

When Barbara Adams, a teenager with an insatiable curiosity, that has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, receives a life-changing scholarship to an upscale school. This golden opportunity propels her into a world of knowledge, new connections, and love at an unexpected time. Just when everything seems to be falling into place, tragedy befalls her lover on Valentine's Day, leading her to a profound realization that life holds deeper meaning than she ever imagined. It's incredible how life's twists and turns can shape our understanding, isn't it?

Vee_mel0die · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Barbara's behaviour the rest of the day and throughout the week wasn't quite surprising. She completely ignored everyone, including Amelia, Joel, and Joelle, no matter how hard they tried to engage with her. They attempted to strike up conversations, crack jokes, but she either brushed them off or found a reason to escape the interaction. Joel became increasingly frustrated with Hina and kept insisting that she apologizes, but Hina's response remained the same - she simply rolled her eyes and walked away, unfazed. It's like Barbara had built a wall around herself, and Joel didn't like it.

She woke up on Saturday, a sense of relief washing over her as she realized she finally had a break from the school. As she emerged from her slumber, her head throbbed with a persistent pain, causing her to wince with discomfort. To ensure some much-needed peace, Barbara had specifically instructed Mordecai not to disturb her unless it was absolutely necessary. With a heavy sigh, she buried her face deeper into the softness of her pillow, desperately trying to find solace. But as she lay there, the memories of that unexpected kiss continued to swirl in her mind, refusing to let her fully escape their grasp. It was as though they had carved a permanent place within her thoughts, refusing to release its hold.

"I didn't like that kiss, I didn't like that kiss," she whispered fervently, her voice barely audible, as if confessing a secret to her pillow and trying to convince herself. Every word dripped with disappointment, her feelings echoing through the silence of her room. The taste of the unwanted kiss lingered on her lips, like a bitter reminder of something she couldn't quite shake off.

In that moment, a surge of unease coursed through her, like a small jolt of electricity. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each one tangling with the next, a primal release of frustration and confusion. As she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her breath came in shallow gasps, urging her to confront the wave of emotions crashing against her.

As she lay there, lost in her own turmoil, a sudden knock on her door shattered the fragile tranquility. The sound reverberated through her consciousness, sending shivers down her spine. With each subsequent knock, her headache throbbed in sync, intensifying the discomfort that had settled in her temples.

Reluctantly, she pushed herself up from the comfort of her bed, her body feeling heavy with trepidation. Slowly, she made her way towards the door, her footsteps hesitant and uncertain. Each step felt like a weighty decision, propelling her closer to the unknown, while simultaneously reminding her of the lingering unease that had taken hold of her.

With a trembling hand, she reached for the doorknob, her fingers grazing the cool metal, as if seeking reassurance. As she was about to open the door, it swung open.

"Hey Barbs, someone's at the door," Mordecai exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face as he spoke. "She goes by the name Hina, and get this, she gave me money, a thousand! I think I like her." His sheepish smile betrayed a hint of excitement and curiosity about this unexpected encounter.

But then, his jubilant expression shifted abruptly as he turned his attention to Barbara. Concern etched across his features, he couldn't help but notice that something wasn't quite right.

"You don't look so good," he said, genuine worry lacing his voice. "Are you running a fever?"

In response, Barbara smacked her lips, summoning a faint smile. With a thumbs-up gesture, she assured him that she was alright, downplaying any discomfort she might be feeling. But Mordecai ever attentive, could see through her facade. The worry in his eyes deepened, mirrored by the furrowed lines on his forehead.

"Tell her to go away." Barbara, exhausted by the tumultuous events of the week, simply stated. With a resigned sigh, she closed the door, shutting out the outside world. Collapsing onto her bed, she succumbed to the weariness that had settled within her bones.

The room grew quiet as Barbara's thoughts swirled in her mind like a tempest. Fatigue washed over her, mingling with a mix of apprehension and uncertainty. As she lay there, the weight of her decisions and the repercussions of her actions bore heavy on her shoulders. She closed her eyes really tight trying to bottle all her thoughts.

All of a sudden, a prickling sensation ran down Barbara's spine, as if she was being watched intently. Her heart skipped a beat, and her instincts kicked in. With quick thinking, she reached under her bed, grasping onto the cold handle of a gleaming knife. The weight of the weapon in her hand offered a sense of security in this moment of uncertainty.

As her gaze shifted upwards, her eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. There, outside her window, stood Hina, an enigmatic figure. Intriguingly, instead of evoking fear or alarm, Hina's presence induced a sense of curiosity. With a slight gesture, she motioned for Barbara to open the window.

A mixture of apprehension and an unyielding desire for answers filled Barbara's mind. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating the risks and the potential consequences of embracing the unknown. And yet, her curiosity burned brightly within her, with a deep breath, she mustered her courage slowly opened the window.

Hina jumped inside the room looking at Barbara coldly.

"I told you to go away Hina." Barbara said looking at her deep into her eyes.

"I came here to talk to you, and I don't plan on going until I've done that." Hina said that with no emotions in her eyes. Then she started looking at every inch of Barbara's room.

The walls are painted a soothing shade of lavender, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and creativity. Posters of famous physicists such as Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and Isaac Newton adorn the walls, proudly displaying their contributions to the world of science.

In one corner of the room, a well-stocked bookshelf stands tall, filled with volumes of physics textbooks, biographies of influential scientists, and thought-provoking novels that explore the wonders of the universe. The books are meticulously arranged in alphabetical order, providing easy access for her curious mind.

A study desk takes center stage, cluttered with notes, equations, and diagrams meticulously scribbled on sheets of paper. A laptop sits atop the desk, its screen illuminated with simulations and calculations. A collection of vintage and modern scientific instruments, including an elegant brass telescope and a sleek digital multimeter, are scattered across the desk, testaments to her passion for discovery.

In one corner, a comfortable bean bag chair provides a cozy spot to relax and ponder the secrets of the cosmos. A fluffy throw blanket and a stack of scientific magazines are within arm's reach, ready to offer inspiration during moments of contemplation. A small side table holds a cup of steaming tea, a cherished companion during late-night study sessions.

On the walls, string lights are delicately intertwined with miniature replicas of stars and planets, casting a gentle glow reminiscent of the night sky. A decorative mobile features celestial objects, gracefully spinning in harmony, adding an ethereal touch to the room's ambiance.

"You really love physics huh?" Hina asked still looking at the room.

"Why are you here?" Barbara simply asked ignoring Hina's question.

"You know why I'm here Barbie, you don't have to pretend."

"I'm not even a lesbian." Barbara said staring at the floor, Hina looked at her for a while.

"So you think I'm a lesbian?" Hina asked Barbara sarcastically, she turned away and there was silence in the room for a while.

Then Hina started walking close to Barbara staring deeply in her eyes.

"Then why did you do it?" Barbara asked walking backwards as Hina continued to walk towards her, still looking deep in her eyes.

"I saw your lips, I was curious, and I tasted it. It was like nothing I've ever tasted, that was the reason it was hard for me to pull away." Hina replied with a smirk on her face, Barbara hated that smirk, she wished that she could just rip it off Hina's face.

"That was a first kiss Hina, my first kiss was with a girl. A girl who happens to be the daughter of a mafia, these things may not be important to you, but I take them very serious." Barbara said acting all paranoid.

"It was also my first, Barbie. So you don't have to be paranoid about it." Hina said calmly and Barbara's jaws dropped and she whispered "lies" underneath her breath. Hina convinced her that she wasn't lying and there was an awkward silence between them. Hina decided to sit on Barbara's bed.

"How did you get up here?" Barbara asked her looking down from her window.

"A ladder." Hina replied plainly

"Where is it now?" Barbara asked looking confused as she looked down from her window, Hina looked at her puzzled and went to meet her. Nothing was seen.

"Oh it must have fallen, you can see some pieces of wood there...and there and here." Hina said pointing at the places the pieces of wood, Barbara chuckled at the sight of Hina pointing and acting like a child.

Hina, with an air of mystery surrounding her, discreetly left Barbara's side and gracefully made her way towards the bathroom. Curiosity got the better of Barbara, prompting her to follow Hina's enigmatic footsteps.

As Barbara entered the bathroom, confusion danced across her face, and she couldn't help but voice her perplexity. "Hina, what are you doing in here?" She inquired but Hina was silent, darting around the room as if in search of something.

Within the dimly lit bathroom, Hina's gaze fixed upon the intricately patterned tiles, seemed to be in a state of profound concentration. Hina grabbed a towel. Barbara couldn't help but be captivated by the subtle grace in Hina's every movement.

A glimmer caught Barbara's eye. With bated breath, Barbara watched as Hina delicately unraveled a fine silver chain from around her wrist to wet the towel from the basin.

Hina locked eyes with Barbara and leaned close to her with no space between them. She rub the wet towel on Barbara's face cleaning the dried saliva on her cheek. Barbara was so embarrassed, she couldn't believe that was there the whole time.

"I'm sorry, Barbie." Hina said looking deep in Barbara's eyes, apologizing for the kiss. Barbara blinked a lot and it fell quite.

"When.....when you kissed me, It felt as if your canine grew longer and they bit my lips." Barbara said showing Hina her lips and the two faint marks there. Hina locked eyes with Barbara, her expression unreadable yet filled with intrigue. In that moment of tense silence, Barbara's words seemed to linger in the air, waiting for Hina's response.

"So it's like, I am a vampire." Hina mused, her voice void of any discernible emotion. Her remark sent a shiver down Barbara's spine as she tried to decipher the true meaning behind Hina's words. Barbara looked at her stunned trying to find any form of emotion in her eyes, but she found none. For a moment, she started to think that Hina meant what she had just said. But as doubt began to consume her, Hina's laughter rang out, dispelling the eerie ambiance that had settled between them.

A mixture of relief and bewilderment washed over Barbara as she realized Hina's words were merely a mischievous jest. Hina's laughter filled the room, echoing with playful delight. "You must've thought I was serious, Barbie! You're just too cute," Hina giggled, teasingly pinching Barbara's cheeks. Barbara couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, her heart no longer burdened by the weight of uncertainty.

"You must've thought I was serious, Barbie! You're just too cute," Hina giggled, teasingly pinching Barbara's cheeks. Barbara couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, her heart no longer burdened by the weight of uncertainty.

As Hina's hands touched Barbara's cheeks, they felt like they were burning because they were so hot.

"Do you have a fever?" Hina said immediately going back to her straight face. Barbara nodded and she asked her to take her bath.

"Let's go get some drinks with the others, it will make you feel much more better. And don't worry, the maids will soon arrive incase you are worried about your brother or your chores." Hina said smoothly and Barbara couldn't even protest. Hina is so unbelievable. 

Thanks for reading this chapter ❤️❤️

"Forgiveness doesn't change the past, but it does enlarge the future."

                                                 -Paul Boese.