

'Mistakes keep us human.

Failure makes us stronger.

Hope keeps us going.

Love keeps us alive.'

We are human beings who make mistakes. We are never perfect and are far from perfection. We fail yet we keep trying. We learn from our mistakes and our mistakes become our stepping stones to getting to the next level. No matter how hard life gets, we keep trying to reach our goals. We keep trying to overcome our fears….our weaknesses because we have hope. We all hope that one day life will get better. We hope that one day we will have a brighter future and that small light of hope we have inside us is what keeps us going. That same small light is what keeps us holding onto something for a long time. It gives us the reason to live and keep going… all because of our hopes.

Hold onto your hopes and that small light. Stay strong Angels!!


The_Fallen_Angel16creators' thoughts