
You, Me

He put a five-dollar bill on the table, paying for both their orders, and with a deep breath, he said, "You, me, Saturday next week, meet me here at ten, don't be late." After that, he went as far away from the café as possible. *** Ben Chester is one of the popular guys in school the girls love. He's polite, well-mannered, and kind. The kind of boyfriend any girl would want. When shy Maribelle catches his eye instantly when he spots her at a café, he doesn't hesitate to ask her out. When the fluffy romance between the two begins, a forgotten ex-girlfriend is entangled in a series of ups and downs and things take a turn for...

Leticia_J_Midley · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Two

Ben lay lazily in his bed all day, barely making contact with anyone. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened the last weekend.

What was that? You, me? Did he say that? It sounded so conceited! He didn't even bother to go meet her. That was if she showed up.

No girl would give a guy any chance after they got asked out like that. It sounded like she had to show up. It was so forceful!

He face-palmed himself on the bed, groaning from the embarrassing memory.

Thinking back, however, he didn't feel entirely at fault for messing it up. Since when did he ask someone on a date? He had always been the one avoiding being asked on a date. He was one of the most popular guys in school, so it was to be expected. He found most girls to be a bit too typical and dramatic due to an incident or two.

Yet, he couldn't help himself when he saw Maribelle. She looked so adorable! Her small stature, cute voice, good manners, everything!

When again would he meet a girl he was this interested in? But then he blew his chance. He decided to label that meeting as "one of those days" and forget the humiliation.

He knew he should forget about her. It wasn't like he would be given a second chance even if he meet her again...

* * *

"Hey!" a boy with black curly hair called.

Ben turned around. "Ugh, it's you," he mumbled.

"I heard that you know." Sid hurried to Ben. "It hurts me when I see you mad." He patted Ben's shoulder, wiping what was supposed to be a tear from the corner of his eye with the middle finger of his other hand.

"Can't even pretend you care." Ben slapped his hand off.

He began walking away.

"Look I'm sorry, okay? That was mean, and I should've at least texted you," he apologized as he struggled to keep up with Ben's pace. "But you know how long I've been asking Lisa out, and I wanted to impress her with the cheap jewelry I got her so it was an emergency."

Ben stayed silent.

"I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so—"

"If you don't shut up, I'll make sure Lisa won't recognize you. Ever." Sid drew his index and thumb past his lips.

Ben exhaled a sigh.

Remembering Belle, however, made him realize he wouldn't have met her if Sid hadn't been a jerk. He deserved credit. In a way.

He threw an arm around Sid's shoulders. "I'm not mad anymore. Thanks for ditching me, actually." They went up the stairs and headed for their first class.

He wasn't sure of what he was thanked for, yet he laughed as if it was common sense to be grateful to him. "See? My usefulness can be seen everywhere I am and even where I'm not."

Ben shook sadly. "If only you knew..."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" he said with a slight laugh.

They argued on their way to class, and the day ended in the usual manner.

* * *

A lot of time had passed since that happened and he had gotten over that unfortunate incident so...

He stood in front of the café he met Maribelle two weeks ago with a hand on his waist.

...what was he doing there again?

Contrary to what he resolved to do, he couldn't stop thinking about their meeting. What drew him in? Her laugh? Her cuteness? Politeness? He couldn't even confirm if that was the beginning of love or if it was just mere interest. But he wanted to get to know her, see the faces she made when she was mad, happy, or sad, and how she reacted to the things she liked or hated. He wanted to know everything about her.

That's why he didn't realize when he got dressed up, got on a bus, and went back there. It could be that that was a café she frequented. Maybe he could meet her today.


That meant there was a glimmer of hope he could count on... or it was her first time there like it was for Ben, and she wouldn't come again... or she enjoyed the coffee and would come back...

There were multiple possibilities Ben could think of, but he knew standing there like a lost child wouldn't lead to anything. Making a decision, he entered the café. He looked around for her and there she was! Sitting in the same place she sat the last time.

He walked over to her table, trying as much as possible to hide his excitement. "Oh, Maribelle! What a coincidence seeing you here," he said calmly as he slid into the chair in front of her.

Coincidence, my foot, he thought.

She smiled shyly. "Ah, h-hi. Ben, right?"

"That's correct. It's been a while, hasn't it?" He returned the smile.

"Yeah, I don't see you on weekdays at all."

"You come here on weekdays?" he asked, already clearing his weekday schedule in his head.

She turned a bit red. "Umm, it's not like I skip school or anything, I live nearby so I come here a lot and..." she stopped talking when she noticed him staring at her with an amused look.

"Forget I said anything." She lowered her head to hide her embarrassment, but her reddened ears weren't easy to hide. Ben laughed to himself.

After that, they talked about all sorts of things. School, friends, and things that were going on in their lives. Not too much information, though. Establish before, right?

Their tastes were similar too.

She didn't necessarily like bright colors. She liked sweet things but to a certain degree. Spicy food wasn't her friend, books—surprisingly—bore her, she loved flowers and animals and wasn't materialistic.

He enjoyed her company, and she felt the same. To him, at least.

The day was coming to an end, but he didn't want it to. He wanted to be with her for as long as possible, but he had to get going. She probably did too, even if she lived nearby.

"Well, Belle, I have to get going." He looked at his watch. 4:32 pm. He really lost track of time.

"Yeah, obviously..." she said, but words seemed held back, and Ben took notice.

"Is there anything you want to say, Belle?" he asked but wished secretly she would say something like, 'don't go' or 'can I have your number?'

As if such a shy girl would say something like that. He killed the thought.

She hesitated, possibly thinking if she should ask or not. "Ben..." she hesitated again. "...why didn't you show up?"

Ben made a face, a confused one at that. "What?"

"The da—I mean when you asked me to hang out. Why didn't you come?"

Oh no... She came?!