

Promise75 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

She finished her shift and decided to grab her dinner in town since she it was late and she did not want to bother the cooks. She drove her car to the restaurant and was able to get a table in a quiet corner. She did not want to attract any attention to herself. The waiter came along, took her order, before bringing her a glass of water. She sipped her water, while silently scrolling through her phone.

It was not long when a young man in black suit casually sauntered over to her and said

"Hey beauty, can we dine together"?

" No thanks, am waiting for someone," Zhang Lixue politely replied.

The young man was not put off as he promptly said, "okay then can we chat while you wait for your date?"

" Am sorry, I don't chat with strangers" she replied. In order not to encourage him, she turned away still playing with her phone. The young man seeing that he had been ignored silently slithered away.

It was not long when the waiter brought her dishes and spread it on the table. She was a healthy eater and so she had added a few vegetable dishes to her order. She picked her chop stick and ate elegantly.

After she finished her meal, she rejected the desert but ordered for a cup of tea which she savoured as she drank it slowly till she finished. She called for her bill not forgetting to leave a healthy tip for the waiter.

She passes quietly by and a few heads turned in her direction, but she kept her head down and hurried to the packing lot, located her car and settled in the car before driving home.

It was rather late when she got home, however, the security recognised her car and let her in. After locking up her car the Butler opened the door for her and she asked about her parents but was told that her mum had gone to bed while her dad was still in the study. She made her way silently to the study in order not to disturb her mum and knocked gently on the door of the study. The door was opened from the inside and her father's eyes lit up upon seeing her. He loved this daughter of his. He released a silent sigh after seeing that she was back home safely. He had gifted her a few bodyguards but she rejected with the reason that she would feel that her privacy was invaded if she had people following her about. He had considered hiring a few secret guards for her but he knew that if she discovered this she would be very angry with him and this could affect their father and daughter relationship,. Zhang Hong sighed again, and gently led her to a seat in the study.

"How was your shift"? he asked

" Dad it was busy, but then that's the joy of the profession. "Without the patients we are nothing!" Lixue replied tiredly.

" It's fine to work hard but don't overwork yourself" her father replied. 'I can always open a hospital for you to manage, then you can employ a lot of doctors so that you can have some time to yourself" he added.

Lixue could not help but sigh inwardly, her parents had always tried to push her into they life of an heiress but such a life was useless for her. She liked being active, dormancy had never being her style. Not wanting to abuse her father's good will she replied " Dad if I am tired of working in a public hospital, I'll let you know. Just give me some time to learn from others first."

Her dad said," okay, since you've worked so hard today, I'll not keep you.

" Alright Dad, goodnight" replied Lixue as she left the study.