
You Broke Me First (completed)

Betrayed by his Alpha boyfriend, Ricky an Omega, also died by an accident caused by his boyfriend. When he really thought he died, he suddenly opened his eyes to find himself in the future time with a new body owned by Daveryl Ortega, a senior high student who haven't differentiated yet so his parents think he's a Beta. And not only that, the boyfriend who betrayed him in his previous life, is the father of Jobel Lopez, the alpha who was the reason why his parents in his new life died. Revenge is now in his hands, especially that his new guardian, the boss of his late parents, Jamie Razon, is the number one richest man in the country. And a dominant Alpha. The only problem is that, when Jaime is in his rut, he accidentally marked someone that he doesn't remember who. Until Ziana Lopez said, she was the one who he marked, and he have to take responsibility by protecting her from her family's enemy. Daveryl ally became his enemy, and his real enemy wants to be his ally. Is just that, there's no secrets that never been discovered. Especially when Daveryl suddenly changed his secondary gender.

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs


A drop of tears fell from Ziana's eyes as she stared into her father's eyes. She couldn't think of a reason why her father was so angry right now. If she did anything wrong, it happened last night. Suddenly, she remembered what happened last night.

"Are you still angry because of what I did last night? I already said sorry! I was just jealous!" Ziana shouted with tears in her eyes.

She couldn't understand why her father and brother were so angry just because she slapped Daveryl last night. He deserved it! he mocked her last night! Pretending to be pitiful in his father's eyes to win him over. That man is a fox!

"Yeah, you did! But don't you know? His face is now swollen! And your brother, the future chairman of the Lopez is being avoided by him! And for sure, he will also avoid me, because of you!" Her father shouted again.

"You're mad at me because I slapped him, but you never asked me why I did that! Father, aren't you being unfair? I am your daughter! That man mocked me, he even told me that I will be charged for what I did to him!" Ziana said while crying.

She was being mocked and framed, but her own father didn't even ask her. If that fox is telling that she snatched his alpha, that wasn't even her fault. Jaime was the one who mistakenly recognized her. She tried to explain but he didn't give her a chance!

"Who will believe your lie? I didn't hear Daveryl say that. What I heard was him apologizing to you, even though it was your fault." Her father said.

"He whispered to me, father. He didn't let both of you and Jobel heard it!"

"Enough! Do you think I'm stupid?! Daveryl won't leave his guardian because of you! Jaime didn't even mark you, for Christ's sake! What do you think will he do to you, once he found out? Huh?!"

It was as if cold water was poured on Ziana when she heard it. Jaime is a dominant Alpha, if he found out that she deceived him, she will definitely experience the cruelty of a Razon.

"F-Father, you're not thinking of telling Jaime the truth, right?" Ziana feels nervous of a sudden. "I promise I will never touch Daveryl again, Father, but please, don't tell Jaime the truth. I love him! I'm doing this because I love him!" Ziana almost begged her father while speaking.

Cedric was secretly stunned. Suddenly, the scene where Ricky almost begged his Father just for him came to his mind. He felt a pinch in his heart at that moment.

"Make sure you never see Daveryl again. Let him be with your brother, and I will not tell your Alpha about your secret." Cedric said after sighing.

"I will not, I promise.!

"But if you deceive me, trust me Ziana. Even if you're my daughter, I won't let it pass." Cedric words gives chill to Ziana. "Now get out." He then added.

Ziana fixed herself before leaving her father's office. Her face gets darkened after getting out. The look on her eyes became murderous. That Daveryl is threat for her, she must do something. If she can't touch him first, she'll make him touch her first.

She stays in her office for one hour before she went out.

She also traveled half an hour to Razon's company building. And because she was already known in the area, she quickly got inside and went straight to Jaime's office. She saw the man with a dark face while facing a laptop. Jaime is also releasing his pheromones and she's being affected.

But the only problem is, Jaime can't feel her Omega pheromones because he will only be affected by Daveryl's pheromones. That's why, she asked her stupid younger brother to mark Daveryl. To somehow replace the mark, so that the bond between Jaime and Daveryl will be cut off. If that's happened, Jaime will starts feeling other Omegas pheromones again.

"What are you doing here?" His cold vomit touches her heart.

She couldn't really understand why since she first saw the man, she was fascinated by him. Jaime is handsome, tall, rich and a Powerful Dominant alpha. What stupid woman doesn't like such a guy? The only problem is, even though he's 30 years old, he still hasn't had a serious relationship.

"I'm sorry to be a disturbance for you. I'm just feeling down. I had a quarrel with my father." She said.

"Quarrel? Why is that?" Jaime is asking her but he never look at her eyes.

She bit her own lip before speaking again. "Because I accidentally slapped the person who insulted me in front of them."

"Ah-huh! How that person insult you?"

Ziana felt a pinch in her heart. This was not the reaction she wanted to see from Jaime. The man recognized her as his Omega, so he should show concern for her because someone else insulted her! Is it difficult to make him feel that?

"T-That.." She can't find a word to answer him.

"So, you slapped someone because you mistakenly thought that person insulted you? Aren't you being childish? I can't believe you hurt someone without reason." Jaime even shookt his head.

Again, Ziana feels pain in her heart. Her eyes feels warm, and she wants to cry. She didn't do anything wrong. Daveryl played her in front of her Father and brother. They didn't see it because they were focused on her. She maybe insulted him first, but that was because she thought he came to their house because of her. It's.. It's all Daveryl's fault!

"I-I guess you're right. I'll apologize to him if I met him again." Ziana stuttered while saying that. "Although he said he'll take revenge on me."

"Him? You mean, he's a boy?"

"Yeah. Never mind, I'll leave now. I'm sorry again, to disturb you." She said. Jaime didn't even hear what she just said about revenge. How heartless.

Jaime just gave her a nod. He didn't even send her out.

Tightly clenching her fists, she left.

Inside Jaime's office, his phone rings. He answer it and talk to the caller.

"Elli.. What's the matter?" He asked his assistant.

"Sir, George called me to inform you, the young master visited the Lopez residence last night and went back with a swollen face. His face is still swollen until this morning and.."

"What did you just say?!"

Jaime almost roar while asking Elli. The deep anger can be feel on his voice.

"I said, young master was slapped by the young Miss of the Lopez family, sir. And his face is still swollen."

The inside of Jaime's office must have been filled with thick and angry pheromones. So, what Ziana was referring to that she slapped, is none other than Daveryl?! His Daveryl?!

Why did the young man go to the Lopez's house? Isn't he hateful to the Lopezes? Wait, did Daveryl go there to start his first revenge plan?! He already said not to touch Ziana, right? Did he insult his Omega on purpose to slap him? so, can he touch the girl?

"Where is Daveryl right now?!" He asked.

The anger that was for Ziana earlier, was transferred to the young man. He said, don't let Daveryl try him, because he doesn't know what he can do.

"He's in school sir." Elli said.

Just after he ended the call, another call from anonymous number rings his phone. He answer it out of curiosity.


"Yes Hello, is this Mr. Razon? The Alpha of Miss Ziana Lopez?"

Jaime frowned upon hearing the boy on the other line. "Yes, who are you?"

"Please come to the ABO hospital immediately. And also, please call her other family relatives if possible. She got a car accident." The boy said.

Jaime's blood seemed to rise to the top of his head at that moment. What Ziana said to him kept ringing in his brain. Also Daveryl's revenge plans on the Lopezes.

"Got it." He coldly said.

He hung up and left the office looking gloomy. Daveryl left his house, replacing him with Ivan as guardian. He let it all go, because he tried to understand the young man. But now that he touched the person under his protection, that was a different story.

"You didn't even care about my warning. Huh.. Let's see what you can do after I fucking twisted your neck." He said angrily.

He drove to the young man's School, but he never reached him there. The guard said he went to the ABO hospital with Jobel. Jaime's anger increased even more at that moment. Everything wasn't a coincidence!

He almost flew up his car while driving, just to get to the Hospital quickly. His body is shaking out of anger. Especially when he saw him inside the hospital, talking happily with Ivan while Jobel besides him.

"Daveryl!" His loud voice shocked everyone.

"Mr.Razon, it's not respectful to suddenly yelled inside the hospital, there are some patients resting inside their room." Ivan speak with Dominant tone.

"Don't fucking interfere! I know what I'm doing! This man, touched my Omega!" Jaime shouted while pointing his finger on Daveryl.

His pheromones also attacking him. Daveryl started panting as he trembles. And before the three Alphas reacted, he dropped on the floor, uncontrollably releasing his own Omega's pheromones.

Jaime jolted as he slowly glance at the man, his heart started beating faster, and his throat went dry, his pheromones gland is opening, and his pheromones accepted the sweet pheromones in the air.