

(Aleu's POV)

As I lay quietly on Callum's bed I opened my eyes and yawned, I moved over to the side and hopped off and did a big stretch, I looked over to Callum who was still sleeping and said with a giggle

Me: Hehe wake up sleepy head

He yawned and looked over to me

Callum: Oh morning Aleu, sleep well?

Me: Yeah, it was great

I then climbed back on the bed and laid next to him. He looked at me with his blueish, greenish eyes and I noticed that his left eye had a brown line in the iris.

Me: Callum what happened to your eye?

Callum: Are you talking about the brown mark?

Me: Yes, is there something wrong with you?

Callum: No there's nothing wrong with me, it's just something I was born with

I was a little surprised, I didn't know you could get something like that in the iris during birth

Me: Really?

Callum: Yeah

Me: Nice

I then laid next to him until I heard my stomach rumble

(Callum's POV)

Me: Looks like somebody's hungry

She nods and rubs her face on my chest

Aleu: Do you have anything?

Me: Well I do have something, but it might seem usual

Aleu: Well can I see it?

Me: Of course

She then got off the bed allowing me to get out of bed, I then lead her to the kitchen where I then showed her a keypad on the fridge

Aleu: What's that?

Me: It's a machine where you type in something and you immediately taste it and your hunger is gone for a few. Here I'll show you

I then grabbed a chain with a purple jewel from the side of the counter and put it around my neck, I then used the keyboard and typed in vanilla yogurt and pressed enter

Aleu: Um what is it suppose to do?

Me: It takes a while annnnd there we go

I then felt a taste of vanilla down my throat and filled my hunger

Aleu: Did it work?

Me: Yep

Aleu: Cool! can I try?

Me: Of course, that's why we're here

I then took it off and grabbed a bigger pair of the chain and crouched down to her level

Me: May I?

Aleu: Yeah sure

I then put it around her neck. Feeling the softness of her fur.

Aleu: So what do I do now?

Me: Here let me do it

I then went to the keyboard and typed in blueberry yogurt and pressed enter

Me: *she's gonna love this*

I turned around and saw her expression. It was cute

Aleu: Mmmm

Me: How is it?

Aleu: I love it, it really does taste like blueberries

*1 minute later*

I then took the chain off of her and put it back on its hook

Aleu: That was delicious

Me: Heh, I knew you would like it

After a minute of silence, Aleu decided to speak

Aleu: Sooo what do you want to do?

Me: Well I was thinking we could maybe go a walk

Aleu: Good idea, let's go

Me: Hold on girl, let me just get ready

I then headed for my bedroom

Me: Stay here Aleu, I need some privacy

Aleu: Okay

I then closed the door and locked it.

(Aleu's POV)

As I sat there waiting for Callum to get ready I took a look around. I saw some amazing sites. Some of amazing art and sketches of beautiful creatures, cute little fish tank each fish was lovely to one another, shelves after shelves of movies and... and then something else caught my eye

'A Console'

you know one of those game things that kids nowadays enjoy. I then walked over to it.

Me: Hmm strange looking device

I then tapped it with my paw a couple of times

Me: Good piece of polyethylene too.

*1 min later*

Callum: Well Aleu are you ready?

I turned around to see Him wearing a black hoodie with his hood down, blue jeans, and black skateboard shoes. I also saw him wearing his watch and necklace with a dogtag and cross.

Me: Ooh nice hoodie Callum where'd you get that?

Callum: A friend gave it to me when she wanted cuddles

Me: Really who?

Callum: I'll tell you later, let's get going

Me: Okay

We then headed down the stairs, to the front door, where he opened it allowing me to go first

Callum: After you

I then noticed his hand when he lifted his arm out for me

Me: Callum...

Callum: Heh big hands kinda run in my family... at least uhhh... one side of my family

I then got out with him closing the door behind us, locking it.

Callum: Alright, let's go

Me: Right behind ya.