

This is a REMAKE. (chapter release from monday to friday if nothing happen) Original name :I’m the wrong protagonist Original Author: HEIYE FUYIN Summary: "Welcome to multiverse MOON System!" "We are happy to inform you that you have been selected as a potential USER of our interface" "Seeing as you are a beginner you will receive a starter pack including a free 5 star guarantee gacha and a free of charge preferential treatment period to get used to our service .If you decide to join now you can additionally get a free dimensional storage space to store your items" "We also provide a special time-travel pass, allowing you to experience the feeling of being a protagonist" {Press "OK" if you accept and "NO" if you refuse} In a dark a boy sitting in front of his computer read the content of the message and pressed the “OK” button. At the same time, the boy’s consciousness paused, and a black hole appeared in front of him and completely engulfed him. After a pause a line appeared on the screen that lit the dark room {Welcome to the Multiverse [PLAYER]} this is a Fanfiction i don't own any character or data relevant to the type moon or danmachi universe those are owned by they respective Maker.

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31 Chs


Bell followed the transport team into Orario.

While The transport team went smoothly Bell was stopped by the guard

[Stop right there.]

Just as Bell was about to enter Orario, the soldier standing guard with a long sword stopped him, his body was wearing heavy armor that he knew was very thick by the look, and the spear in his hand was still flashing silver, and the momentum of his body made Bell's whole body sweat and hair stand upright.Through intuition, you can feel how strong the guard in front of him is, even if his body has gained a lot of experience in his travel and become much stronger, but it still has a feeling of oppression to the guard in front of him.After stopping Bell, the guards took a closer look, and the boy in front of him was a little on the short side, he knew at a glance that he was a newcomer attracted by Orasrio's reputation.



Bell nodded honestly, he was actually a bit of a social phobia, and his mental activity may be very rich, but his actual speech was slightly problematic.Looking at Bell as a new person,from his perpecive the newcomer's appearance was not as good or clean, the guard shook his head slightly, feeling that this boy Would not live long in this man-eating Orario, and his momentum will also be crusher.

[Come here,it test you just to make sure you don't have "God's Falna." Before coming here]

Does this test still need to be done when entering the door? Bell had no idea that there was such a process.

[It's a way to prevent crazy people from pretending to be newcomers to enter Orario.]

The guard looked at Bell puzzled, confirming once again that the newcomer was really not a expeled citizen from Orario.But was attracted to wealth, power,and women wich are the cause Orario attracts newcomers, although many of the newcomers who are attracted will be cruched in this man-eating city, either by monsters in the dungeon or by monsters in human skin hidden in Orario's city.


Bell nodded and didn't refuse, although he didn't know who the "madman" the guard was talking about, but it was certainly right to test it.Of course, he also saw the slight hint of pity in the guard's eyes, and he was not very clear why the guard had pity on him. But he did need to be more careful, at least to not be careless in the face of the people in the city of Orario in the future.As for the way the testing was done it wasnt troublesome, the guard took Bell to the stone house builting at the door, which contained a transparent green gemstone, which should be the key to the test.

[Just put your hand on it, and if you have no Falna, it will appear green, and if you had recived Falna, it will appear red."

Bell didn't say anything and quietly put his hand on the gem.Bell suddenly felt a warm curren enter his body from the palm of his hand, turned around and then flowed out of the palm of his hand.After retracting the warm curren, the gem took on a green color.

[No problem, you can go in.]

It was confirmed that Bell was fine, the guards did not continue to pull, asthe city of Orario just did not welcome some trouble maker, but still welcomed the newcomers.It's just that most of the newcomers die in this man-eating city before tey can spear there wing.The guard looked at Bell and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, a child of this age is really not afraid of death, and the pity in his heart has also expanded a little, and he can't help but give some reminders, but his voice is also lowered.

[Go straight to the guild after entering the city, don't listen to others, the city is not as shine and rainbow as people tell you.]

Hearing these words, Bell winced slightly, looking at the pity and sympathy in the eyes of the guards,was he given such an advise because of this sympathy?

[Thank you.]

Bell was not an ignorant man, and he could listen to all the kind words, so he also whispered thanks.Pulling down his own hood, as far as possible to reduce his sense of existence, he slowly walked into the city of Orario.

The guard looked at the cautious Bell and smiled ironically in his heart.

[maybe This boy knows.]

People who have no vigilance can be known at a glance that reducing their sense of existence is the best way to hide. The city of Orario eats people, but Orario only eats some valuable people, and worthless people will not be eaten, because they are not even eligible to be eaten.The guard found that he had lost sight of it, and then shook his head and stopped caring.

[Only those who know how to hide themselves are qualified to live, and this boy should live longer than I think.]

After entering the city of Orario, Bell was also observing his surroundings.There are a lot of vendors on both sides of the road, most of them are snacks and other things, and some are pendants and other things, maybe with special enchanted pendants, but the feeling for Bell it is very general.As for the weapons and armor sold by the stalls, there were also many people staring at it, and it seemed that they should be those things that did not have much reputation but were not bad.But Bell didn't stop to watch, too, because he knew his wealth level couldn't afford to buy anything too good. Considering that you will need to live for a while, you can't spend it on something that I don't know if it's practical or not.Along the way, Bell did not stop and went straight in direction of the guild.

There is no need to ask carefully where the specific direction is, just see the Babel Tower straight into the sky. The guild is directly below the Tower of Babel, and the location of the guild can be found as long as the location of the Tower of Babel is aligned.Of course, along the way, Bell also felt a lot of eyes, and inside his ears he also heard some voices from the owner of the gaze.

[This rookie seem to be a littel fragil,it looks like he can even squeeze between the oil and water.]

[It's easy for Orario to attract this kind of unrealistic guys in, those new people do have a few capable ones sometime, they'll soon become famous .]

[That's right, but it's not so easy to be famous within Orario.]

[With so many new people entering Orario every year, how many people do you think get eaten by the city?]

[Oh,if you are talking like this kind of person,he is not even qualified to be eaten. People who have no value at all can only be a waste, and this new person can only be used when he shines and is a hot comodity,right now he is just a lump of garbage. "

Bell didn't care much about these remarks, as an ordinary person,how a worthless talent can develop in the city.To survive in this man-eating city, what is needed is not the some vague things, but very simple and very pure conditions.Strength!