

For centuries you have cultivated diligently as a disciple of your sect. Despite having finally broken through to a cultivation stage that is respectable even in the Inner Continents, you found yourself hesitant to throw yourself into secluded meditation once again.

Instead you decided to take a stroll through the expansive territory of the sect and reminiscence of earlier days when you were a mere outer disciple gazing at the flying cultivators far above in the cloudless blue skies with a sense of amazement that you can remember vividly even now.

In a way, you realize, in your endless pursuit of advancement on the path of cultivation you have lost your way. The grandeur of the world, the amazement and the wonder has been forgotten in favor of an obsessive and constant race to keep up with your peers. A day not spend cultivating is a day you fall behind your dedicated peers. A sentiment you know, you are not alone in sharing.

However what was a lone cultivator do? If you did not pour in your soul into your cultivation you would slip down the rankings and further down you went the less resources you would receive from the sect. Despite this awareness, you cant help but wonder if it is not counterproductive.

If they lived to cultivate for then what did they cultivate for? What is a soul without experience? Would not more experience give you more insight into the Dao?

Staring at the outer disciples running around carrying out errands for the inner disciples and elders, you cant help but frown. You could continue as you are and hope to change the Sect from the inside but you knew that despite your prodigious talent within your specialized field you were far from the peerless geniuses of the sect.

Madness takes hold of your mind. If you cant change the ways of this sect - then why not just create your own sect?

You are reminded of the words your deceased master used to say.

The Dao works in mysterious way.

The thought sends your mind ablaze and when you finally shake yourself free you find yourself gazing towards the direction you know the Outer Continents lay. There you could and would lay the foundation of your sect.