

When Barbara Adams, a teenager with an insatiable curiosity, that has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, receives a life-changing scholarship to an upscale school. This golden opportunity propels her into a world of knowledge, new connections, and love at an unexpected time. Just when everything seems to be falling into place, tragedy befalls her lover on Valentine's Day, leading her to a profound realization that life holds deeper meaning than she ever imagined. It's incredible how life's twists and turns can shape our understanding, isn't it?

Vee_mel0die · Fantasy
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12 Chs


In a blink of an eye, it was Monday again. With a weary sigh, Barbara peered through her half-opened eyes, greeted by the incessant beeping of her alarm clock. Reluctantly, she pried herself away from the cozy embrace of her bed, shivering as her feet touched the cold wooden floor. As she stumbled into the bathroom, the sharp scent of mint toothpaste filled the air, awakening her senses. She carefully selected her outfit for the day, which was her school uniform. However, there was a glimmer of anticipation in her heart. The anticipation of the upcoming physics test tingled in her veins, bringing a twinkle to her eyes and a spring to her step. With a renewed sense of purpose, Barbara swiftly gathered her belongings and dashed out the door, excitement propelling her forward like a gust of wind on a crisp autumn morning.

Barbara's steps quickened with an air of anticipation as she entered the bustling halls of the school. A bright smile adorned her face. Amidst the sea of students, her eyes locked onto Liam, a magnetic presence with an undeniable charm. He stood amidst a cluster of girls, their laughter mingling with the echoes of the hallway. As if drawn by an invisible force, Liam's gaze met Barbara's, and a mischievous grin spread across his face.

"Hey stranger!" his voice rang out, cutting through the chatter. A surge of warmth filled Barbara's heart, and she eagerly quickened her pace, each step fuelling a nervous anticipation that danced within her like a million butterflies.

Wait what? How could she feel butterflies for a guy she just met twice? It doesn't make any sense.

"Wow," Barbara whispered under her breath, eyes widening in surprise as she hurriedly sidestepped Liam. This was his very first day, yet it seemed he effortlessly commanded attention, rivalling the popularity of Joel, the long-revered heartthrob of the school. The waves of whispered conversations and giggles that followed in Liam's wake were evidence of his instant magnetism.

Liam excused himself from the girls surrounding him, with a charismatic smile that effortlessly disarmed them. As he made his way towards Barbara, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. In the midst of fading chatter, Barbara caught a snippet of a girl's jealous remark.

"This pauper somehow manages to attract hot guys." Though the words lingered in her ears, Barbara chose to rise above the negativity, her focus shifting to the warmth that radiated from Liam's hand gently resting on her shoulder.

"You don't have any right to touch me."


Barbara's gaze shifted from his hands on her shoulder to his face, searching for a trace of understanding.

"Oh, je suis désolé." Liam apologized and Barbara pushed his hands away from her shoulder and walked away.

As the classroom door swung open, the teacher walked in and her eyes landed on Liam. With a smile, she pointed at him and asked him to introduce himself to the class.

"She didn't smile when she asked me to introduce myself." Barbara thought.

"Oui." Liam said as he stepped in front of the class, with a charming smile spreading across his face.

"Good morning, I am Liam Hunter." Liam briefly said with that radiant smile still stuck on his face.

"And?" The teacher intrigued, leaned in and asked. Her voice carried a hint of anticipation, urging him to continue.

"Oh right, I am the son of the richest business tycoon in town. You see, my family's wealth has been carefully passed down through generations, and my mother, ma chère mère, she inherited a magnificent fortune." His voice held a touch of pride, reflecting the grandeur of his lineage.

"I just bought a Bugatti La Voiture Noire last week, and I love physics." Liam said and went back to his seat. Everyone in the class was clapping including the teacher, captivated by Liam's tales of opulence and the allure of his latest prized possession.

Barbara wasn't listening to a word he said, the only thing she heard was his name and that he loved physics. She decided that she was going to wait and see just how much he loves physics on the physics test today. 

The time for the test arrived, ticking away as the classroom filled with an air of anticipation. Barbara eagerly scanned through the questions, her eyes flickering with confidence and excitement. To her, the questions seemed like a breeze, effortlessly decipherable. A radiant smile adorned her face, reflecting the inner joy she felt.

Feeling a surge of confidence, Barbara swiftly tackled the test. In a mere ten minutes, she had completed the entire examination, much to her own surprise. She marveled at her own intellect and the ease with which she had accomplished the task. It felt as though the answers had effortlessly flowed from her mind to the questions.

As soon as Barbara completed her final stroke, the questions magically submitted themselves, effortlessly whisked away to the digital realm of the school's website. She couldn't help but marvel at the efficiency of the school's system, amazed by how swiftly and seamlessly technology had integrated itself into their academic journey.

As the clock approached the twenty-minute mark, a sense of anticipation filled the air, thick with nervous excitement. The students eagerly directed their attention to the colossal screen dominating the front of the classroom, awaiting the unveiling of their test scores.

With a touch of theatrical flair, the teacher's voice cut through the silent anticipation, resonating with warmth and enthusiasm. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for," the teacher announced.

Her words rang out, shattering the silence like shattered glass. "Taking the coveted first position for today's physics test, we have the exceptional Barbara Adams, who achieved a perfect score!" The room erupted with a symphony of gasps, they knew she was smart, but they didn't think she would be smart enough to get a perfect score.

A mischievous glint danced in the teacher's eyes, her gaze shifting to none other than Liam Hunter, the ambitious student who had proclaimed his love for physics.

"But wait," the teacher exclaimed, unable to suppress her own excitement, "it seems we have a worthy contender in our midst, Liam Hunter with ninety nine percent!"

Her voice dripping with playful encouragement, the teacher turned towards Barbara, a sly grin spreading across their face. "You did a great job, Miss Barbara, and Liam," the teacher teased, nudging them both with a figurative elbow, "looks like you've got yourself some fierce competition!"

As soon as the teacher left the class, Amelia came over to Barbara grinning from ear to ear, like a child on her way to Candyland.

"Barbs, my physics superstar!" Amelia exclaimed, unable to contain her elation. "You were absolutely incredible! Finally, someone who outshines Liam in physics. Now he's got nothing left to boast about!" A burst of giggles erupted from Amelia, her gaze shifting playfully from Liam to Barbara.

A sense of satisfaction washed over Barbara as she basked in the glow of her achievement. In this moment, Amelia's infectious enthusiasm brought an extra layer of euphoria to Barbara's triumph, fueling her confidence further.

As Joelle and Joel approached, their eyes twinkling with genuine excitement, Barbara felt a surge of joy. The bonds of friendship that had formed at Sugarhill Academy enveloped her in a warmth she had never experienced before. In that fleeting moment, she couldn't help but reflect on her past. Her life had revolved around on her unwavering devotion to her studies, her loving mother and brother. But beyond that, the realm of friendships had remained unexplored, like an untouched canvas longing to be filled. But now, she had a newfound joy in the companionship of Joelle, Joel, Hina and Amelia. They brought colour to her black and white life.

"You did a great job, Barbara. This calls for celebration, let's go to a karaoke place after school. Liam, you are invited." Joelle said authoritatively with a smile on her face. Other people were clearly jealous that they were hanging out with Joelle.

"Why does Liam have to come?" Amelia's words lingered in the air, coated with a hint of displeasure. Her lips smacked, and confusion painted her expression. The group erupted in laughter, but Amelia remained in the dark, unable to grasp the humor.

The final bell rang, signaling the end of another day at school. Hina, with her distinctive aura, awaited their arrival down the hall. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation when she embraced her how much fun they are going to have after school.

Amelia's keen eyes quickly picked out Hina from the crowd and her hand shot up, waving exuberantly to catch her attention. Hina's face was calm, mirroring the enthusiasm radiating from her friends. The group converged like a constellation forming in the night sky, ready to embark on a journey of laughter and camaraderie.

"Hina, you didn't do the physics tests. You didn't even come to class." Barbara said with concern written all over her, it was evident in her every word as she spoke to Hina, her eyes filled with worry.

"Oh Barbie, my little naive Barbie." Hina stated and as Barbara was about to reply, Hina placed her index finger on Barbara's lips and said "Shhh". The action made Amelia chuckled a bit, then she tried to make a straight face.

"Barbie, I always write the test but never in the class, I hate the class. I have a special room I stay all day. I was the fourth on the screen, but nobody saw that, you all were all focused on Barbara and Liam." Hina said collectively, looking deep in Barbara's eyes.


Leaving the familiar grounds of their school behind, Hina's car stood waiting. Hina initiated her customary routine, orchestrating the calling of a driver for Mordecai and the hiring of maids to tend to his needs. Meanwhile, Liam, Amelia, Joel, and Joelle displayed their own affluence by beckoning their personal drivers to collect their respective vehicles.

Yet, it was within the spacious confines of Hina's car, an enigma of automotive craftsmanship, that the group found solace. Its capacious interior effortlessly accommodated all six passengers, defying the expectations of conventionality. The car was very comfortable.

Soon enough, they got to the karaoke place. The neon lights beckoned, casting colorful reflections on the excited faces of their quartet. As they stepped inside, the music enveloped them like a warm embrace, spreading infectious energy throughout the room. Every note sung, every burst of laughter, transformed the space into a sanctuary of unbridled fun.

Their harmonious voices harmonized with the air, and their laughter resonated like the chorus of a catchy melody. Amelia, with her magnetic charisma, drew the attention of fellow karaoke enthusiasts, both in awe and envy of her beautiful voice.

With each song they sang, their voices intertwining like a tapestry of melodies, they painted an indelible picture in the minds and hearts of both admirers and peers.

As all of them seemed to be having fun, Barbara and Liam were sitting in a corner. Amelia and Joel went over to them, to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"What are they talking about?" Hina asked.

"They are just talking about physics. Weirdos." Joel replied Hina and they all laughed.

"Your fingernails look unexpectedly long." Liam said to Barbara as he was holding her hand and caressing her fingernails. Barbara removed her hand from his grip and let out a faint smile.

"Yours are really long too."

"Really? I just cut them this morning. They grow so fast."

"Same. Sometimes they feel like claws."

"Oui. Finally, someone that understands." Liam said and the both of them chuckled quitely.

"Do you have a favourite physicist?" Liam asked Barbara with sparks obvious in his eyes.

"Of course not. I feel that every physicist studied and researched various aspects of physics. They explore the fundamental principles of the universe and work on understanding the laws and mechanisms that govern our physical world. They all contributed greatly to the world of physics today. So why should I choose one."

"I feel the same too. Vous savez, we are more similar than I thought." Liam replied grinning.

After some time had passed, Hina approached them with an air of confusion, seemingly perplexed by their deep dive into the realm of physics. She couldn't fathom why, mere moments after leaving school, they were engrossed in a conversation about such complex concepts. To her, it seemed nonsensical, as if the laws of physics and their practicality had no correlation in a karaoke bar. With a furrowed brow and an insatiable curiosity, she proceeded to wrest them away from their scientific musings.

She smacked Liam on his butt and stared at him with confusion.

"Young Lady, that was unexpectedly rude." Liam said responding to her action.

"Oh shut up!" Hina said as she smacked his butt again.

After a while, one by one, they started to leave, until it remained Barbara and Amelia. Amelia swiftly dialed her driver to come pick them up.

They didn't end the fun though, they continued singing and dancing for a while.

"Amelia, you have a very beautiful voice. It's like it is magical." Barbara said in awe of Amelia's voice.

"I know." Amelia replied shortly and their laughter echoed through the Karaoke bar.

The driver came soon enough. This car was different from the car Amelia used on Saturday.

"What's up with you and Liam?" Amelia asked so straightforwardly.

"I think he is cool." Barbara replied blushing.

"You have a crush on him, don't you?" Amelia asked as straightforward as the last time. At this point Barbara went into a deep train of thought. Does she really have a crush on him? Of course not, she doesn't have time for that. She came to school to learn, not to be sidetracked because of a boy.

"It looks like my lady is lost in her own thoughts. You know it's fine if you like him, he is nice to everyone except me. So I gladly give you my approval." Amelia said snapping her fingers at the front of Barbara's face.

"No, I don't like him." Barbara snapped.

"Hmn-hmn." Amelia said, giving Barbara a side eye.


As soon as Barbara got to her house, she hopped down from Amelia's ride and waved goodbye to her.

She rang the doorbell, and to her surprise, it wasn't Mordecai that opened the door.

"Mum?" She said surprised as her mother gestured for her to come in.

"My work place gave me a day off, I wanted to surprise you and Mordecai, but what do I see when I rang the doorbell, maids invading my home. Do you care to explain?"

"I went to a Karaoke place with my friends."

"That doesn't explain what the maids were doing in my house." Now, Her mother's voice was laced with a hint of anger.

"Errm, mum.... a friend of mine hired maids to help out with my chores and cook for Kai."

"And you didn't care to inform me." Now she was really angry. Barbara had a lot to say, but she decided that she was just going to apologize.

"Mum, I am sorry...... I am sorry for having friends for the first time in my life, I am sorry for not living my life for you and Mordecai for the first time. I am sorry because I have rich friends who can hire maids and drivers to help me out once in a while, I am sorry because I had fun for once in my life....mum I am so sorry." Barbara said and she walked to her room. Her mother took a deep breath and exhaled, her plan of surprising her children didn't turn out as she expected.

Her mother knocked on Barbara's room door and walked it.

"I apologize, Barbara. I didn't realize you felt that way. But do you remember why I was named Hera?" she inquired, her voice exuding a mixture of curiosity and motherly love. Barbara let out a small sigh, her reply laced with a touch of playful exasperation.

"Oh, Mum, you've told me a million times," she responded with a gentle chuckle. Sensing an opportunity to reaffirm her maternal dedication, Hera's eyes sparkled as she shared the significance behind her name.

"You see, my dear, I was named Hera because within me beats a fierce protector's heart, one that shields and cherishes all those I hold dear, including you and Mordecai. Someday, I would love to meet these friends of yours, wouldn't that be something?" Barbara's cheeks flushed with a mix of anticipation and mild embarrassment.

"Oh, Mum, you're going to embarrass me," she admitted, her tone filled with both affection and apprehension. A shared moment of laughter enveloped them, their joy intertwining like a beautiful tapestry.

Embracing Barbara tightly, Hera whispered in her ear.

"S'agapó, my darling. I love you unconditionally, and if it means occasionally teasing and embarrassing you, then so be it." Their laughter echoed in the air, a manifestation of the unbreakable bond they shared.

Thanks for reading this chapter ❤️❤️

"Happiness is making the most of what you have, and riches is making the most of what you've got."

                               - Rosamunde Pilcher