
Shook to the core

The next few weeks were a blur. She went to classes and returned to her dorm everyday without incident, there was always treats and flowers sitting outside her dorm room door from many different admirers.

Ring ring**

Raina answered her phone.

"Hello", she said politely.

"Raina. My lovely granddaughter, could you please meet me at the Cafe on fourth street in an hour?" Grandpa Feng asked cautiously.

"Sure grandpa in on my way now".

"Oh Thank you my lovely, filial granddaughter".

Grandpa Feng hung up. Raina changed into a casual black jeans and fade pink of the shoulder top with loose sleeves and a pair of heels. She got many whisltes and stares in the hallway but she ignored them. Walking calmly toward her car.

[at the Cafe]

Raina saw her grandfather waiting for her and immediately walked in to greet.

"hello grandpa", she said warmly. Grandpa Feng stood up to great his baby grand-daughter and hugged her tightly.

"Xiao ZhaBai[1] come sit down". Grandpa Feng urged her to her seat and made her sit in between him and the wall. Raina spoke casually to grandpa for a few minutes before he interrupted her. "Raina to day were here to meet you fiance". He beckoned for for someone to come over. Raina felt trapped and tried to stand up. Her grandfathers hand was on her leg holding her down. "ZhaBai don't misbehave". Her grandfather said warningly. She sat down and didn't dare struggle anymore. But what happened next mage her made her mouth drop like a guillotine. WTffff?!!! That... That guy... Did he follow her to the restaurant?!

Raina stood up. "You, why are you here?" he asked her surprise. "I'm here to meet my fiance", she replied sharply. Kai stopped in his tracks. Meet her fiance... She was getting married.?! Kai looked at the girl, his emotions wavered showing a brief glimpse of sadness and anger. What was that? Raina asked herself. Kai's grandfather walked in after him. Raina smiled brightly at him. "Mr. Takashi, so nice to meet you again". Kai thought she was talking to him, but she walked past him to shake hands with his grandfather. Raina, you look lovely today", grandpa ming pulled Raina into a quick embrace before holding her shoulder and waking with her to the table. "Let me introduce to my grandson, Kai this is Raina, Raina this is Kai".

1- this refers to rain cloud. Zha being rain and Bai being cloud