
Su Xiaoxiao Was Hit

Jiang Dingtian added a little seasoning in the champagne. He was thinking about how to trick Su Xiaoxiao to drink it, but he did not expect Su Xiaoxiao to drink it so easily. It was a pleasant surprise.

The evil scheme had succeeded. Jiang Dingtian could not help but want to celebrate. He took the red wine from the waiter who passed by. He drank the wine in one gulp and a lewd smile hung on the corner of his mouth. His eyes stared at Su Xiaoxiao's figure evilly. That gaze was as if he wanted to swallow Su Xiaoxiao alive and peel her skin off.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao's figure disappear at the door, Jiang Dingtian did not hesitate to raise his foot and follow her. Tonight, this beauty was finally going to belong to him.

Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly greeted Peng Da and his wife and immediately walked towards the door. She felt a pair of evil eyes staring at her from behind. This kind of gaze made Su Xiaoxiao feel disgusted.