
You Belong With Me (K.V)

Elizabeth Benson is an 18 year old college fresher, she graduated from starlight high school and applied to Hiddlestone College in Chicago which she gets accepted to. She’s from a struggling family of four with a single mom, an elder brother and a younger brother. She leaves them in Los Angeles and moves to Chicago for college. When she gets there she realizes things won’t go the way she thought it would when she meets Nicholas Wilson, a notorious 3rd year student. He’s the definition of ‘cold as ice’, it’s like he doesn’t have a heart. At first he seemed like the hot guy every girl would something to do with until she actually got to know him. He seemed broken the way she was when her college boyfriend destroyed her heart. Things did not start off well because of Nicholas’s negativity, he behaves terribly with people and Elizabeth is no different. She knows she has nothing to do with him especially when she has a boyfriend in high school! Yes, high school. Her heart was broken by her ex-boyfriend who was a college student. She decides to date someone younger than her in high-school as they seem unexperienced as the college students. Difficultly she struggles through college due to finances and also struggles with a person like Nicholas as he makes everyday a living hell for her. She regrets the day she met him but that cannot change the fact that she already met him. She finds a ray of hope when she meets Ethan, Nicholas’s elder brother. He’s considerate, kind, caring and compassionate… Oh and did I mention how dashing he is? He helps her avoid Nicholas’s trouble and things finally change for her. There’s no doubt about her familiarity with Ethan, but she still felt a certain connection between her and Nicholas. Elizabeth feels they’ve been through something similar and they are the only ones who can actually help and understand each other. A lot happens to her but do things change for the better or do things get more complicated when she finds out the lies and deceit being kept from her by someone she cares so dearly about? Who does this to her? And what exactly are the lies and betrayal about? Will she be able to move on, forgive and forget? Or will this lead to another drastic change in her life. Find out in the thrilling, heart-throbbing, butter-fly creating story ‘YOU BELONG WITH ME’.

Keran_Kylie · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Shitty Jacket

But before she could finish her sentence, she threw up.

"PUGGGHHH!" she puked. She had too much alcohol that it made her pour out whatever was inside her digestive system.

Unfortunately, everything that came out of her mouth went down to Nicholas. DAMN!

She placed both her hands on her neck, hoping it would stop all the nonsense from coming out. But to no avail.

She puked and whatever came out of her mouth went down to Nicholas. It dripped from his hair, down to his neck and then his thighs.

"Damn!" some of the people who witnessed this exclaimed.

Slowly, the thick liquid content stopped coming out from her mouth. As soon as it stopped, she coughed out little of it.

"I'm doomed" she finally said.

She sees how she's bathed Nicholas Wilson in her vomit. She sniffs and places both hands on her head. Why didn't he try to move? Why did he sit there like she was showering him money and not the contents of her freaking digestive system?

She doesn't even try running, running would get her in more trouble. She decides to stand her and receive whatever her fate is.

Nicholas whose head and torso is completely drenched in Elizabeth's vomit stands up. He stands on his two feet and glares intently at her. He feels disgusted and irritated by her attitude.

Elizabeth managed to see how dark and cold his eyes are despite her vomit being over his eye lids. She could start crying now, but what's the point?

He looks down at his track hoodie, the stupid girl finally ruined it. He quickly took it off.

At this point, his agitation is at it's peek. He glares at her with every feeling of vexation in him. He could slap her right now, but that might land him in jail. Good God, how much he wishes he can slap and beat her up. Had they been alone without these people here, he would have done exactly that. And she would have no evidence that he did that to her, considering how drunk and wretched she currently is.

He looks down at his jacket in his hand and uses it to wipe the disgusting stuff off his face. He used his beloved jacket to wipe off every stain of Elizabeth's vomit on his body.

Elizabeth stares at him as he cleaned himself up. Elizabeth looks at the jacket in his hand which is wet with her vomit. She then looks at Nicholas who is irritated, he glares at her.

Elizabeth doesn't look away, she looks Nicholas directly in his eyes. She widened her eyes and it made her look like an innocent victim. But that didn't fool Nicholas.

Elizabeth could clearly see how deep and dark his eyes burned with anger. His hazel eyes suddenly turned black. Elizabeth feels intimidated by his glare but she can't look away. She feels like falling to the ground and laying there till he leaves because the manner in which he stares at her is appalling.

Her audacity to share an eye contact with him made him even more furious. He raises his hand to hit her across the face but he immediately stops himself. He clenched his fists and gently lowered his hand.

No, slapping her would be stupid. The news would be everywhere that he hit a woman and feminists would come after him. He would be a villain on the news and it would be bad for the business he is about to start. His father hasn't handed the company over to him yet but he's about to start failing. He notices a few people recording the scenario.

He exhales. He uses his right hand to grab Elizabeth's tiny arm. He aggressively pulled her towards him. She silently grunts trying to move away from him but his grip was tenacious.

He wraps the jacket soaked in her vomit around her. He pulled her arm and thrust it into the sleeve of the jacket. She too should be soaked in her own vomit.

He put in the other arm and zips up the zipper. As much as it pains him to let his jacket go, this is the only thing he can do right now. It's not like he was gonna carry the shitty jacket back to his apartment in the first place.

He will certainly be back with revenge, but till then she can take this with her.

(Sunday morning)

The rays of the sun pierced in through the window blinds and its tiny rays fell on Elizabeth who is lying on her stomach. Elizabeth is lying on the floor still with Nicholas's jacket on and covered in her own dry puke.

Slowly and painfully, she opens her eyes.

"Ugh…" she silently winced.

Her head hurts like it was hit with a hammer. When she opened her eyes, her vision was blurry. She used the back of her palm to wipe her eyes, she looked around her again.

She quizzically raises her eyebrows when she found herself lying on the floor in the middle of the room. How did she get back to the hostel? And why is she on the floor?

She uses both hands to help herself up. She sits up and looks around the room as if it's her first time in there. She finds Jane lying on the pile of clothes she usually lies on. Tracy and Diane are lying on Tracy's bed. Sleeping like goddamn donkeys. Diane's mouth was wide open and Tracy had an extremely weird sleeping posture.

Elizabeth places her hand on her head, hoping it would ease the headache she feels. She feels something dried up on her hair, some strands of her hair are thick and stuck together. Did she pour glue on her hair? She moves her eyes in a bid to see what exactly made her hair like that but instead her eyes catch something different.

She notices a strange jacket sleeve over her arm. She furrows her brows and her eyes follow the sleeve to her torso.

Oh God! She has the whole jacket on, whose jacket is this?

She places her hands on the beautiful white jacket to feel the rich and quality texture. A smile sprung across her face when she realized that she can keep the jacket. She abruptly stopped smiling when she felt something thick on the jacket. Just like her hair.

The jacket is stained with a thick, dried up yellowish substance. She quickly unzips the jacket and she finds even more of the thick yellowish substance on her black dress.

What the heck is…? Oh God, are those tiny bits of chewed up food? Did someone throw up on her last night? She quickly takes the jacket off and throws it away.

"Oh God!" she exclaimed.

She stands on her feet trying so hard to remember who must have done this to her. From the looks of things, someone used the jacket to clean up and that person put the jacket on her body.

Tracy suddenly mumbles inaudible words while Elizabeth still stood there trying to recall what must have happened.

Curse the first drink she had at the club. Now she can't remember what exactly happened because she had too many drinks after that.

She suddenly recalls that she's covered in someone's puke. EWWW! She quickly grabbed her towel and sped into the bathroom to shower.

She poured a lot of shampoo on her hair. She scrubbed and washed her hair thoroughly. She spent virtually an hour in the bathroom, washing off someone's puke.

When she was done showering, she wrapped her towel round her body and walked out of the bathroom. She finds that Tracy is already awake.

"How did we get back here?" Tracy asked Diane who is still half asleep.

"Diane!" Tracy jerked her.

"And why are you on my bed?" Tracy asked.

Elizabeth gently closes the door, Tracy hears the door click and she immediately looks towards Elizabeth.

"You're up early, that's odd" Tracy said.

"I equally feel odd" Elizabeth responded.

"Diane get up!" Tracy continued trying to wake Diane.

"What?" Diane mumbled.

"Ugh!" Tracy exclaimed.

She immediately reached for a pillow and hit Diane on her head.

"You're on my bed, get up! I need you to tell me what happened last night" Tracy said.

"Wait, you also don't know what happened last night?" Elizabeth asked.

She hoped her roommates would know, and she would get back at the person who covered her in vomit.

"I don't know how we got back into the room" Tracy responded.

"I also don't know, leave me to sleep" Diane mumbled.

"I have absolutely no memory of what happened last night. All I can remember is when Diane and I danced together" Elizabeth explained.

"Jeez. That's messed up" Tracy replied.

"And when I wake up this morning, I find myself wrapped in a strange jacket that's covered in vomit"

"Oh dear God" Tracy expressed her disgust.

"I have no idea whose vomit it is and I have virtually no memory of last night" Elizabeth lamented.

"Jeez, was that your first time drinking?" Diane pitched in.

Elizabeth's awkward story awakened her.

"Not technically. I barely drink. And after I had a single glass of alcohol last night, I drank my throat out! There's typically someone there to stop me from drinking, but last night?

There was absolutely nobody. Forgetting what happened last night means I literally drowned myself in alcohol" Elizabeth narrated.

"...And weed" Jane whispered to no one's hearing.

"And this all happened when Diane gave me alcohol" Elizabeth aggressively said.

"Excuse me" Diane defended.

She quickly sat up.

"How was I supposed to know you have a drinking problem?" Diane asked.

"Calm down, there's no need to argue over it. We're sober now" Tracy interrupted.

"Somone's sobriety seems to be covered in someone's vomit" Diane mumbled.

Elizabeth goes to where she threw the white jacket. She uses her fingertips to pick it up.

"Does literally no one know who did this to me?" Elizabeth asked.

"I have no idea, but I remember seeing you outside lying on the floor. You passed out" Tracy said and Elizabeth gasped.

"Passed out? Then how did I get back to the hostel?" She further asked.

"I couldn't see properly, I was slowly going out…" Tracy answered.

"There was an uber, I think. And then there was Jane, Diane and some guy…" Tracy said with her hand on her head, trying hard to recall.

Some guy? Elizabeth thought.

"Yeah, the guy you were sitting with at the couch area" Tracy snapped.

"What guy?" Elizabeth asked in further confusion.

"The one you said you met at the bar counter" Tracy explained.

Elizabeth looked up at the ceiling like the ceiling had the answers she wanted. She has no memory of the guy she met at the counter. She forgets about trying to recall and talks about the jacket.

"At least I get to keep this jacket" Elizabeth said.

"You're keeping that piece of shit?" Diane asked.

"Heck yeah, once I dry clean this piece of shit. You'll see how incredible it'll look on me" Elizabeth said with a smile.

She throws the jacket back on the floor. Until she dry cleans it, it'll remain a dirty piece of shit.

"What about Jane? She was literally no where to be found last night" Elizabeth pointed out. She looks around the room and finds Jane probably sleeping or awake in her usual pile of cloths.

And on the pile of cloths are wraps of weed and some bottles of alcohol.

"Looks like she had fun" Diane sarcastically said.

She looks away from Jane and her eyes search the room for her phone.

"Where is my phone anyway?" Diane asked.

Elizabeth's ringtone, sunroof by dazy and nicky youre starts playing.

With her right hand holding her towel to her body she rushes towards her phone. Her uncle, Teddy seems to be calling her. She quickly picks it up.

"Uncle Teddy!" she exclaimed in excitement.

"Beth, how have you been?" Uncle Teddy asked from the other line.

"Been here, getting myself covered in puke" she whispered.

"What?" Her uncle asked to confirm what he heard.

"I said I'm fine!" Elizabeth lied.

"I just called to check up on you and let you know that I'll be coming to see you" Uncle Teddy said.

"Really?" Elizabeth asked in more excitement.

Uncle Teddy scoffs and then chuckles.

"Don't get your hopes up kid. I got work to do at a company, and its right across your school. So I thought I'd see you before I get there" Uncle Teddy said.

"We'll talk more when I get there" Uncle Teddy quickly said and he ended the call before Elizabeth could day anything.

"Good God that phone call felt like forever, I just couldn't wait to tell Diane to pack up her things!" Tracy yelled out.

"Calm down Tracy, they are just cloths and not wild animals" a carefree Diane said as she scrolled through her phone.

"Ugh!" Tracy fumed.

Elizabeth ignored her roommate's banter and got dressed. She's happy to see her uncle after a while. Oh, how excited she would be to see her mom, Maxwell and Travis. Just thinking about them made her smile, she misses her family.

"Uncle Teddy!" Elizabeth gleefully exclaimed.

Her uncle is getting down from an uber and she quickly rushes to embrace him.

"Hey" Uncle Teddy chuckled.

Elizabeth felt her uncle's stomach as she hugged him. She looks down and sees her uncle's growing pot belly.

"Damn Uncle Teddy, look at your stomach. I think I need to tell Mrs. Teddy to stop feeding you so much carbs" she suggested.

"Forget about carbs, I'm getting old and this is just part of aging" He stated.

"Speaking of carbs, do you know any restaurants nearby?" he asked.

Elizabeth gets herself and her uncle to a nearby restaurant for them to sit and talk.

"So, how has school been?" Uncle teddy asked with a mouth full of bagel.

"Fine?" Elizabeth skeptically answered as she was lost in watching the way her uncle chewed his food.

"How are the boys and the Mrs.?" Elizabeth asked.

Uncle Teddy simply nodded to indicate that his family is doing well.

"Like I said over the phone, I have work to do at a company so I decided I'd stop by and see you. Give you some suggestions probably" Uncle Teddy chewed.

"Let me hear it" Elizabeth said.

She picked up her creamed bagel and took a big bite out of it.

"I think it'll be nice if you come with me" Uncle Teddy said.

"To work?" Elizabeth surprisingly asked.

"Yes, it'll be good for your studies. You can watch me do some things and you can practically learn a few things from your uncle right here" Uncle Teddy said.

"I'd love to come" Elizabeth excitedly exclaimed.

"I knew you would be delighted, that's why I chose to tell you. The company is not really far from your school, which is a bonus" Uncle Teddy said.

"I've never heard of a company around here before" Elizabeth said.

"It's not as close as your delusional mind thinks" Uncle Teddy teased.

"What company is that?" She further asked with a chuckle.

"Mayburn" Uncle Teddy said with his eyes on his plate.

"It's newly constructed, so there isn't much information about it yet" he added.

It's been a while since I updated. I hope you're following up and enjoying the story.

XoXo, Kylie.

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