


  He wanted to speak, but he couldn't open his mouth. He was hesitant to tell Gina the truth. But he had to, once in for all.

  "No. I'm not your husband, Gina."

  He saw the sudden paleness on Gina's face. "I'm not your wife? H-how did that happen? Didn't we get married to the judge?" She asked one after another.

  "Because I'm not Ace Durant."

  "Then what? who are you?"

  "I'm Ace Soler."

  "Soler?" she repeated. "How are you related to Judge Soler?"

  "He's what I'm telling you, Gina. He's my father."

  The expression of her face revealed everything--shock, hurt and anger. Similar to how he felt when he'd realized that she recorded him without his knowledge.

  "Well, that simplifies things, doesn't it? no annulment, no legal separation and whatever." She said and got up from her seat. She took her bag from the table and noticed that her hands were shaking.

  "I only did that to protect you, Gina."

  "Thank you." She said in a sarcastic tone.