
You can't have me

She’s high and mighty, she’s classy, she’s the CEO. She thinks everyone else is worthless. She knows that she needs to find and taste love as soon as possible because her time is running out. She has just one year to live. “I married a Vampire, not that I have a choice, but that is the only way I’m going to stay alive. Now I don’t know if I’m one of them..”

AuthorBeauty · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Made for her protection

"What do you mean, what I'm doing here?" Emily thought his question was kind of strange. She's a full grown ass woman and he dares to ask her that?

"Um, nothing, just curious," He said, smiling at her..

Emily had had enough smiles from just one family. She concluded they are very nice people and she thinks that this Zara girl is lucky to marry into this family..

"Feel free, sit" he motion for Emily to sit after him. He could see how nervous she was..

"First, why would my brother invite you he

re, knowing we booked this whole hotel, and he's getting…" he pause, he didn't want to appear stabbing his brother at his back, but c'mon, he's getting engage today, what did he need another woman for?..

"You were saying?" Emily asked, seeing that he paused.

"Never mind, care for a drink?" he asked instead..

"No, I rather drink with your brother. "

"Hahaha, don't be ridiculous, he's with his girlfriend upstairs, and mother hates it that he invited you to his engagement party, so she asks me to take care of you. So…" he moved closely towards Emily..

"Stop!" she yells with both eyes closed.

"Don't come close to me, besides I'm leaving" she pushed him aside and walked to the door..

"Listen, mother didn't want you to disrupt Leo's engagement party tomorrow. "

Emily stopped instantly and turned to face him.. "And who told you I'm about to do that? Look, I don't know who Leo is and I'm leaving" she opened the door but Alex grab her hand..

"Wait, you have to wait for Leo, he will get angry at me for not protecting you. "

"Protecting me?" she scoffed at Alex.. "And why would I want your protection? Listen, I was just passing by okay. I don't know you, I don't know who Leo is, and I certainly do not know what you guys are talking about. So excuse me," she walked out to the reception hall and out to her car..

"Hey, you're leaving?" Leo stood at the entrance and called out to her..

"Get the fuck off" she muttered, waving him off with one hand. She entered her car, sharking her head in frustration. She wondered who the hell they think that she was..

"I'm not looking for no cheap boyfriend, damn it!" she curse and starts her engine.

"Stop!" Leo was in front of her car within a split second. How he got there was just too surprising to her..


"Please, don't go, is dangerous out there, is getting late, stay here tonight, and tomorrow you can leave," He pleaded with her..

Emily could feel the gentleness in his voice and just wish she could have him, but it was too late, he's  engage to another woman..

"I would love to, but no thanks, I think I will just get another hotel. I don't want to disturb your engagement,"

Leo was worried. How can he let her out of his sight knowing that she's far away from where humans are?

 This is Groff Town, a place only for Vampires. He knew Emily won't make it alive to the next town if she drives out of the hotel..

"Is getting late, just stay, and tomorrow you can leave," he insisted.

"No thanks," she pulled her car a little but Leo blocked her way..

"What the f*ck are you doing?, get the hell out of my way," she yells at him for the first time..

"I love you, don't leave me," he said, shocked at himself, but yeah, that was the only thing he could come up with to try to stop her from going into town.

"What! You can't love her!" Leo's mom was standing at the entrance of the hotel. She heard everything, looking at her son going after another woman. It breaks her heart and she has to stop him..

"Leo, let her go, let her go, son. "

"Listen to your mother and stop acting like you know me" Emily stepped on the accelerator and speed out of the hotel.

"Shit!" Leo could not stand it. He hurried to his car and went after her.

Driving for an hour, she came to another hotel and she breathe a sign of relief.

"Nonsense! Royal Family my foot!," she mumbled under her breath while looking at the hotel from inside her car with a bright smile on her face..

"I can now have a good night's rest," she exhale..

Getting out of her car, she walked inside to make a reservation.

"Why stand here staring at her like that?" Alex asked Leo, startling him..

He has been driving behind Emily but refuses to get down when they pulled up at the hotel. he just sat there staring at her as she picked her bag and went into the hotel.

"What are you doing here?" Leo ask his younger brother Alex.

"Same thing you are doing, protecting her," Alex pointed in Emily's direction. . "You can leave her to me, go back to Zara.." Alex said with a smile.

"Take your hands off, she's mine!" Leo warns..

"Yours! How? She was never yours. You have Zara, and besides, she is a human girl,"

"Of course I know she is a human girl. I'm just protecting her because I know she lost her way. If she knows where she is, she won't want to spend one more second here." He said, but the look in his eyes gave him away.

"Really? Is that your only reason?" Alex asks Leo. "Okay, I should go in there and tell her myself" Alex moved ahead of Leo but he grabbed him, pulling him back..

"What do you want?" Leo asked.

"I want her, I should have her and I promise to protect her. "

Leo thought long and hard.. "I saw her first, and I want to protect her. "

Alex scoffed at him.. "Really? You can't protect Zara and that human girl at once. Go back to Zara and I will take care of things here."

"I don't want to" he sat back inside his car while Alex stood beside him..

"I don't want Zara. Mother keeps pushing her to me, and I don't like it,"

"I know how you feel, but you have to make this sacrifice for the family. You know how mother can be. She would stop at nothing to marry you off to the richest family in Groff Town."

"You talk as if we are not rich. I want love, not contract marriage. "

The conversation was long and the two brothers sat in front of Leo's car talking into the night.

Actually it was their first time talking like this for a long time, they have really not been on good talking terms with each other.

They were still talking when they noticed a female figure on one of the hotel window.

The lights were on and the window where down, but they could still see the figure clearly..

"Is her!" they both muttered.

They were still staring at the figure when all of a sudden, she took off her clothes revealing her breast, it was standing firm and looking so appealing, they almost choke when she grabbed both breast and squeeze on them.

Leo prayed silently that she should go away from the window, as he could not tell Alex to stop staring.

"Wow! She looks tempting," Alex muttered, but Leo was quiet.

"Lets go back, I think she's safe now" Leo suggested to Alex because he wanted to take his brother away from there, but Alex was no longer that kid he used to push around.

"You can go without me, bro," he said, not breaking his gaze away from the mesmerizing sight of Emily's standing breast.

"Fine, I'm going in there to tell her to step out of the window" Leo walked towards the hotel door but Alex promise to stop staring.

His phone rang, and it was his mother…

"Mom, are you okay? What is wrong?" Leo asked, his voice sound worried, so Alex break his gaze from staring at Emily.


"I don't know, mom seems to be crying over the phone," Leo told Alex.

"Let's go,"

Stepping on the accelerator, they both speed off to the hotel only to meet mother and there would be daughter-in-law chatting and a bright smile playing on both of their faces.

"Hey, mom!" Leo asked. "What seems to be the problem? You sound like you were crying over the phone."

"I just wanted you back here, now get over there and be good to Zara" Leo turn to look at Alex who just roll his eyes and shakes his head.

Maybe I shouldn't be here with you," Alex mumbled, thinking of going back to the hotel where Emily was.  

"Those fools" Emily shakes her head and a smile flashes across her face.. "What do they take me for? I don't give a damn about how rich they are" she smirked at herself in the mirror. The thought of Leo just seem to be lingering in her head. She just couldn't take him out of her mind..

The gentle way he talks to her, the beautiful smile and those set of white teeth, everything just keeps rushing back to her..

"But he's getting engaged, Emily," a voice in her head brought her back to reality..

Sighing, she walk into the bathroom to take her bath before going to bed, but just then, the thought of her parents came to mind and she dial the house number.

Mom on one side of the phone while dad on the other end. "Emily, where are you? We are worried about you, is getting late. Please come back home," they both chorus at once..

"Mom, dad, calm down, I'm okay, I'm not coming home today, you guys should start getting use to my absence, it won't hurt too much when I finally leave," her voice went cold and her mother started crying at the other end..

"Okay, hanging up," Emily hates to hear those whimpering from her mother and especially when it has to do with her..

"Okay, time to take some shower, no crying, no regrets" she wipe the tears that stood in her eyes and made her way to the bathroom..

"Okay…, she's taking a shower, I will just wait here" Alex sat on the bed, took a magazine he found on the table and starts to glance through..

"What the heck are you doing here?" Emily came out of the bathroom totally bare from head to toe. She didn't think she could have company in her own hotel room..

"How did you get in?" she asked again because Alex was totally dumbfounded as he couldn't take his eyes off her twin towers. Damn! That was so inviting.

Emily snap her fingers across his face and he snapped out of it.

"Um," he managed to turn to the door. "The door was open, like, you didn't lock the door,"

"So? Did you lose your way? Because the last time I checked, this is my room. "

"Yeah, yeah, I.. I thought I should just check up on you," Alex stammered, still staring at her twin towers. Her robust, firm breast and pointed nipples were too much for him to just take off his eyes just like that.

"Now get out of my room, you've seen everything, right?" she took a step towards Alex to push him out of her room when Leo pushed entered the room and saw Emily complete uncovered.

"What the!.." He hurried and took the bed sheet to cover her up..

"What are you doing here? I thought you went home?" Leo asked Alex, so furious at him.

Alex didn't say a word. He just turned and left.

"What are you two doing in my hotel room?" Emily turned to face Leo after Alex was out of the room..

"um, you see?" he gently held Emily's shoulders and took her to the bed, making her sit down on it.

She was still covered with the bed sheet and Leo sat down beside her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't take you here myself," he apologized, but Emily scoffed at him..

"Why are you apologizing? I don't know you. I mean, what is going on with you and your brother? Why did you guys followed me here?"

"Um, I, I, is nothing really. I, I mean, we just want to protect you, that's all," Leo said searching her eyes with his..

"Protect me? From what?"

"This is Groff Town, and it will be unwise for you to keep driving all alone. I want you safe, and I will take you back safely to your home.

Emily could not believe her ears. Is she some kind of cry baby? What did they take her for? She's a full grown ass woman and they dare to treat her like a baby?..

"Look, I don't know what you and your brother are up to, but I'm a full grown woman, CEO of Wendy Group of Companies, I'm not your child, I can take care of myself," with that she got up and show him the door.

"Fine, I will go, but stay out of the window, and always put on your clothes. "

"What!" Emily has heard enough.. "Now get out!" she yells at him..

Tired of waiting, Zara stamp her angry feet towards the door to leave the hotel, but Leo's mother won't let her.. "Just a minute, he will be here soon," she smile at Zara, trying to make her relax.

If not for the constant pressuring on her father's side, who is Leo that Zara wants to stay up and wait for this long..

Zara won't get the full right to her father's empire if she insists on staying single..

"You have to get married, I need a man that will have you under control, you are a woman for goodnes's sake!" Zara could still hear those words echoing in her ears as she told her father that she didn't want to get marry.

"Just a minute my dear, just a minute," Leo's mother keep telling Zara.

The world of women, sweet and delicate, is not one for Zara. She's building a cartel of her own, but she still needs her father's money..

"I just have to put up with the old man," Zara muttered and walk back to the room.

"Waiting one more minute won't kill" the skinny woman whispered in Zara's ear and she sat down. She wanted to light up a cigarette, but she had to show some respect to her would be mother-in-law.

She fake a smile and put the cigarette away..

Leo stood at the door, staring at Emily. She's the definition of everything he wants in a woman, soft, sweet, elegant and has a touch of genuineness in her eyes. biting his lower lips, he sigh.

"You are still in my hotel room. Your girlfriend is waiting," Emily reminded him because he seems to be having a hard time leaving the room..

"Yeah, I'm sorry for intruding, I mean I and my brother," he gave her a smile and close the door behind him.

"Fuck!" Emily curse, she knew she shouldn't have let him out of her sight, but that will make her appear easy to get, besides he's getting engage tomorrow.

Reluctantly making his way back the the hotel, Leo's mother hurried to meet him..

"Are you insane? How is that you keep Zara waiting and you want after another woman?" his mother hit him on his shoulder, almost crying, but Leo held her.

"Mom, is complicated, but I'm here now,"

"Hurry, go to Zara, she's still waiting, you must make it up to het" his mother pushed him forward, and he opened the door to see Zara almost lighting a cigarette..

"You can't do that in here" Leo took the cigarette from her..

"Are you done running after your little girlfriend? Look, I don't care what you do with your little d*ck, just sign the damn papers and we can be married only on papers, while you're free to run around with your little girls.

I promise you, I will be traveling round the world minding my own damn business" Zara said and took out another cigarette..

"You don't want to be married, do you? Neither do I, so let's just call this quit," Leo grind his teeth at Zara.

"Hmm, tell that to your mother and my father, in as much as I don't want to marry you, I still need my father's help," Zara said, smiling mischievously at Leo..


A knock landed on the door, and Emily roll her eyes, wondering what was wrong with Leo. She thought he went back already. Why is he here again?

"What?" she opened the door but was surprise to see Alex smiling down at her, licking his upper lips.

It makes her really mad, seems like she was expecting to see Leo and not Alex, after all she regrets talking harshly to Leo just now.

"Why in heaven's name are you here again? I thought I made it clear. I don't need your protection or anyone else's help.

Walking angrily to the door, she showed Alex out..

"Um, I'm I that ugly?" Alex smiles to himself knowing he's more handsome than Leo, but why is it that this girl seems to like Leo more than him?

"Look, I don't mean any harm okay, I'm here to help" his hand wondering towards Emily, he wants to hold her hand, but she got away..

"I'm calling the police now, you gave me no choice," reaching out to the telephone..

His eyes glue to her body, Alex smiled. "Fine, I will leave, just be careful. "

Leaving the room, Emily breath a sigh of relief. "but what is wrong with them? Why are they warning her to be careful? She wondered.