
a kind soul

~~~~~After school~~~~~

Akira: It sure is raining today.

Akira said with a concerned look at her face after looking at the weather

Tamaki: yeah,did you bring your umbrella,I would loveeeeee to share it with,imagine you and me being in the same umbrella,soooo romantinc

Akira: unlucky you I have my umbrella

Tamaki: hmph

Tamaki said with an annoyed face

Akira: let's go I will be late for my part time job

Tamaki: you have part time job?

Akira: yeah,3 days in the cafe and 3 days in the bakery

Tamaki: I didn'teven know!!! That'srude you should have told me

Akira: I don'tneed to,whatever let'sgo.

With this they both opened their umbrellas and stattered wtalking

Tamaki: so what did you have for lunch

Akira: well I didn't really have the money to buy lunch

Tamaki: wait,what??

Tamaki said with a annoyed and concerned look on his face

Tamaki: why didn't you say me, I could have given you my lunch or buy for you

Akira: I didn't really wanna bother you,and I am used to so don't worry.

Even though Akira said those with a big smile on her face he felt a guilt in him that he wasn't there when she really need her.l

Akira: you don't need to be concerned

Tamaki: I know

Tamaki said with a smile on his face then suddenly grabbed her hand and started running in the wrong direction

Akira: hey let go of me,and where are you going

Tamaki didn't say a voice and just kept guiding her

Akira: come on really I will be late…a restaurant??

akira was staring at a big fancy restaurant which she could never ever afford,screw a lunch she couldn't even afford a cup of water in there

Tamaki: you said you didn't have lunch so here we are

Akira: what the hell, I will be my job

Tamaki: a day off won't hurt anyone.

With those words Tamaki grabbed her hand once again and entered the restaurant that found a pretty comfortable place next to a window Tamaki and Akira sat down,tamaki still smiling and Akira blushing hard,even she can't understand why she is blushing, that she doesn't look like she belonged here or if she couldn't pay the food she orders,or this more looks like a date she couldn't chose either of them,maybe all of them Akira thought.

After they sat down,a waiter came in a shiny suit and gave them two menus and left

Akira: psst Tamaki I can't afford these,why did you bring me at such an expensive place anyway.

Akira said in a whisper so that they can't hear her

Tamaki: nobody told you to pay,don't worry about it

Akira: But…but…

Before she could complete her sentence the waiter came to take the order

Waiter: so what would the lady order

Akira: I..I..don't.. really..

Tamaki could see the tention and embarrassemental on her face so he spoke before akira could finish her sentence.

Tamaki: get her the usual lunch order

Waiter: yes sir

Akira: you must be rich,how luck of you

Tamaki: do you really think rich people are lucky

Akira: no,I think rich people have a lot of problems of their own

Tamaki: hmmm.

Tamaki could only remember the times he would always wish not to be rich,to have normal parents,have a normal home,have a normal life.

Akira: so you come here often?

Tamaki: I have to come to restaurants to attend several mmeetings

Akira: I thought you had a lot of time in your hands,but you are busy too,ok tell me why did you come to a school like this like this school,as I knew this school has the lowest tuition ever.

Tamaki: well that's something I can't say right now.

Akira: huh?

Before akira could sat anything the food arrived

After looking at the food she was about to faint

Akira: I can't eat so much

But then a growling sound came from her stomach

Tamaki: well I don't think you will have a problem to eat these

Akira: but…but

Tamaki: don't speak eat.

After like an hour which seemed like 100 years she finished her food

Akira: ahhhh I am full.

Even though there were plenty of food tamaki didn't even take a piece of anythink all he did was stare at her which made things a little embarrassing for her

After paying the bill,she realised that the rain stopped and it's already night time

Akira: I am sprey I am gonna pay all of that,I don't know when but I wouldn't want to be in a dept of yours.

Tamaki: nonsense,do you really hate me so much that I can't even pay for such a little thing like that

Akira: no it's nothing like that…but

Tamaki : it's set then let's go it's late

They walked quietly without saying anything.With tamaki his hands shoved in his pockets,akira in the other hand figuring to say somethings to break of the awkwardness

Akira: so I never really saw your house maybe one day we can hang out.

Tamaki: oh it's the first time you really are interested in me,what's going in your mind ishizaka(her last name)

Akira: I didn't mean nothing like that,idiot!!

Tamaki: it would be better if you didn't come to my house.

Tamaki said with a serious look on his face

Akira: huh??

Akira said with confusion

Tamaki: so what about your house?

Akira: I don't really think that is a good idea

Tamaki: but why? I would be more than happy to meet your family

Akira: well,I don't have a great house,you know like, okay I will show you later like,oh I am near my house bye!!

Tamaki: wait!!

Akira: I can't let him see my house or he will just keep coming like a stalker,and my house is in a bad shape

But I couldn't thank him enough for the favor he done for her,he may be sarcastic and a show off but he sure has a kind soul,I know I will just thank him tomorrow.

To be continued in next chapter

[I am sorry I am really tired and couldn't write much and explain much I am so sorry but I promise there are really juicy parts coming tomorrow,bye hope you enjoyed]

To be continued in next chapter

[I am sorry I am really tired and couldn't write much and explain much I am so sorry but I promise there are really juicy parts coming tomorrow,bye hope you enjoyed]

Md_Fatimacreators' thoughts