

Promise75 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

Zhang Lixue, went to work the next day feeling very refreshed after a good night sleep. She was ready to tackle the day's work. After she arrived at work, she checked and found out that she had a lot of time left, there fore.she went to fill out the forms for a temporary accommodation at the hospital. After she finished, she went up to the VIP ward to take over from Fang Xi and the nurse on the night shift. After checking to make sure that the patient's vitals sign on the chart tallied with that of the report she officially commenced her shift with the day nurse.

The patient's condition had remained the same over the night. Basically their duty was that of monitoring and intervention if necessary. Later in the shift, she planned to change his catheter and send a sample of his urine to the laboratory for culturing. For now she merely sat in her cubicle opposite the patient and monitored him. Just like that the day progressed without incidences. The bodyguards were most cooperative and did not interfert with their clinical duties but remained stoically at the entrance to the ward.

In the evening she decided to change the catheter alongside the nurse, She cleaned the phallus and lifted up the catheter to begin insertion after ensuring adequate lubrication.

However, just as she had just lifted the phallus to start insertion another hand held her tightly on the wrist, the nurse who was standing by the door suddenly exclaimed " doctor he's awake".

Zhang Lixue was startled and looked up to see a dark fathomless eyes starring at her from an extremely handsome face.

"Who are you? what are you trying to do? he asked wrinkling his forehead and starring at her intensely.

In her few years in medical practice Zhang Lixue had never seen a patient waking up from unconsciousness so suddenly. She quite forgot that she was still holding the phallus and the nurse seeing the situation was so confused that she could not make a sound. she just covered her mouth with her hands.

He growled," Can you let go of my thing? I ask again who are you? And what do you think you are doing?

Zhang Lixue came to a sudden realisation, and quickly let go of his phallus, a deep red color stained her cheeks right down to her ears and neck.

She took a deep breath and faced him saying, "mister I am doctor Zhang. You've been unconscious for some time now. What you see me doing is a routine procedure for unconscious patients, to aid them to pass urine. Otherwise they would do it on the bed."

He looked steadily at her and without pursuing the issue asked ," get me some water". Where is my cell phone.?

Zhang Lixue quickly asked the nurse to get him some water and told him that he probably lost his cell phone when he had the accident. She went to place a call to their superior Dr Jiang.

After the making the call, she also thought to place a call to the director but felt it was not in her place to do so.

She turned and saw the patient drinking tastily and said, " sir it would be better if you take sips, for now.

After he had finished drinking she decided to examine him again and take some samples for the laboratory. However, he declined and said, "I am fine."

Zhang Lixue tried to explain to him why it was important to examine him but he firmly refused the examination.

Just when she was at loss what next to do, she heard some foot steps coming towards the ward and sighted Dr Jiang. It was only then she heaved a sigh of relief.