

Promise75 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Zhang Lixue collected a copy of the roster from Fang Xi. She had graciously put her on morning duty since she was already at the hospital. So she proceeded to change to her scrubs and move to the topmost floor where the VIP patient was admitted.

After checking the vital signs of the patient and noticing that it was stable, she settled down at the doctor's station directly opposite the patient. For want of what to do,she brought out her phone and scrolled through entertainment news, feeling bored with this she decided to play games with her phone. She had arranged with the nurse to check the patient's chart every quarter hourly so that she would need not miss a thing, should there be any change in the patient's condition.

After a while, she paused and looked at the patient, from his statistics she knew

that he was about 1.63 meters tall and she also knew that he was surnamed

Ming. For a man he was extremely handsome though at the moment he appeared pale. She wondered what kind of family he was from, well for her the most important thing is to make sure she was not found wanting in her duty.

As she pondered on this she heard foot steps from the corridor and immediately she was alert. She exchanged glances with the nurse and it was tacitly agreed that the nurse should move quickly to the door of the ward to stop whomever from coming in. They had not wanted to activate the glass barrier so that they could move freely into and out of the ward. No sooner had the nurse reached the the door than a middle aged woman, opened the door to the private ward and made to rush in.

" Ming..... oh my God, what happened, how did you get to this state? She made as if to move to the patient's side however the nurse did not allow her.

' Madam please, the patient is currently unconscious and should not be disturbed. You can observe him from the barrier line there. The red line means you cannot come in beyond the line, thanks for your understanding,"the nurse admonished.

" Just who do you think you are to stop me from seeing my son?" the middle aged woman coldly glared at the nurse.

The nurse was not intimidated as she replied again politely," I am sorry madam, I am just doing my job. It's a common medical policy in this hospital that patient's relatives should not pass beyond this point."

" Rules are made to be broken, who made such an obnoxious rule, that a mother cannot even see her son? Someone get me my phone let me call the director, let's see how long you'll remain a nurse in this hospital,"the middle aged woman said coldly again. Zhang Lixue could not wait any longer, she left the cubicle and moved to where the nurse was standing. Noting that the woman was a bit distracted, she tapped the nurse lightly on the shoulder and mouthed the word "leave I'll handle this'. The nurse left quietly. By now a young man had handed over a phone from outside the door to the middle aged lady. Seeing that she was about to start dialing a number, Zhang Lixue quickly said, " hello madam, my name is Dr Zhang, I am a member of the teams of doctors managing this patient, how may I be of help to you?

The middle aged woman stopped diallying feeling that she had found an ally she said," I came to see my son but that nurse said I am not allowed to enter the ward, and that it's a hospital rule. I wonder who made such obnoxious rule.'

" Please ma can you come with me, while I resolved this. This way please., said Zhang Lixue as she stepped out of the ward to the consulting room opposite. She met with a few body guards on the corridor, obviously they came with the woman.