
Chapter 3

"Hey Shiloa you need to explain right now."

It was Micah who grabbed my arm just after closing the door of the car.

"What I need to explain?" being innocent.

"That thing." Pointing her finger towards the car of the Dean.

"I woke up late. When I arrived at the school, the bus wasn't there anymore, so he volunteered to give me a ride." I lied.

"Hmm? Something's fishy."

"That's the truth." Making her believe.


We went on the plane, and find our sit. The sitting arrangement, window-micah-me-kanela.

I noticed that everyone in the plane are looking at me and murmuring something. Well, in their eyes I'm the luckiest girl but the feeling one too since I joined the Dean in his way here.

I also heard someone telling that 'I'm ugly and a flirt one.'

When everything are in their right place, the plane take off.

And finally, we reached our destination. Every student got hype seeing the view around the place, it took 30 minutes for the teachers to calm us.

They oriented us the Do's and Don't's while we are here to avoid accident.

I noticed that he's looking at me, like telling I should behave. This man is soooo... never mind.

Our first activity later is getting to know each other, their reason is because of the team building we are going to have.

I will not talk too much, I'll let them think about me.

The two won't allow me to separate with them, and they are so clingy. In one bedroom, there are three beds exactly with us.

"I always hate the idea of that activity." she is pertaining to the activity later.

One similarity we have is hating that thing.

"HAHAHA yeah, I don't care about them."

"We have no choice but to do so."

"What shall we do after?" it was Kanela.

"Kanela are you okay?" I asked.


"Your behavior is different from the moment we arrive at the airport."

"Just lack of sleep."

I pretended accepting her explanation and I know there is another reason.

"Okay guys, let's rest for a while." Micah filling the silence around the room.

We take our power nap.

I woke up when I heard someone is talking to her phone.

"I think there is something between her and him."

It's a good thing, I have my phone in my bed. I pressed the record button and pretended to be asleep.

"The Dean keeps on looking at her in the school and a while ago she came out of his car, I'm jealous you know."

I knew it! She's been different.

"Mads, I hate it when she got the full attention of that guy, and he always steals a look with her!" a shout but in a whisper way.

"I saw it on my own eyes, and I'm not hallucinating!"

"I will surely make her pay about this."

I saved the recorded voice.

I stretched my body and I saw her loss his balance sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Hi Kanela! You're already awake?" flashing a wide smile.


"Are you okay now?"

"Yap! My sleep went well."

"That's good 'because you know we're not used to it."

"I'm sorry about that."

Nice! And the best actress goes to her! Let's see how long you'll last.

I took a shower after talking with her. I cried everything. For the second time, my trust got broken.

It is really painful being betrayed by the people you treat as your family. There's nothing wrong about you, it was in them. So better choose the right people to live with and that's my mistake. I forgot to criticize her before accepting her in my life. I was blinded by her kindness and fake love.

When I went out of the bathroom, Micah is awake. Then Kanela enters the bathroom.

"I don't want to get out of the room."

"HAHAHA but you have to or else you want to go back in your house."

When you don't want to follow the rules and join the activities, you should go home, that's the order of the Dean and the staffs.

"Argh, the activity is for the kids."

"Get up you sleepy head! Stop ranting, you're wasting your saliva."

I can't stop laughing with her behavior. She even mentioned "the bed is still calling me."

I waited for them to be ready. I can feel my stomach is growling in hungriness. I forgot to eat my breakfast before going to school and as of now, I haven't eaten anything.

He keeps on texting me a while ago to move fast because I'm late.

At last! They are done.

We take our path towards the bon fire made by the staffs.

After all the students are gathered around, our ESP teacher started explaining on how the activity will start.

There is a bowl of questions, and whatever you will get, you start talking. The questions inside the bowl are created by the teachers which consist of the normal get to know each other's question.

In the middle of the activity, my stomach growled, and I'm a bit of shy because they heard it.

I felt someone at my back and for your information, we are at the last circle.

"I know you're hungry. You did not eat any foods on our way."

Actually, he offered some foods in his car, but I did not grab any.

"No, I'm not hungry."

But my stomach betrayed me. It growls.

"Here, eat while listening to them." He gave me a box of jollibee with two pieces of chicken with rice.

Kanela and Micah directed their eyes to me, questioning. But instead of explaining, I eat first because I can see his eyes looking at me again.

Few more minutes, it is Kanela's turn.

She went in the center to pick a question.

"What I am jealous of?" she read it.

It's kinda weird. Why there is a question like that?

"I am jealous of getting small amount of attention, while others get all the attention I needed. It usually happens with my family's attention, friends, teachers and even the person I like having his full attention to the person he loves and that's not me."

I smirked. Bravo!

Everyone shouted "aww" in her last line.

I continue eating. I'm starving.

It is Micah's turn. The question she got is "What do you love the most?" She answers with a smile.

I haven't finished eating, and it is my turn.

"What do you hate the most?" I smiled.

"What I hate the most? It is when a person I treated as my family betrayed me or treat me like one of his or her enemy. Doing something behind my back, ruining my reputation and dignity. Another, betraying me without knowing my side and the truth." I took a glance on where she stands, Kanela.

I smiled on everyone and walk towards my place. Furthermore, I saw my food filled with sand. I felt sad, I'm still hungry.

I looked around and saw him walking again, holding a plastic.

"Eat again."

I mouthed thank you to him.

And to my surprise, the plastic consist of three burgers, large fries and regular mcfloat. He's spoiling me again.

"Sorry about the food Shiloa, I accidentally stepped on." Micah said.

"It's fine. You want some?"

"No, I'm good."

I saw HER smile. She thinks I bought the explanation of Micah, but she's wrong, I know she's the reason.