expression on his handsome face. He hugging his briefcase tightly to his chest gulping down his nervous saliva back into his stomach. On other hand, he hold her hand tightly. The group of tugs coming in closer and we were both steps back as many as we can until our back touches the solid surfaces. Shit! What to do? What to do? Racking some idea from my brain. Ohhh~~my brainy brain! Please give some idea~~ "Stop!!" I held out my hand closing my eyes tightly and exclaimed them to follow my instruction. Heh, they just stopped! I'm dancing invisibly~~ The biggest question marks displayed above their heads white as a cloud, floating and dancing indicating they were confusing by me. Slowly...I step a side by side holding K hand to follow my lead. While they were confusing and looking at each other like a stupid companion, we took a long step and running away from them. Hahaha! "It's okay...I will protect you! Come on move your muscles...we got to run from them first!" Breathlessly, I said it out loud dragging his hand and we running together to the paradise... Splash! "Wargghhh..." Anita holding an empty bucket while tapping her feets on to the tiles floor. She was fuming to red. Wow, I could see her face already changed to an angry bull ready to knock me down! Sweeping the damped face, I was totally confused and searching for someone...K... Where is he? Don't we were running to the paradise just now? "Will you stopped laughing like a choking vampire in the middle of the night, L!? I've got test TOMORROW!!" Anita throw away the bucket and get back to her bed under the duvet. Gosh! That's all only a dream? I thought it was real? Waaa... ___ L: She's crazy when she wanted to be crazy. K: I'm not weak like you dreaming about, L. Anita: *Smirking like a sly fox* Alessia: "Oopss" Marilyn Monroe version with the fan fanning from behind looking as 'innocent' as she wants. Noah: "Hey sexy lady. Wanna dance with me?" Anita: Smacking Noah head. Noah: "Ouch! That hurt fox!" Anita: *Tilting her brows making a weird face* Noah: *Laughing nervously fanning her with his handkerchief* Zafira: Busying herself with full height of documents stacking ready to be her toilet paper! Messi: "Don't mess with me cause I'm Messi White! Always clean like my surname. Got it?" Mommy: "Excuse us, coming through guys!" she smiling happily on her wheelchair just done with her eye operation three hours ago. Big Boss: *Happily strolling the wheelchair to the front didn't care the bickering back there." L: "Come along people! ready to take some selfie here..." K: Standing on her side holding his phone up in the air while hugging L like she was his alone! Noah: "Say teeth everyBODY!" Well...what a dramatic selfie session! ___ In the picture: Zafira: Standing straight holding her few stack of papers on her hand with poker face while she was smoking at the back. Wait! When did she smoking? Messi: Standing like ready to punch K holding his daughter like she was belong to him alone. Oit! You guys not even married yet. So put your hand to the side! Do not touching her! —That's what he thought! Alessia: Haiya future husband, stop doing that! We are beyond touching already yet we still not married! Come, hug me! —She just grinning grabbing Messi hand while holding her floating skirt in front from the spinning fan. Welp, the fan looks like ready to be broken. Noah: Showing off all his teeth standing beside Anita. Anita: Sly smirk show her middle finger to Noah on his head! Mommy and Big Boss: Holding hands to each other lovingly beside Anita and Noah. K: Smiling lovingly only for L, totally adore her! L: Happy and thought all good until she is left half in the photo! the rest? gone! Poor you L! It's not fairr!! L bawling dissatisfied with all the photos because most of them, she was off the grid!! like her head only ~~~

jayizzabella · Urban
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

What just happened?

He gave me dartled look and for sure I knew what was supposed to be mean.

God! Can I jumped off from here and take a leave for today?

No wonder I got dreading this very Monday morning. I know now! He was the reason behind all this dreading feeling I had.

Warghh...I screaming and pacing around in my heart thinking what should I do.

Didn't know what to do, I just simply stared at him and didn't even looked away. Aren't we in staring competition for the whole two hours instead of carry on with the class instead? Will he be fine about it?


"Gosh! I'm indeed a dead meat!" he whispered to himself after the bike trotted away from his gaze.

Sighing heavily, he just parked the car at the available empty space he could find and slowly walking towards the administration building to officially be one of the them starting today onwards.

Just enough this morning did gave him so many unexpected events for him. Why is not? He wearing unmatched socks this morning when he sit down ready to wearing the shoes until Noah laughed teasingly at him.

"What happened dude? Did you just turned colour blinded guy for overnight didn't even recognise the black and a blue pair off socks, tsk..tsk..tsk...too much trouble, aren't we bro?"

Noah couldn't stop his laughing pointing to K's pair of socks. His eyes was watery and he had bending down holding his stomach and patting his car vigorously.

"So much trouble, haven't we, dude?" the teasing won't stopped either and sighing lazily he stand up and walked back into his room looking for the match socks.

Looking no....he had to messing his wardrobe just to finding his so many, a dozens of socks but look alike, all the socks gone...he couldn't find anything except for the stripped yellow black bee coloured socks.

What choice do he have instead of this lovely pair of feet cloth?

Once he walked back to the front door, Noah waiting for another hilarious moments and at that time he couldn't help but laughing and crying harder then before.

"Are you pretending or trying to attract bees into your shoes? What a giant bee do we have here?" he snorted laughing just to completed his sentences.


What more he had to do to lighten up his downed spirit? Noah funny gestures didn't help at all. All his body and soul only react towards L soon reactions if she find out what will awaits for her at the first period of Monday morning, today.

"Come on dude! Let's go...just hide your giant bumblebee in your shoes. Don't openly flirting the female bees to your muscular body of that socks...they might didn't let you go off easily..."

Noah still in his blissful Monday morning beaming with happiness all over his body while K suffering from his own stupid comedy made self moment.

"You go first...I've drive my own..." he waved shooing Noah from his gaze first. He need a moment just to calm down the uneasiness self until he totally fine to be there...for sure.

"Sure...I don't mind at all..."

He opened the door but paused at the opened door. He turned around and sighing worriedly at his pal.

"Just go with the flow. She might be angry at first but she will be okay, soon... It's better than you keep her hidden for so long and worse...your were her homeroom 'teacher' and supposedly she would be looking for you even more...what do you expect if she know it from someone else other than you?"

Noah gone after delivered his utmost advices at K stilling his naughty and tease-y laughing at him all the way his disappearance.

Looking at his hidden toes, wriggling them into the most striking yellow stripped he wear the shoes and stand up.

"Looks like you guys the only one whose bright lights under the shining sun instead of my gloomy moody faces..." sighing once again before entering his car.

He drove away after he locked the door and gates behind him. He wish the car might broke down on the way...or worse he wanted his stomach give him something and he would have his first MC due to his excuse of stomachache...

No...how on Earth did he wanted to do that, wishes the bad-lucks to be in his very first official day of his life career as a professor.

Took him a long path of his studies journey to be like this and it goes down the drain because of this simple obstacles...

L will be understand but took her a bit more time to adjusting herself within this new environment of our relationship...

God...please make it easy for me... for us...you know how much I look for this life just to be with her? Please do help me this humble servant...

He chased away the gloomy facades on his face and welcoming himself into the building with genuine smile for everyone there waiting for his arrival.

Little did everyone to know...he came here two years ago just to do his secret research without no one knows about it and pretending being the one of the students here away from who he was exactly just to completing his task.

What the unbelievable task he received from his superior just to be the spy of certain place under the highest authority permissions here.

It's not an easy job. Even the JUST spy...it's could cause him severely punishment if he couldn't conduct his duty truthfully and carefully before leading his action amongst all this people.

On what purpose? Simple... Aren't the teaching staff do the job properly? Are the unteaching staff do their respective jobs accordingly? How was the students behaviours and the overall under his investigation? That's all including about the surrounding...all the surrounding! Long story short, he have a fully tasks in his hands just to be submitted to his superior on he doesn't know the behind meaning for all of this.

Well, he was the appointed excellent candidate to excel the job given and took him almost half a year to completed his final report before submitting them to his superior.

Before he even asking L about his unofficial proposal, he went to gave his full presentation of his given tasks to the board of education directors personally at the headquarters.

Not only him, there were a lot of people with various background been given the same tasks to their respective assigned work placed and just done with the given period here presenting on their behalf reports and documentation to the given personnels.

It took a week to complete the whole presentation before his superior and state BOED (Board of Education Director) holding a discussion before bring up their result to the highest level before everyone leaves and leaving behind their oath and dignity.

What an honour to be anticipated into this one of a kind life experiences.

Just done with his special task he went to propose on her and recently, he was waiting for his confirmation and how astonishment he got when he had to stay here but more to accomplish his dream job ever at this very place!

The more intriguing events was he held L classes for this semester and all at once as her professor...

See, how his life events turned out after these couple of years trying to get this solely soul of her just to him.

It's true he could only stared at her for two years...but the reality was it took him great effort not to hold her to himself. He got to restrained his desire to held her hands, hugging her and surpress down all his intentions just to be her friend for these two years, gained her trust.

Her unreadable characters making his more tighten his courageous to her soul. She was totally weird! Sometimes on and sometimes off. You could hardly detected her behaviours.

Expect the expecting? For her? It's impossible!!

Only herself knows much better of her own self.

Yes, she was unreadable...and not like a cubic puzzle...you can read them and you can unleashed the formulas by heart and of course she was not an object like those rubic cube but...he still wants to have that kind of formula just for her just to understanding her more until he got her by heart and lastly, nothing more he could want from her other than:

You + me = we meant for each other ❤️❤️

Or...let say;


Then grow old together with so much love within ourselves forever...


Standing looking at the faceless door of the first class, first period, first encountered, first reaction, he had firstly open the door to get everything first not only by himself but also by his specific person self in there.

Breathing heavily, he slowly exhaled the nervousness and push open the door.

Once he eyes trained to the lot whole classes, he could heard the gasping came from this lots and another he could do just letting his eyes do the job and...

He found what he was looking for!

Her eyes bulged opened and of course gawking at him after he made himself his first attendance as their lecturer.

Soon, he could see clearly how her emotions swirling in her gaze...

Oopss...she fuming silently up there...about fifth rows of chairs-stairs seated standing full in height with her Monday glorious attire.

That's another story of her majestic aura whenever she wore the feminine suit that suits her lean body but muscular enough for her female structure.

The three pieces maroon suit totally beautifully crafted for her plus with the slim plain black silk tie, tied lazily on her maroon dress shirt. Just her hair did some unsuitable appearance just now...a bit messy...

What happened, my dear?