
You owe me that much!

"I don't know how to fight! How am I supposed to protect you?" K exclaimed whispering at me with worried expression on his handsome face. He hugging his briefcase tightly to his chest gulping down his nervous saliva back into his stomach. On other hand, he hold her hand tightly. The group of tugs coming in closer and we were both steps back as many as we can until our back touches the solid surfaces. Shit! What to do? What to do? Racking some idea from my brain. Ohhh~~my brainy brain! Please give some idea~~ "Stop!!" I held out my hand closing my eyes tightly and exclaimed them to follow my instruction. Heh, they just stopped! I'm dancing invisibly~~ The biggest question marks displayed above their heads white as a cloud, floating and dancing indicating they were confusing by me. Slowly...I step a side by side holding K hand to follow my lead. While they were confusing and looking at each other like a stupid companion, we took a long step and running away from them. Hahaha! "It's okay...I will protect you! Come on move your muscles...we got to run from them first!" Breathlessly, I said it out loud dragging his hand and we running together to the paradise... Splash! "Wargghhh..." Anita holding an empty bucket while tapping her feets on to the tiles floor. She was fuming to red. Wow, I could see her face already changed to an angry bull ready to knock me down! Sweeping the damped face, I was totally confused and searching for someone...K... Where is he? Don't we were running to the paradise just now? "Will you stopped laughing like a choking vampire in the middle of the night, L!? I've got test TOMORROW!!" Anita throw away the bucket and get back to her bed under the duvet. Gosh! That's all only a dream? I thought it was real? Waaa... ___ L: She's crazy when she wanted to be crazy. K: I'm not weak like you dreaming about, L. Anita: *Smirking like a sly fox* Alessia: "Oopss" Marilyn Monroe version with the fan fanning from behind looking as 'innocent' as she wants. Noah: "Hey sexy lady. Wanna dance with me?" Anita: Smacking Noah head. Noah: "Ouch! That hurt fox!" Anita: *Tilting her brows making a weird face* Noah: *Laughing nervously fanning her with his handkerchief* Zafira: Busying herself with full height of documents stacking ready to be her toilet paper! Messi: "Don't mess with me cause I'm Messi White! Always clean like my surname. Got it?" Mommy: "Excuse us, coming through guys!" she smiling happily on her wheelchair just done with her eye operation three hours ago. Big Boss: *Happily strolling the wheelchair to the front didn't care the bickering back there." L: "Come along people! ready to take some selfie here..." K: Standing on her side holding his phone up in the air while hugging L like she was his alone! Noah: "Say teeth everyBODY!" Well...what a dramatic selfie session! ___ In the picture: Zafira: Standing straight holding her few stack of papers on her hand with poker face while she was smoking at the back. Wait! When did she smoking? Messi: Standing like ready to punch K holding his daughter like she was belong to him alone. Oit! You guys not even married yet. So put your hand to the side! Do not touching her! —That's what he thought! Alessia: Haiya future husband, stop doing that! We are beyond touching already yet we still not married! Come, hug me! —She just grinning grabbing Messi hand while holding her floating skirt in front from the spinning fan. Welp, the fan looks like ready to be broken. Noah: Showing off all his teeth standing beside Anita. Anita: Sly smirk show her middle finger to Noah on his head! Mommy and Big Boss: Holding hands to each other lovingly beside Anita and Noah. K: Smiling lovingly only for L, totally adore her! L: Happy and thought all good until she is left half in the photo! the rest? gone! Poor you L! It's not fairr!! L bawling dissatisfied with all the photos because most of them, she was off the grid!! like her head only ~~~

jayizzabella · Urban
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


"You didn't tell me about your guess yesterday..." I trailed off put my gaze on his pointy nose.

He stopped busying himself to his phone and glancing at me but I could see the way he pull his lips together.

What was that?

"Well, I guess you might guessed me that I was a fortune teller right?" he answered it leaving me a bit shocked there.

"How do you know that? I didn't tell any soul about that? Wait! Did I mumbled on my sleep last night?" I rubbed my chin wondering if I talking gibberish when I was sleep again...how would I know that? I was a heavy sleeper and didn't care if a bomb set beside me at all!

"Yeah! You were talking last night. Laughing while snorting hugging Mommy excitedly..." he mentioned it and I was about to hide my face away...

I wish that I could dig the floor of the bus and hide my head inside it! So embarrassing...

Am I so that terrible in my sleep? Oh God! So ugly!!

But Mommy didn't say a word about me this morning. Is he telling me the truth just now?

I gave him sceptical look, staring without blinking for couple of seconds than I was defeated and couldn't stand not blinking like normal person not a cat!

I don't trust any of his words! He was lying!

He just gave me the innocent eyes, clouded my thoughts with his another tricks. I know him for two years and I knew he got so much trick under his sleeves.

Main point is always got me busted whenever he has the chance of it! Drilling me off over the edge until I started to cry and he don't even bother to coax me back.

He was cruel guy! Instead of making me happy and laughing he loves making me in miserable state and getting me wet on the cheeks with his cruel jokes.

When he succeeded, he snapped the pictures of my horrible state and show off as his phone screen saver just to remind him that he was the caused of such situations.

"Show me!" I snapped suddenly!

He just showed me those stupid and ugly videos at me. When trying to steal the phone away just to delete the evidences, he snatched it away grinning like a winner.

He tell me the truth! Not even once but he got me totally in five shot of videos. Wargghhh...I was ugly! So idiot!

I don't know...maybe because of my period I got my mood swings and now it's pent up my emotions. Usually, most of the time I just let it go and laughing at my own silly-self but I guess not today.

I moved closer to the bus window and swept away the fallen tears that I wasn't noticed before. I know it's sound so silly but...I don't know...I just wanted to sulking away...and I just did that.

He poke me on my shoulder and I just ignored it. Then, for my irresponsiveness of his shoulder poking he went down to my hellishly forbidden spot on my waist and poking me there just to test the water.

Magically, I didn't react at all! Infact the dam broken even more and I started sob crazily behind the curtain moving away from his touch.


My emotions got easily distracted by this simple heart touching moves that he loves to do to me and for the third day of my period...I was loose to my temperament.

Bad L!

Shut up, L!

You, shut up! L!!

Enough both of you!

He stopped suddenly, like I was scolding himself not me. I just hug my knees still hide under the curtain and pull out the hood covering my entire face. Yeah, he lend me his hoodie and I made it like mine and swept my watery snout with his sleeves.

Let him know that I was ruining his favourite shirt. I smiled even my dam still flooded with the salty water. Soon, I stopped making myself miserable but the hiccuping keep on coming from time to time.

The songs that booming in the bus turned silent and my hiccuping became loudly to the air...live.

Do I look like I care about it?

Glancing down at my wrist watch...another half an hour and we will reach at our destination but still need another half an hour to be at our campus by cab if we were lucky get those cab at this hour.

Usually, most of the students just returned from their respective hometown and the demands for a cab quite higher and we need to wait for our turn. I just hope I got to join the others first.

Slowly I'm freeing myself under the curtain but remain still far into the hood leaned on to the chair comfortably and letting down my knees. Glanced towards K...he just sleep?

Did he just sleep? Not even bother to try to persuade me? He did that and he just sleeping?

I was beyond angry and basking in with the pool of fire right now. Blinked fumely I turned further to the side waiting at the ticking clock and jump off from this bus and grab those cab and leave him behind!

I winced at the thought leaving him behind but my evil side didn't care about that!

Time passes like a slow motion movie. Everything becoming slow and I had to bear with it even I don't like it.

Please...faster! I need to get out from here! I want to be out of sorts away from him and waiting for him to come to please me again. I want to see his effort to it. Then I will grant whatever he wants from me...and resolve back our unnecessary issue.

So much bored and he still sleeping straight on his chair, I pull out my phone and received another text from my mom.

'Coming home next weekend.'

I replied. 'What for?'

Soon she texted back.

'Where have u've been? Ignoring my call?'

'Sleeping!' Yeah. So much for sleeping!

'Next week I pick you up sharp after your last class'

'Y' loves to making my mom annoying with my pool of questions and her suffocate breathing out all the questions, even harder.

'Just do it! No more questions!'


She didn't replied back and I mocking the way she complaining about my nosy nose. Keep question the motives, keep asking the same thing over and over if I wasn't satisfied with the answers.

I really always in the mood making both my parents had enough with me and they just easily stay away from me and now...their time about to end after I graduate next year. Be prepared parents...I will make your life in misery if you keep your nose in my business!

Too much busy having self monologuing, K just examined L by the corner of his eyes pretending sleeping all the way back.

He knew...if he do the thing she might rejected him slowly so...the best thing is avoid the temper until it's cool down then...start the operation to please her again.

The next notification vibrating in his jeans pocket. Pretending he adjusting his sleeping posture, he let out the phone and staring down on the received text.

His excited self turned died on the spot when his flirting time or more honeymooning time was over! Not about to over but already over.

Tomorrow, the Monday...his officially work will be started and he still didn't tell her who he was here actually.

He bet she will even more fury if he didn't start his move after they arrived.



I don't friend with you trouble! You're not even my friend but you love make me your enemy! Why you so jealous about me and love to trouble me?

Wait, do you love me, trouble?


That much?



I know...

Sighing away, the bus come in halt suddenly. Are we there yet?

Yup! Absolutely!

"We're here!" the driver shouted out and K still pretending to sleep in hoping L would wake him up but nothing at all and she just gave me her long step avoiding me as if she touched me, I might woken up.

Still pretending but I see her enough apart her legs and her bum almost touching my thigh but she succeeded! Damn!

She run off following with the other passengers and I just stand straight loosen some aching muscle by my fake sleeping posture and be the last one to off the bus then grabbing my backpack from the lower compartment of the bus.

Then, I turned around searching for her before my eyes caught her running for the waiting cab there. So much eager!

I just saw her getting inside the cab didn't even spared any glance at me and she just asking the cab driver to go without waiting any longer.

Then...the cab speed off away.

I just smiling, shaking my head not even angry at her.

"Khalish? What are you doing here?"