
You loved me, too

From the first time they met, Ryzel admired and challenged Iven.  It didn't matter to him if he was openly slapped, blocked, left behind.  What else did it do to him that he had just experienced from any human being. He even called her a "bug." But she succeeded in seducing him, all right. But it seemed like the moon suddenly disappeared. Five years passed but nothing changed his feelings for it.  He was hurt by what it did to him before. But the wound really does heal over time. When that healed, there was still love for it.  That love is the reason why even though many tried to get into his life no one succeeded. Iven still occupies his heart. But I guess they are not the lucky ones. He heard that he was going to marry his cousin… ~~~~~~~~~~ If you love romance this book is for you Enjoy❤️

BookReappers · Urban
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12 Chs


This must be my lucky day.

I smiled when I saw Iven, meeting Iven who was also jogging

The darkness and light of our times are still taking over but we are already jogging a lot.

I bent down so he wouldn't recognize me right away. When we met, I tapped him on the arm

"Good morning gorgeous" I said

Iven was obviously surprised to meet me. He mumbled something which I did not comprehend.

He would have passed me

but I turned to accompany it.

"Such a lovely day, don't you agree?"

he did not respond and accelerated running

I also accelerated my running

"Oh you can't speak?"

Iven stopped running and faced me.

"It's still early for you to scratch"

"It's still early for you to scream" I replied smiling

Its forehead furrowed. "You don't have anything worthy to do?"

"I'm actually thinking of a lot of worthy things to do. But almost all of that is you I think is with you. So what do you think?"

"Forget it" was its quick answer

"Do you think you can drive me away by insulting me?"

He just growled in response.

"You're not discouraging me, Iven. In fact, you are only increasing my interest in you. By acting aloof, you are pulling me more towards you."

"Why don't you just leave me alone?" he said

I shook my head while smiling

"I can't I think I'm in love with you "

"You're crazy," Iven shook his head

I could not answer because he ran fast

I no longer tried to chase. When I saw the shock on its face, I knew I had got the Iven reaction I wanted. That was enough for the day.

but who knew if destiny had other plan for me that day?

It has not yet come true

I feel like I'm thrilled


I stopped walking when I saw Iven sitting on the sand. Its two hands rested on its back as it gazed across the vast sea

apparently, Iven and I had the same idea on how to spend their morning in boracay.

I thought not to disturb it while waiting for the sun to rise. But how can I miss this opportunity?

"Mind if I join you?" I asked as I approached

He looked up. "Will you leave me if I say Yes"

I sat down next to him and hugged both my knees

"You also love the sunrise here?" I ask

It took a long time to answer

"Yes" it said obviously just compelled

"we're the same"

I wish I could tickle it just in case it leaves before the sun rises.

I did not want to spoil the moment so I was just satisfied next to it.

I was surprised that I was so satisfied. I never thought I would feel this while we were not talking.

I sighed as the sun rose. The contrasting hues it painted across the sky with simply breathtaming

"Beautiful" I said. What I see is amazing.

I closed my eyes when I got tired of watching

I painted the view in my memory