
You Broke Me First (completed)

Betrayed by his Alpha boyfriend, Ricky an Omega, also died by an accident caused by his boyfriend. When he really thought he died, he suddenly opened his eyes to find himself in the future time with a new body owned by Daveryl Ortega, a senior high student who haven't differentiated yet so his parents think he's a Beta. And not only that, the boyfriend who betrayed him in his previous life, is the father of Jobel Lopez, the alpha who was the reason why his parents in his new life died. Revenge is now in his hands, especially that his new guardian, the boss of his late parents, Jamie Razon, is the number one richest man in the country. And a dominant Alpha. The only problem is that, when Jaime is in his rut, he accidentally marked someone that he doesn't remember who. Until Ziana Lopez said, she was the one who he marked, and he have to take responsibility by protecting her from her family's enemy. Daveryl ally became his enemy, and his real enemy wants to be his ally. Is just that, there's no secrets that never been discovered. Especially when Daveryl suddenly changed his secondary gender.

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs


"It's not impossible, it's just, will Daveryl and his new alpha agree?" Kate asked knowingly while staring at the handsome man.

It was as if the sky had covered Jaime, who even flinched the finger holding the spoon. He gently looked at Daveryl next to himwho as if he didn't hear anything. He wanted to ask the young man if he would agree or not? However, he was nervous about what Daveryl might answer him. He knows that he is the reason why he changed the mark, he hurt the man he promised to protect, so it is no wonder if he does not agree to return the old mark that he did.

"Stop talking about the unnecessary things and just eat, I still need to go to the police station to confirm my assumptions." Daveryl said without looking at the four people in front of him.

"Right! I was also confused." Lander spoke. "Was it really true that you almost got kidnapped last night?" He asked.

Daveryl nodded his head. "Yeah, luckily, Mr. Razon came just in time." He answered.

"Then who is the mastermind?" Lucas asked with frown.

"We still investigating. And If my hunch is correct, what happened here is connected to what happened last night." Jaime is the one who answered.

"Scary, I think, you really should live with Mr. Razon again, Davy. Who knows? Maybe the mastermind did the same thing again. You need to be careful and stay where your safety is ensured." Kate spoke too.

"I agree.." It's Lander.

"Me too. Even your Alpha is Mr. Prowells, he's manpower is lesser than Mr. Razon. Think about your safety first." Lucas seriously said too.

It's funny to think that he has friends like the three in front of him now. When he was still alive as Ricky, he had friends, but they were all after his money and power. Only now did he experience having someone worry for his safety.

"Let me talk to my alpha first." He said, without looking at Jaime. "Are you guys finished? Let's go. And please tell our professors that I will be having an absent for today's afternoon."

All of his friends nodded. He called the waiter to ask their bill but Jaime is the one who paid. He couldn't reject him because he already handed his card to the waiter so he just sits there and stare at the handsome man. Jaime noticed his glare and look at him. Their eyes met but Daveryl didn't withdraw and just continue to stare.

He saw Jaime gulped so he mindlessly licked his own lips. The situation is quite uncomfortable for the three onlookers who are speechless. They wanted to stop the two but they couldn't. Fortunately, the waiter returned and the uncomfortable scene ended.

"Drive safely Lucas." Daveryl remind his friend Lucas.

"Yeah.. I will. Take care of you two."

When the three finally left, Jaime support him to get in his car. But just Daveryl got seated, the back of his head suddenly grabbed by the man who just also got entered the car.

"Drive to the police station." Jaime instructed his driver before capturing Daveryl's lips.

The young man was a little bit shocked but chose to accept the kiss that his alpha gave him. He feels the butterfly on his stomach when Jaime's tongue entered his mouth. His kiss is sweet and deep. Daveryl couldn't helped but gasped when Jaime suck his tongue, he started to feels hot and wanting more. Especially when Jaime left his lips and landed a kiss on his neck.

Daveryl literally cursed inside his mind. The situation is quite dangerous but.. He really needs more! He once again gasp when Jaime gently bite his neck and suck it a little. Out of control, he raised his hand and buried his fingers through his hair and pulled him to himself.

"Damn it!" He heard Jaime cursed. "Davy.. Live with me." He mumbled.

"Is it because of my safety or because you want me?" Daveryl asked directly.

If the man answered the last one, he'll going to punch him really hard! He swear!

"Both, and also because I want to take you away from that fox."

"Fox? Who?"


"He's a doctor, not a fox.

"He's a fox! He tamed you and took away from me."

"He took me away from you because he saw me being abandoned by you."

Daveryl bit his lips, did he say too much? Jaime didn't answer and just keeps nuzzling on his neck while his embrace to him got tightened.

"I know I was wrong, I didn't listen to my heart when it told me to choose you. I'm sorry. But Davy, if you just give me another chance to mark you again, I promise, I'll be the greatest Alpha of yours." Jaime is talking while touching his pheromones gland.

Daveryl feel the burning sensation of his gland, it's as if his pheromones want to greet it's Alpha. How sweet and cute, but it's still not the right time for that. He still have something to take care of.

"Let's talk about that some other time, I guess we're here." Daveryl look outside the window of the car saw that they are almost at the station gate.

Jaime lazily withdraw himself from him and also look outside.

When the car stopped, they both get down the car and walk inside the gate of the police station where the complainant is waiting for them.

Inside, the two women he was talking to earlier were already sitting. Ziana is no longer wearing her hood and face mask. When they noticed their arrival, they all turned their heads to look at them. The police officer greeted them but Daveryl focused on the old woman. She looks so fierce and angry, obviously.

"Well, since everyone is here, let's continue." The police officer spoke.

Daveryl took his seat as well as Jaime. He told him to do not speak until he allows him to speak for me. Jaime refused at first but still agreed.

"We found the envelopes with some documents inside, and we also found another hidden envelopes hid in the safely box that we forcefully opened according to the house owner. In short, we didn't do anything against the law." The officer explains.

"Did you guys open those envelopes with me?" Daveryl asked seriously.

"No! Rest assured Mr. Ortega, nothing has been opened to make this case fairly enough."

"Great, then let's begin opening them. But before that, do I have to dropped down my formula?"

"There's no need! I already have it in my hands!" The old woman speak louder.

She's referring to the formula he mentioned during the public endorsement.

"Very well.. But in addition, I want to call Mr. Prowells to do the process of making the product. How's that?" He said while smiling. "I'll also asked him to bring the ingredients of course."

"I think, that's necessary." The officer agreed.

Daveryl feels the irritation of the person besides him but he didn't give attention to him. He instead look at the old woman who is now frowning in front of him.

"Don't worry, as what you've said, I stole your husband's formula right?" He said.

"Mrs. Austria, agree to him. Your husband's formula is very well alike to his formula. And beside, the written formula of your late husband has a date on it." Ziana speak while grinning.

Daveryl smirked. Of course he knows that! He was the one who wrote that, hello!

"Alright, call him here, immediately." The old woman said.

Daveryl nodded and get his phone. He dialed Ivan's number and tell him to come to his location with ALL the ingredients of his product. He was furious at first but when he explain the situation, the man seriously cursed before saying yes.

They've waited for at least 20 minutes until I can arrived. He immediately come to him and hug him tightly and whispered.

"Are you sure, you're going to tell them the two main medicinal ingredients of your product?!" Ivan still sounds furious.

He giggle and tap his back. "Of course not, but I still need them." He said.

Ivan let out a frustrated sigh before giving his deadly glare to Miss. Lopez. Ziana seems unbothered and just smile like a fool.

"Let's begin the process.. according to Mrs. Austria's formula." Daveryl said.

He almost stumbled when Jaime suddenly pulled his waist away from Ivan.

He didn't react and just let the man hug him from behind. Ivan angrily followed his order and listen to the old woman's words for 5 minutes. After that, everyone gasps except Daveryl who is now sitting elegantly on his seat with his arms closed.

The old woman started trembling as her face turned pale. Ziana Lopez also turned pale. The police officer is just watching with amazement.

"W-why? H-how isn't it like the product you released?" The woman nervously asked.

Daveryl nodded to Ivan when he look at him. His doctor friend speak after.

"It will never be the same, because your formula and medicinal ingredients are missing the two main medicinal ingredients. I wonder, if your husband doctor was the one who wrote this formula for how long? 28 years? Yeah.. According to this paper." Ivan take a peek to the paper that the old woman is holding. "Why does he still not produced the product if he was the one who thought of this? It's already been 28 years." Ivan continue.

"Why don't we open the envelopes?" Jaime speak coldly.

The old woman slowly taken a back but the police officer started opening the envelopes. But after looking at the papers, he suddenly stunned.

"This...how is this possible?!" He exclaimed.