
Chapter 12

"Hello, Dad!" I said with a smile to hide my fear.

"Have you been there since what time?"

"Just now, Dad, I forgot my phone in my room and dropped it while rushing."

I noticed him nod, and I believe that is a sign of agreement.

"By the way, where are you going?"

"Dad, I'll stay in Steve's condo."

"All right, sweetie, come here."

My heart is racing so fast that I'm hoping he won't notice. He kissed my forehead and hugged me.

"I have to get going, Dad; Steve is waiting outside."

"Be careful."

To alleviate my fear, I walk quickly.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, let's get out of here."

"Tell me first, it appears that someone is looking for you."

"I'll tell you when we get there; just let us go."

I was finally able to catch my breath. What I've discovered continues to astound me. How long has he been doing this?

"Would you like to share, Shiloa?"

"Do you have any idea what Dad's business is?"

"As far as I'm aware, he's the CEO."

"What company's CEO?"

"I'm not sure why you asked."

"As I was about to leave, I heard him on his phone talking to someone."


"The discussion."


"They're talking about d-drugs." I'm hoping I can put my faith in this man.

"Drugs? What kind of drugs? Medicine?"

"I'm not sure; I have a feeling it's not medicine."

"Would you like to file a report?"


"Shiloa, I'm right next to you; don't yell."

"I don't want a broken family, especially since I'm still suffering from amnesia."

"Are you certain?"

"I don't have proof, and he almost caught me a while ago."

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"I'm listening to their conversation and, out of fear, I drop my phone; I hope he accepts my explanation."

"Are you still interested in staying in that house?"

"Steve, if I leave home, Dad will think I've found out something about him."

"Perhaps that wasn't the first time you heard something."

"What do you mean?"


We didn't bring it up again. I simply let my fear fade away as we proceeded down the road.

"We've arrived once more."

"Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience."

"It's fine; I insisted on having you stay with me for a week." We walked right into his apartment.

"Take a break. That's your room," he said, pointing to the door on our left.

I didn't say anything. I'm still having trouble forgetting what I heard. I take a look around the room and notice that it is predominantly blue. The only thing I see are paintings on the walls. I closed my eyes and lay down on the bed.

I was in the middle of a nap when I heard a knock.

"Can you tell me who that is?"

"Steve," he say, almost forgetting that I'm not at home.


"Let's grab a bite to eat."

You're probably wondering why the Dean didn't text me about school right now. I don't have class today because it's Saturday.

"Okay." I took a casual walk.

"You have the appearance of a zombie, sis."

"I'm still groggy from not getting enough sleep."

"Eat first, then go back to sleep."

McDonald's was on the table. I believe he placed his order via the internet. Because of my phone and what happened in the house, we forgot to have a drive-thru.

I didn't speak to him again. My attention is drawn to the food in front of me. I'm not sure why I'm still craving it after eating it last night.

"I'm going to sleep."

"OK, take a good rest." Before I went to my room, he kissed my forehead.

My eyes made the decision to sleep the moment I felt comfortable in my bed.

I awoke to the sound of silence throughout the house. Steve, I believe, is still sleeping. I went to the fridge to see what I could make for dinner.

"Are you awake already?"

"Do you think you see a ghost, bro?"

"All right, Shiloa the philosopher, here we go."

"Do you want me to put poison on your food if you don't stop talking?"

"You're a complete moron."

He's engrossed in what I'm doing in the kitchen.

"I had no idea you could cook."

"I really don't know how to cook." I noticed how his eyes formed a circle.

"Leave it to me to cook."

"Relax, I just watched something on YouTube."

"Please take those things away from you; I don't want to be poisoned."

"You're so bad. I know I can cook, but I was referring to my mind, which is currently suffering from forgetfulness, when I said, 'I really don't know how to cook.'"

"You can't hold it against me; I don't want to die."

"What makes you think I'd kill you?"

"I'm aware you're sick with me."


The doorbell goes off.

"Leave it to me to open the door, and cook well."

I concentrate on cooking. If you're curious about what I'm cooking right now, it's chicken curry.

"Shiloa?" I know who is it. He's perplexed because I'm wearing an apron and holding a spoon.


"Is this for real?"

"You see, Shiloa, your cooking amuses us."

"Shut up, boys. I'm still Shiloa."

"I'll prepare myself." Dean stated.

"Me, too," Steve said being the second demotion.

"I'm finished. Set the table."

"Let's eat, but first, let's do a taste test."

"You should go first, bro."

"No, you should go first."

"Come on, you're both tasting the food at once."

They hadn't yet quarrelled. They take a spoonful of soup and taste it. I awaited their response.

"It's great!" they both exclaim.

"Are you guys serious?"

"Yes, so let's eat."

I observed them taking turns getting rice. I'm overjoyed that they enjoy it.

"Don't eat hurriedly."

"You can't blame us, sis, because the food is fantastic."

"You said you didn't want to be poisoned by my dish a while back, but now you really want to die."

I noticed how full they were after dinner. They didn't leave a single grain of rice on the plate. I'm in the mood to be productive for them right now, so I wash the dishes.

"Are you not sick?" Dean inquired.

"I'm just in a good mood."


Because the girls are calling me right now, I didn't have time to enjoy the night with them.

"Hello, guys!"

"My ghad Shiloa, we thought you forgot about us already." Madison, with her acting skills.

"I'm sorry; a lot of things have happened recently."

"How are you feeling right now?" Kanela questioned.

"Well, I'm fine; I apologize for not being able to assist you with the group project."

"It's fine; we've heard you were rushed to the hospital." -Micah


"Do you have any good news?" Kanela solicited.

With that question, I was able to compose a practical joke to see how they reacted.

"I got some good news."

"What is it?" they all asked at the same time.

"I'm able to recall everything now."