
You Have Melted My heart (Seokjin FF)

Ceo Seokjin Kim has an entertainment company, specialises in making Romantic movies. His fiance Minyu had always played the lead. He found out that his company was on the verge of bankruptcy... Minyu left him, his director, producer and screenwriter had made him an offer on how to save his company. "We are doing a competition and you will play the lead and we will cast your new star." They did not give him a choice in the matter, he would do anything to save his company. Even if it meant to play the lead role. Yuna always wanted to be an actress but her parents were against the whole idea. She got her teaching degree and started as a kindergarten teacher. Her brother Jungkook found a flyer that said they were looking for a new actress. He talked her into going. What could go wrong? Disclaimer: Cover made by _mikromosmos_ on wattpad

Marli_Hanekom · Celebrities
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38 Chs

Chapter 35: The world is spinning

Namjoon dropped Yuna at the front door of the building. He wished her good luck and drove back to the Meaty Way. Namjoon had asked Nimue to pack things up. He was surprised when Nimue gave him a lip about labour; until he snapped at him.

He found the perfect spot to reopen the restaurant, and he wanted to surprise Jungkook when he got out of the hospital. After Namjoon settled into the new place, he would work on the plan to get rid of Nimue. Namjoon wanted Jungkook to be present when that happened, and it might take a few months before Jungkook would leave the hospital.

He returned to the Meaty Way, noticing Nimue standing outside, smoking a joint. For the love of - Namjoon thought, Does he ever do anything? Nimue nodded at him, stepping on the filter. "I finished wrapping up the tables."

"We are all set then?" Namjoon said a little too harshly. He saw Nimue's eyes narrow at him, but he grinned.

"Yes . . . Although, I find it interesting that you are trying to boss me around."

Anger raised in Namjoon's veins. He had explained to Nimue what they were doing and why. "Let's get moving."

Nimue smirked at him when Namjoon walked past him and entered the almost emptied restaurant. "What the -" he gasped in shock. It seemed that Nimue had been working as he claimed. Yet, Namjoon couldn't get rid of his suspicions.


"Good afternoon, Mr Kim," Yuna replied softly, lifting her head and a smile that screamed I am okay and faking it, hoping that he wouldn't notice her 'stiffness'.

"How - "

"Ah, Miss Jung!" interrupted Tae, throwing petrol on Jin's irritation, "We have to go over the contract before filming."

Yuna chewed her lip, and before she could answer, Jin came to her rescue; he wanted to spend more time with her alone.

"I will help her with the contract."

Tae raised an eyebrow. Jin cleared his throat and took Yuna by the elbow, whispering in her ear as he escorted her out of the room towards his office, "It will only take a minute."

A shiver ran down her spine. Jin's breath tickled her ear. She lowered her eyes to the floor. He will be the death of me, Yuna thought. Just breathe . . . I will be alright if I just . . . breath. Jin hadn't let go of her elbow, and the elevator was already opening its doors.

Once again . . . she would be alone with Jin and this time not in a motorcar. Her breath caught in her throat when she heard a pinging sound, the doors closed behind them, but the elevator did not move. The pressure around her elbow felt cold . . . that's when she noticed Jin had left her side and pressed the emergency break.

"What - what are you doing?" Yuna asked more harshly than she had intended.

Jin ignored her. He folded his arms firmly across his chest and stood in front of the door. "How are you?"

Yuna blinked a few times. Did he drag her into the elevator just to ask her how she was? She did not understand his actions, one day, he played nice, and the next day he was a jackass. "I am fine."

"You do not sound fine," he replied as a matter of fact.

"I am fine," Yuna repeated and turned her back on him. He didn't need to know what was happening in her personal life.

She heard him inhale.

"I just want to - "

"Please. . . " her voice was soft, "we are only working together, and we do not need to know what is happening beyond these walls."

Jin did not reply. Yuna felt the elevator start to move, and the doors opened behind her.

"Follow me."

His voice was a low growl. Yuna did as he asked and followed behind him. He didn't wait for her as he opened the doors to his office. He moved quickly and sat behind his desk, searching for the papers.

Jin only wanted a few minutes longer with her before the hell of filming started. . . He had to hide his pain behind his stiff smile. Her words had cut him like a butter knife - deep in the heart, but he did understand where she came from. . .

He kept repeating the words: I will not fall in love . . . I will not care for her . . . over and over. Yet - there was something - deep taking root in his heart. This girl was different to the ones he knew. She was not like Minyu, who had clearly shown her true colours.

He stole a glance at Yuna, she stood rooted, playing with her fingers, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly. He only pretended to search for that papers - they lay in front of him. He let out 'ah' and picked them up.

"Why don't you sit down and read through it?" he said and indicated the papers. He watched determination flood Yuna's eyes - they held such determination and passion. She walked towards his desk and wanted to take the documents; their hands brushed lightly. Jin grinned as her cheeks flushed a rosy pink.

Yuna ignored the warmth feeling his touch had sent through her. She was here to work and not to - but his eyes. . . guilt burned through her. Had she been too harsh in the elevator? She scanned the papers. Everything looked in order, even the non-disclosure form.

"Do you have a - " she asked and looked up to find Jin standing before her - pen in hand- looking sombre. "Thank you."

Yuna signed the papers without hesitation. She felt nervous. . . This was the break she had waited for - finally, she will be starting in a blockbuster movie. Her only hope was that she would be able to do her best. . .

She gave him the papers, and . . . once again - Jin's hand brushed hers lightly. Jin turned from her, placing the documents back on his desk. "We should get back to the filming room," he said, walking to the door, holding it open.

It was as Yuna thought. One day he was fine - the next, he was being a complete jerk. He was a puzzle. . . and she would like to put together - but with everything happening in her life at this stage . . . she didn't know if it would be possible.

They walked back to the elevator, and an uneasy silence had settled between them. Yuna was the first one out of the elevator when it opened - Jin followed her by half a step, and he reached around her for the door.

"Do you not want me to be a gentleman?" he asked, left eyebrow quirking.

Yuna puffed out her cheeks. He was infuriating. . . "This has nothing to do with being a gentleman."

"Oh?" he replied, intrigue filling his voice - making her weak at the knees, "Then what is it then?"

She crossed her arms without answering and entered the filming room, where she found Tae standing with his clipboard muttering. She heard the door close with a loud thud, but she didn't care. She made her way over to Tae.

"I have signed the contract," she said softly.

Tae turned to face her. His eyes narrowed a little, looking past her. "Excellent! Would you please go to wardrobe?"

He pointed her in the direction and gave her a small wave before turning his attention towards Jin, who stalked closer. "What did you do?"

Jin rolled his eyes. He was annoyed - not with her or anyone else - with himself. "I did nothing. . . She signed the contract, and that is that."

Tae rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right! I do not believe you for a second. Get to the wardrobe . . . we are going to start with the first scene, and this time -" Tae placed his index finger on Jin's nose "- do not mess it up."

Jin blinked as Tae removed his finger. He parted his lips, changed his mind and closed them again. Jin didn't mess up. . . it was the women they interviewed. He nodded in agreement and went to the wardrobe; for his fitting.

He was surprised when he walked past the set. Suga stood pointing, speaking very fast; the first scene was set up, and they only needed the script - speaking of the film script - He looked around for Hoseok, whom he couldn't see.


Yuna stood as still as a mannequin as the fitter measured and fitted the clothing. She felt exposed and not used to a short skirt - her legs were as white as linen, and goose bumps trailed across her arms because of the short-sleeved shirt. At least they fitted her in comfy sneakers and high-knee socks with purple polka dots.

"You look perfect," the lady said, making Yuna jump and almost tumble from the stool the lady had made her stand on. "You only need hair and makeup."

Yuna had never worn makeup except for stage makeup when she had put on plays for her friends and brother. The lady saw nerves shadowing her face. "Do not worry, my dear. . . Everything will be fine."

Yuna wasn't so sure that it would be. The lady showed her to the chair - she sat down and waited - a loud voice filled the room. "Are you our new lead?"

Yuna shrank back as the chair spun violently and suddenly stopped. Her stomach sat in her throat; she blinked once . . . staring into a face who was grinning excitedly at her. His blond hair was shaved on the left side with bangs hanging to the right - his ears filled with sliver piercings.

"Ye-yes," she stammered, trying to ease the dizzy spell.

"That makes me so happy!" he said, leaning in and whispering. "Between you and me . . . Minyu is fake."

Before Yuna could muster an answer . . . he spun her around to face the mirror. "You will be breathtaking. . . Mister Jin will not be able to take his eyes off you."

She wanted to protest but couldn't muster the words, and he continued by taking a fist full of hair. "You have very thick hair."

She lifted her eyes to look at him in the mirror. He trailed her cheek slowly with his free hand. "Your eyes - they hide your soul. But enough of my rantings. Let's begin."


Jin stood next to Suga. He was dressed in formal black pants, a charcoal blazer, black pointed shoes, and a white buttoned shirt open until the second button. His hair was combed backwards; he looked like a billionaire.

"How long does it take to get dressed?" he huffed. "We have to get to shooting."

"Calm yourself," Suga replied. "You have to be patient -"

Suga's voice caught in his throat, and Jin followed his gaze . . . his heart skipped a few beats. Yuna walked out of the dressing area. Her hair was tied into a high ponytail - the skirt and short-sleeved shirt with the knee-high socks . . . made his heart come to a standstill. She was simply radiant.

Jin's body moved out of its own accord. Suga grabbed his arm when he turned his head - Suga shook his. "I am sorry - but Tae has ordered us to keep you separate."

Jin parted his lips to protest, but Suga interrupted. "It is to make sure your chemistry stays fresh and real."

That is absurd! They have completely taken over his production, Jin thought. "Fine," he replied through gritted teeth. He turned his attention back to Yuna and saw Hoseok at her arm. Strangely . . . it made him jealous.

"Alright, everyone!" Tae said in the megaphone. "We will start with the first scene."

People started to scramble. Jin took a few paces back with Suga. He was not in the first scene yet, and they couldn't stop him from watching . . . he would make sure of that. Jin watched Hoseok lead Yuna to the coffee shop set. He stepped back into the shadows. It was show time.


"The first scene," Hoseok started, "will be an intro to the movie and explain the setting between two worlds."

Yuna nodded her head as they stopped before the 'coffee shop'. She wanted to take Hoseok's words and engrave them into her memory. Hoseok smiled at her. "Just be yourself. She is officially your character."

That was strange advice, Yuna thought. Usually, the director would guide you. "I will do my best."

Hoseok's smile widened, and he turned to Tae - who sat in his chair - looking bored. "We are all set."

Hoseok left Yuna. . . She gulped, looking around the set. It was small and cosy for a coffee shop scene. She noticed that an apron with a notebook lay on the counter. She walked towards it when she heard a loud voice announcing, "Scene one will reflect on how slow-moving your business has become, then a 'handsome' man steps in -"

"So I am in this scene?" Jin interrupted sarcastically, getting him a warning look from Suga.

"As I was saying - " Tae said, even louder, " he steps in, and you feel a connection - oh! And think about your dream and how this coffee shop is your life."

Yuna clutched at the apron - today would be her day. She was going to give her best performance - for Jungkook and more importantly for herself. . . She turned to face the camera and noticed a man standing with a whiteboard explaining the atmosphere. She felt a pair of eyes on her . . . somehow she knew that Jin was following her every move.

Hey everyone. . . I would like to thank you all who are still reading and apologise for the insanely late update. . . I have so many things going on, and I promise I will finish this story. My theme song for this year is 'Not Today' from BTS :)

Kaveri - thank you for being my number one fan. . . When I finish this story; I am going to write you a special one :)

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